Indian-origin Sanjay Gupta second most popular doctor in US: Twitter

Published On 2016-05-20 03:57 GMT   |   Update On 2016-05-20 03:57 GMT

A neurosurgeon at Emory Clinic in Atlanta, Sanjay Gupta is also a multiple Emmy-award winning chief medical correspondent for CNN.

Gupta's popularity is surpassed only by another TV personality Drew Pinsky of HLN who has 3.18 million followers in Twitter.

For the study, students at Augustana University analysed Twitter use by doctors across the US, going back to 2006. The researchers sorted through 4,500 users as part of their research.

"We just wanted to see how doctors are engaging with other people on Twitter," said one of the researchers Paige Schwitters.

The researchers found that the most followed Twitter accounts belonged to celebrities, public figures or TV personalities. The top three are:

With 1.03 million followers in Twitter Asa Andrew emerged as the third most popular doctor in US.

Gupta joined CNN in the summer of 2001 and he has 2.03 million followers in Twitter.


"Gupta, a practicing neurosurgeon, plays an integral role in CNN's reporting on health and medical news for all of CNN's shows domestically and internationally, and contributes to," according to his biography mentioned in CNN.

"His medical training and public health policy experience distinguishes his reporting from war zones and natural disasters, as well as on a range of medical and scientific topics, including the recent Ebola outbreak, brain injury, disaster recovery, health care reform, fitness, military medicine, and HIV/AIDS," it added.


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