3 private hospitals get notices for registering alarmingly high C-section deliveries

Published On 2024-04-15 11:17 GMT   |   Update On 2024-04-15 11:17 GMT

The Health Department officials in Telangana have taken decisive action by seizing the labor rooms of three private hospitals. Two of these hospitals are situated in the temple town of Vemulwada, while the third is located in the district headquarters town of Sircilla. This action comes in response to alarming reports indicating an exceptionally high rate of cesarean (C-section) deliveries, reaching 100% during the 2023-24 period.

Under the directive of Collector Anuraag Jayanti, the Health Department is intensifying efforts to curb unwarranted C-section deliveries. Notices have been promptly issued to the management of the three implicated hospitals – Amrutha Nursing Home and Vasudeva Hospital in Vemulawada, and Sarayu Hospital in Sircilla. They have been instructed to refrain from conducting any deliveries until further directives are received from the government. Dr. Suman Mohan Rao, the District Medical and Health Officer, affirmed this course of action in an official statement.

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