Articulating paper better than digital devices for occlusional assessment, reveals research

Published On 2024-10-07 15:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-07 15:31 GMT

Articulating paper better than digital devices for occlusional assessment reveals research published in the Journal of clinical medicine.

As the demand for digital dentistry constantly increases, digital devices are gradually replacing conventional methods of recording occlusal contacts.OccluSense is a digital occlusion instrument that captures occlusal contact force and time. OccluSense cannot discriminate between contact pressures on incisal edges, occlusal surfaces, cingulums, mesial and distal marginal ridges, fossa, and cusp tips

The study aimed to assess the inter-rater reliability of occlusal contact point detection using 40 μm articulating paper, Medit i700, and OccluSense and compare the occlusal contact distribution using the articulating paper and intraoral scanner. Material and Methods: The study included 25 participants aged 20 to 30 (13 women and 12 men). Photographs of contact points were taken and marked in maximum intercuspal position (MIP), in protrusive and laterotrusive movements, on working and non-working sides using 40 μm articulating paper and digital devices. The Cohen’s Kappa coefficient assessed the inter-rater reliability. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test compared dependent groups, articulating paper, and Medit i700. Results: The Cohen’s Kappa index showed almost perfect agreement was achieved with 40 μm articulating paper. Compared to Medit i700, the 40 μm articulating paper showed an increased mean number of contacts per tooth, except for the third molars. Conclusions: The 40 μm articulating paper has detected more overall contacts than the digital devices, particularly in the posterior areas. An ideal method for registering occlusal contacts has not been established yet.



Manziuc, M.-M.; Savu, M.M.; Almăşan, O.; Leucuţa, D.-C.; Tăut, M.; Ifrim, C.; Berindean, D.; Kui, A.; Negucioiu, M.; Buduru, S. Insights into Occlusal Analysis: Articulating Paper versus Digital Devices. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 4506.


Articulating, paper, digital, devices, occlusional, assessment, reveals, research, journal of clinical medicine, digital dentistry; occlusal contacts; OccluSense; intraoral scanner; articulating pap, Manziuc, M.-M.; Savu, M.M.; Almăşan, O.; Leucuţa, D.-C.; Tăut, M.; Ifrim, C.; Berindean, D.; Kui, A.; Negucioiu, M.; Buduru, S

Article Source : journal of clinical medicine

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