Ayurveda is India's invaluable gift to World: President Murmu graces 8th foundation day of AIIA

Published On 2024-10-10 05:15 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-10 06:16 GMT

New Delhi: The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu graced the 8th foundation day of All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) in New Delhi. 

Speaking on the occasion, the President said that Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. It is India's invaluable gift to the world. Ayurveda emphasizes holistic health management while maintaining a balance between mind, body and spirit.  

The President said that we have always been aware of the medicinal value of the trees and plants around us and have been using them. In tribal society, the tradition of knowledge of herbs and medicinal plants has been even richer. But as society embraced modernity and moved away from nature, we stopped using that traditional knowledge. It became easier to get medicine from a doctor than adopt home remedies. Now awareness among people is increasing. 


Also Read:All India Institute of Ayurveda inks MoU with Amity University to promote research, education

Today, the idea of an Integrative System of Medicine is becoming popular all over the world. Different medical systems are helping to provide health to people as complementary systems to each other.

The President said that we have unwavering faith in Ayurveda from generation to generation. Some people take advantage of this faith and cheat innocent people. They spread misleading information and make false claims, which not only harm the money and health of the public but also defame Ayurveda. She stated that more and more qualified doctors are needed so that people do not have to go to uneducated doctors.

She was happy to note that in the past few years, the number of Ayurveda colleges and students has increased significantly. She expressed confidence that in the coming times, the availability of qualified Ayurvedic doctors will increase further.

The President said that the development of Ayurveda will not only be beneficial for humans but also for animals and the environment. Many trees and plants are becoming extinct because we do not know about their utility. When we know their importance, we will preserve them.

The President said that people associated with different systems of medicine often claim that their system is the best. It is good to have healthy competition among themselves but there should be no attempt to criticize each other. There should be a sense of cooperation among people associated with different systems of medicine. The aim of all is to do good to humanity by curing the patients. We all pray ‘Sarve Santu Niramayah’ - everyone should be free from diseases.

The President said that we have to focus on research and continuous improvement in the quality of medicines to ensure the relevance of Ayurveda. We also need to empower the Ayurveda educational institutions. She was happy to note that the All India Institute of Ayurveda, combining traditional education with modern technology, has made its important place in Ayurvedic medicine, education, research and overall healthcare in a short span of time.


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