14 Top Positions in the National Medical Commission Lying Vacant: Health Ministry Notification

Published On 2024-10-15 09:11 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-15 09:11 GMT

New Delhi: Altogether 14 positions, including the posts of Secretary, Presidents and members of the autonomous boards are available to be filled up for next 4 years, as per a the notification of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on National Medical Commission Vacancies. 

Through a recent notification, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has invited applications for these vacant posts including the following:

(1) Secretary of NMC,

(2) Three posts of Part-Time Members of NMC,

(3) 10 Positions in the Autonomous Boards of the Commission.

Applications have been invited for the post of President and 2 Whole-time Members of the Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB), 1 whole-time and 1 part-time member of the Postgraduate Medical Education Board (PGMEB), 1 whole-time and 1 part-time member of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board, and the post of President, 1 whole-time and 1 part-time member of the Ethics and Medical Registration Board.


With the filling up of these posts, the NMC, the Apex Medical Education Regulatory Body in India, is going to have all new members, presidents of autonomous boards and secretary. 

The Ministry notification also includes a proforma specifying the name and particulars of candidates for these various posts in the Commission. The Health Ministry has specified that duly filled application in the prescribed proforma along with attested copy of all relevant certificates super-scribing on the envelope "Application for the Post of Member of the National Medical Commission (NMC), President and Members of the Autonomous Boards of the NMC and the Secretary of the NMC" should be sent to the address: "Secretary, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011".

Apart from this, the applicants will also have to send the scanned copies of the applications along with all relevant documents on the email address: mepsection-mphfw@gov.in.

"Both the hard copy and online applications are mandatory for consideration of candidature. The scanned online copy will be considered as the final application and must be received by the due date and time at the designated email address," specified the Ministry.

Application for the post of NMC Secretary: 


(1) Essential: (i) Post-graduate degree in any discipline from any university;

(2) Desirable: (i) Preference may be given to persons having medical qualification. (ii) In case of medical professionals, the candidate must be registered withthe State Medical Council/ Medical Council of India (now National Medical Commission).


The Candidate must have experience in the Central Government or a State Government or any statutory body or recognized organization or institution of not less than Seven years in his related service or profession in Level 12 in the pay matrix (Rs. 78800-209200/-) or equivalent thereto or above along with administrative experience of not less than ten years;

Desirable Competencies: 

i. Must have proven high quality and effective communication skills at all levels

ii. Must have demonstrable experience of ethical leadership with proven ability to work collaboratively with multi-disciplinary stakeholders

iii. Strong management experience, organizational strategy and planning experience for more than 7 years

iv. Proven ability to inspire, engage and empower the medical workforce across a range of medical specialties, while upholding the highest standards of personal and professional and professional integrity

v. Ability to build trusting relationships with peers and stakeholders and to act as an ambassador for the medical profession in India and across the globe.

vi. Uphold patient safety and quality of care at all times, including initiating prompt action on concerns w.r.t quality of clinical care.

vii. Serve as a rolemodelforthe entiremedical profession through leadership,service and contribution to the medical and healthcare profession

viii. Demonstrated ability to utilize resources effectively for maximum benefit to patients and society.

ix. Evidence based medicine.

x. Quality management in healthcare.

Upper Age Limit: 

Not exceeding 66 years of age as on01.08.2024.

Tenure of Service: 

Secretary shall hold office for a term of 4 years from the date on which he/she enters upon his office or until he attains the age of Seventy years (70) whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for any extension or reappointment.

Pay Scale: 

Level 15 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC

Other Information: 

The Ministry mentioned that those who are working in Central/State Government/Autonomous Body should send "No Objection Certificate" from their respective organization along with their application.

It added that the period of deputation shall be 4 years with no extension or re-appointment beyond the time period. The pay will be protected as per Government of lndia Rules.

As per the notification, the following documents may also please be sent along with the application, by those applicants currently serving actively within the Central/State Government/s.:

i. Complete ACR dossier’s/attested copies of ACRs of the applicant (last five years).

ii. Vigilance Clearance in respect of applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate Status.

iii. Cadre Clearance in respect of applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate Status

iv. Certificate, Major/Minor penalty imposed if any, on the officer during the last 10 years/service period whichever is less.

For all other applicants, the following or equivalent documents may be forwarded along with the application:

i. Detailed performance review/assessment records for at least three years (if not applicable, please state the reason)

ii. Records of any major/minor penalty for offences or any violations of the law during the last 10 years, if applicable.

"The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for the interview. Based on the information provided as part ofthe proforma, the SearchCommittee will get candidates shortlisted for interview.Candidates shortlisted for the interview will have to produce all relevant original documentsin proof of details furnished intheir application at the time of the interview. Screening and shortlisting of applications will be done by the Search Committee or a suitable sub-committee appointed by it," specified the Ministry.

Applications for the Posts of Part-time Members of NMC: 


A recognized postgraduate degree in any of the discipline of management, law, medical ethics, health research, consumer or patient rights advocacy, science and technology and economics.


15 years standing in the field of practice after post-graduation, including at least 7 years as leader in the area of specialty.

