Doctors in US city go paperless by using Google Glass

Published On 2016-01-25 06:41 GMT   |   Update On 2016-01-25 06:41 GMT
New York : Ten doctors at CHI Health Centre in the Omaha city of Nebraska state in the US are using Google Glass - personal assistant tool to help them take better care of patients by reducing the cumbersome paperwork.

Google Glass allows a remote scribe to take detailed notes for the physician - allowing the doctor to provide more direct patient care, reported on Saturday.

The scribe delivers vital information like weight, lab work and blood pressure to the doctor through a projector, the report added.

"I had a hard time with the typing in the room," a doctor said, adding, "For me, if I don't look at a patient's face, I would miss a lot of emotions. Now, I don't even have to turn on the computer in the room."

The doctor said she just asks her helper scribe to put information and she gets it in no time.

According to the report, although the patients or the doctors cannot see or hear the scribe, they can see and hear what is going on during the appointment through a projector.

The health centre would soon be give away more devices to 10 more doctors, the report added.

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