Rajasthan: 7000 resident doctors strike for stipend increase, bond policy changes, workplace safety

Published On 2024-10-24 12:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-24 12:00 GMT
Rajasthan healthcare services were impacted as around 7,000 resident doctors in the State suspended all services over their pending demands for a stipend hike and enhanced security measures at the workplace. Apart from these demands, the protesting doctors, who resumed their strike on Saturday, are also demanding revision of the mandatory bond policy, better hostel facilities and direct job recruitment based on merit for postgraduate and super-speciality doctors.
Commenting on the matter, a representative of the Jaipur Association of Resident Doctors (JARD) said that during the talks with them in August, the administration had assured that their demands would be fulfilled. However, they are now compelled to shut down all services due to inaction, the representative told PTI.

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