Desirable Competencies: 

i) Must have proven high quality and effective communication skills at alllevels

ii) Must have demonstrable experience of ethical leadership with proven ability to work collaboratively with multi-disciplinary stakeholders

iii) Strong management experience, organizational strategy and planning experience for more than 7 years

iv) Ability to build trusting relationships with peers and stakeholders and to act as an ambassador in India and across the globe.

v) Demonstrated ability to utilize resources effectively for maximum benefit to the society.

vi) Evidence based medicine.

vii) Quality management in healthcare.

Upper Age limit: 

Not exceeding 66 years of age as on 01.08.2024.

Tenure of Service: 

The member shall hold office for a term not more than 4 years from the date on which he/she enters upon his office or until he attains the age of Seventy years (70) whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for any extension or reappointment.

Pay Scale: 

Sitting fees as prescribed in the National Medical Commission (Manner of Appointment and Nomination of Members, their Salary, Allowances and Terms and Conditions of Service, and Declaration of Assets, Professional and Commercial Engagements) Rules, 2019.

Other Information: 

Rules, as specified for the post of NMC Secretary, are applicable here as well

Applications for the Positions in the NMC Automous Boards: 


 i. A recognised postgraduate degree in any discipline of Medical Sciences from any University.

ii. In case of medical professionals, the candidate must be registered with the State Medical Council/ Medical Council of India (now National Medical Commission).


The candidate must have experience of not less than 15 years standing in the field of medical science after post-graduation, including at least 7 years as leader in the area of medical education, public health community medicine or health research.

Desirable Competencies: 

i. Must have proven high quality and effective communication skills at all levels.

ii. Must have demonstrable experience of ethical leadership with proven ability to work collaboratively with multi-disciplinary stakeholders

iii. Strong management experience, organizational strategy and planning experience for more than 7 years

iv. Proven ability to inspire, engage and empower the medical workforce across a range of medical specialties, while upholding the highest standards of personal and professional and professional integrity

v. Ability to build trusting relationships with peers and stakeholders and to act as an ambassador for the medical profession in India and across the globe.

vi. Uphold patient safety and quality of care at all times, including initiating prompt action on concerns w.r.t quality of clinical care.

vii. Serve as a role model for the entire medical profession through leadership, service and contribution to the medical and healthcare profession

viii. Demonstrated ability to utilize resources effectively for maximum benefit to patients and society.

ix. Evidence based medicine.

x. Quality management in healthcare.

Age Limit: 

Not exceeding 66 years of age as on 01.08.2024 for President/ Whole-time Members of Autonomous Boards. Not exceeding 68 years of age as on 01.08.2024 for Part -time Members of Autonomous Boards 

Tenure of Service: 

President/ members (whole time) shall hold office for a term not exceeding four years and members (part-time) shall hold office for term not exceeding two years from the date on which he/she enters upon his office or until he attains the age of seventy years (70) whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for any extension or reappointment.

Pay Scale: 

Level 15 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC for President/ Whole-time Members of Autonomous Boards. Sitting fees for Part-time Members of Autonomous Boards as prescribed in the National Medical Commission, Autonomous Boards (Manner of Appointment of Fourth Member and the Salary, Allowances and Terms and Conditions of Service, and Declaration of Assets, Professional and Commercial Engagements of President and Members) Rules, 2019.

Other Information:

Rules, as specified for the post of NMC Secretary, are applicable here as well.

Applications for Post of Whole Time Member of MARB: 


A recognised postgraduate degree in any of the disciplines of management, quality assurance, law or science and technology from any University


The candidate must have experience of not less than 15 years standing in the field, including at least 7 years as leader in the area.

Desirable Competencies: 

Same as specified for the posts of Presidents and part-time members

Age Limit: 

Not exceeding 66 years of age as on 01.08.2024.

Tenure of Service: 

Member (Whole time), Medical Assessment and Rating Board shall hold office for a term not exceeding four years from the date on which he/she enters upon his office or until he attains the age of seventy years (70) whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for any extension or reappointment.

Pay Scale: 

Level 15 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC

Applications for Whole-time Member of EMRB: 


A recognised postgraduate degree in the disciplines of quality assurance, public health, law or patient advocacy from any University.


The candidate must have experience of not less than 15 years standing in the field, including at least 7 years as leader in the area.

Desirable Competencies: 

Same as specified for Presidents and part-time members

Age limit: 

Not exceeding 66 years of age as on 01.08.2024.

Tenure of Service: 

Member (Whole time), Ethics and Medical Registration Board shall hold office for a term not exceeding four years from the date on which he/she enters upon his office or until he attains the age of seventy years (70) whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for any extension or reappointment. 

Pay Scale: 

Level 15 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC

Apart from this, the notification also includes a proforma specifying the name and particulars of candidates for various positions in NMC. Applicants will have to submit details including their name, date of birth, present and permanent address, phone number, mobile number, email id, academic qualifications, field(s) of specialization, experience (academic/research), administrative experience, additional achievements/accomplishments, awards and recognition, fellowships/memberships, scale of pay, last drawn salary etc.

To view the notification, click on the link below:


Also Read:Top NMC Posts Lying Vacant, Govt Invites Applications


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