Delhi police busts kidney racket led by MBA graduate

Published On 2024-10-09 13:02 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-09 13:02 GMT
The Delhi Police have dismantled a significant illegal kidney transplant racket after a six-year investigation. The operation was led by an MBA graduate, who previously served as a kidney transplant coordinator at several hospitals, including Max Hospital in Gurugram. He is accused of facilitating 34 illegal kidney transplants. The racket, involving Arya and his eight-member gang, operated across five states: Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat.
The gang members held various positions in hospitals across these states, aiding in the identification and connection of donors and recipients. Police estimate that their operations totaled around ₹10 crore. The racket was uncovered in June when a complaint was filed against the mastermind and his partner. The complainant alleged that they had defrauded her husband of ₹35 lakh without delivering a kidney transplant, which ultimately resulted in his death on December 24, 2023.
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