Resident doctors at SMS Medical College threaten to boycott duty over unmet demands

Published On 2024-10-18 12:45 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-18 15:03 GMT
Expressing frustration over the unfulfilled promises made 45 days ago after their last protest, the Jaipur Association of Resident Doctors (JARD) of Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Medical College, Jaipur has threatened to boycott work completely from October 18 if the government fails to initiate a discussion with the association within the next 48 hours. The association is currently on strike, which has now entered its tenth day.
In a press release, the association highlighted that despite their ongoing strike for the past eight days, the government has shown no commitments and the assurances given in their last protest have not been fulfilled yet. It also pointed out that the government made no initiative for a dialogue with the delegation of resident doctors to address their demands.

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