Health Bulletin 09/ October/ 2024

Published On 2024-10-09 12:01 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-09 12:01 GMT

Here are the top health news for the day:

Telangana State Medical Council files 300 FIRs against quacks

In a decisive move aimed at safeguarding public health, the Telangana State Medical Council (TSMC) has taken proactive steps by filing nearly 300 FIRs against quacks who are running clinics and attending patients without any proper medical degree.

TSMC has clarified that no person without any medical degree will be allowed to practice allopathy and such unauthorized clinics or private practices will be strictly prohibited. The council has also planned raids on the premises of such establishments.

For more details, click the link below
Father files FIR alleging murder in suspicious death of UP MBBS student

After the death of a second-year MBBS student of Varun Arjun Medical College who was found dead lying in a pool of blood on the campus under suspicious circumstances, the father of the deceased student alleged murder and filed a First Information Report (FIR).

According to the police, the deceased student's father in his complaint said that he suspects that his son was killed and the body was thrown behind the hostel later. He said that there were injury marks on his son's body and when he reached the college the administration was uncooperative.
For more details, click the link below

NMC approves 68 new PG medical seats at 4 Maharashtra institutes; more expected soon
Bringing good news to the postgraduate medical aspirants in Maharashtra, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has granted its permission for 68 new postgraduate medical seats.
These seats have been added in four existing colleges for the academic year 2024-2025, and new seats are likely to be added as more approvals are in the pipeline, Indian Express has reported.

PGI violence: Residents block emergency services after assault on doctors

Emergency services at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) were stalled for around three hours after patient's attendants assaulted the doctors at the facility.

Following the incident, the resident doctors went on strike and announced cease work from 8 pm till around 11.30 pm yesterday. Later, the protest was called off after the Director of PGI Prof Vivek Lal visited the doctors.
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