No need to panic, H5N1 bird flu vaccine available: Dr Randeep Guleria

Published On 2024-04-11 06:04 GMT   |   Update On 2024-04-11 06:04 GMT

Recently, H5N1 bird flu has been making headlines due to concerns about its potential to cause a pandemic. This virus, primarily affecting avian species, has sparked global attention amid fears of a potential outbreak that could be significantly more severe than Covid-19. Experts warn that if H5N1 were to mutate into a form capable of human-to-human transmission, it could result in a devastatingly high mortality rate, estimated at 60%.

Addressing these concerns, former AIIMS director Dr. Randeep Guleria has reassured the public that there is no need to panic. He emphasizes that while avian influenza has been present for over two decades, the virus has remained dormant for many years. Additionally, Guleria highlights the existence of a vaccine against H5N1, developed and stockpiled in anticipation of a potential outbreak. Despite the expiration of previous vaccine stockpiles, advancements in technology mean that pharmaceutical companies could swiftly produce new batches if needed.
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