One-time relaxation to FMGs: NMC allows internship in 679 non-teaching hospitals

Published On 2023-05-12 10:44 GMT   |   Update On 2023-05-12 10:51 GMT

Offering one-time relaxation to the Foreign Medical Graduates (FMG) who were facing difficulties to join the mandatory internship programme in India due to the limited number of seats in the medical colleges, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has allowed them to get enrolled at the non-teaching hospitals for this purpose.

In the recent circular, the president of the Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) of NMC has validated the list of 679 Recognized Non-Teaching Hospitals for Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship issued by the erstwhile Medical Council of India (MCI) for a period of one year up to May 2024, for the conduct of Internships of medical graduates from abroad only.

For more details, check out the link given below:

NMC Allows FMG Internship In 679 Non-Teaching Hospitals As One-Time Relaxation, Details

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