Hospital level interventions to improve outcomes after injury in India

Written By :  Dr. Nandita Mohan
Published On 2024-10-18 08:48 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-18 08:48 GMT
Trauma is one of the leading causes of disability and death, worldwide. Ninety per cent of trauma related mortality occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite this, there is paucity of literature emanating from LMICs with studies that present and/or evaluate feasible interventions that can have a measurable impact on outcomes after injury, primarily mortality. The current article aims at developing such interventions key elements of implementation and measures of compliance and impact.

This original research is seen in the Indian Journal of Medical Research published by Scientific Scholar.

Medical Dialogues team interacted with one of the authors, Dr Ajai K. Malhotra, Department of Surgery, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont who gave us insights into the article by answering the following-

1. What was the rationale behind this study? Please elaborate your observations.
2. What according to you are the major challenges in addressing trauma cases in lower and middle income countries compared to the developed world?
3. To improve the trauma care in the country, via the Govt. hospitals, what are the step-wise regulations that the Government needs to bring in?
4. Cost of trauma care in Private settings is extreme and is out of reach for the general population, how this challenge can be met in lower and middle income countries with limited facilities?

Based on this review, interventions were identified/developed, that were feasible to implement within the constraints of available resources; could be implemented within a two year timespan; and would improve outcomes primarily, mortality. Utilizing the review as the basis and focusing on hospital level interventions, one policy intervention, five in-hospital interventions and one major research question were identified/developed that met the defined criteria.

It was finally interpreted that gaps in trauma care in LMICs at every level and in data systems were identified and that feasible interventions can be implemented within the resource constraints of LMICs in a reasonable timeframe and that can have a measurable impact on injury related mortality.
Ref: Anthony AA, Panchal K et al. Hospital level interventions to improve outcomes after injury in India, a LMIC 2024; IJMR 159(3&4);331-338. Doi: 10.25259/IJMR_2398_
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