Can bananas cure ulcers?

Written By :  Dr Nitisha Kalia
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr. Kamal Kant Kohli
Published On 2024-06-21 12:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-06-21 12:00 GMT

Claim: A post on Instagram claims that eating bananas can cure ulcers. The post highlights the health benefits of bananas, including that they improve digestion, reduce stress, increase energy, fight infection, and lower blood pressure. The post has over 500 likes and can be seen here.

Fact Check: The claim is FALSE.

What is an Ulcer?

According to the National Cancer Institute, an ulcer is a break in the skin, in the lining of an organ, or on the surface of a tissue. (1)


What are the different types of ulcers?

Ulcers develop on various parts of the body and are often caused by a breakdown of the skin or mucous membrane. The main types of ulcers include:

  • Peptic Ulcers: These can occur in the stomach (gastric ulcers), the upper part of the small intestine (duodenal ulcers), and the esophagus (esophageal ulcers). They are commonly caused by Helicobacter pylori infections or the prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Mouth ulcers: These affect the oral cavity and include cold sores and canker sores. Cold sores are typically caused by the herpes simplex virus, while canker sores are non-contagious and can result from various factors including stress, minor mouth injuries, or acidic foods.
  • Genital Ulcers: Usually resulting from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), genital ulcers can cause significant discomfort and require medical treatment to address underlying infections like herpes or syphilis
  • Skin Ulcers: These include bedsores (pressure ulcers) that develop due to prolonged pressure on the skin, and diabetic ulcers, which are common in people with diabetes and result from poor circulation and neuropathy
  • Corneal Ulcers: These affect the cornea of the eye and are usually caused by infections or injuries. Prompt treatment is essential to prevent serious complications, including vision loss

How are ulcers treated?

  • Peptic Ulcers: Treatment involves antibiotics for H. pylori infection, medication to reduce stomach acid, and H2 receptor blockers to decrease acid production.
  • Mouth Ulcers: Doctors prescribe antiviral medications for cold sores, and topical treatments or mouth rinses to reduce pain and inflammation for canker sores.
  • Genital Ulcers: Antiviral or antibiotic medications depending on the underlying STD, along with proper hygiene and avoiding sexual contact until treated.
  • Skin Ulcers: Regular repositioning to relieve pressure, proper wound care, maintaining good blood sugar control for diabetic ulcers, and using pressure-relieving devices.
  • Corneal Ulcers: Antibacterial, antiviral, or antifungal eye drops are prescribe depending on the cause, and sometimes corticosteroid eye drops to reduce inflammation

Can bananas cure ulcers?

While some studies have shown that bananas contain compounds that may protect the stomach lining, there is no scientific evidence that supports the claim that bananas can cure ulcers.

A review published in the Journal of Experimental Biology discussed the role of plant-based compounds in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders. It mentions that bananas contain leucocyanidin, which can increase mucus production and help strengthen the stomach lining, thereby reducing irritation and promoting healing. (2)

Another research study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology demonstrated that orally administered banana pulp powder (Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca) had significant anti-ulcerogenic activity in animal models. It increased mucosal thickness, enhanced DNA synthesis in mucosal cells, and promoted cellular proliferation, strengthening mucosal resistance against ulcerogens and aiding in healing. (3)

However, these properties make bananas helpful in managing ulcers but do not constitute a cure. Effective treatment of ulcers typically requires a combination of medications and lifestyle changes under medical supervision.

What do the experts say?

Speaking with the Medical Dialogues Fact Check Team asked Dr. Mandhir Kumar, Senior Consultant Institute of Liver Gastroenterology & Pancreatico Biliary Sciences, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, explained, "Banana powder was being used as a remedy for management of acidity in Southern part of India. A study in rats using banana powder done in 1987 showed that it increases mucus production and caused less ulcers with painkillers. These observations are with unripe bananas which we don't consume. However no study using endoscopy which is the gold standard for diagnosis of ulcers has been done in humans. Whereas using medicines there are many studies documenting ulcer healing. We cannot expect bananas to be antibacterial and eradicate H.pylori which is the main cause of ulcers. Bananas can increase mucus and provide soothing effect but cannot heal ulcers. In fact there is a study which has shown increase in acid production with ripe bananas. So I feel that bananas do not heal ulcers but may be added in diet to decrease symptoms."

Medical Dialogues Final take:

While some studies show that bananas may have properties that can help alleviate symptoms and support healing, no scientific evidence or medical consensus supports that they can cure ulcers. Bananas may have components that contribute beneficially to managing ulcer symptoms, particularly through protective effects on the stomach lining and possibly supporting mucosal health. Still, these properties are not sufficient to constitute a cure.

Hence, this claim that bananas can cure ulcers is FALSE.


1. National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Ulcer. In NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Retrieved from

2. Goel, R. K., Sairam, K., & Rao, C. V. (2001). Role of gastric antioxidant and anti-Helicobactor pylori activities in antiulcerogenic activity of plantain banana (Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca). Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 39, 719-722.

3. Goel, R. K., Gupta, S., Shankar, R., & Sanyal, A. K. (1986). Anti-ulcerogenic effect of banana powder (Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca) and its effect on mucosal resistance. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 18(1), 33–44.

Claim :  Bananas can cure ulcer
Claimed By :  Instagram User
Fact Check :  False

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