Threats of withholding stipend: DNB Residents in Chitradurga Allege Harassment by consultants, Doctors' body Files RTI

Published On 2024-09-01 14:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-09-01 14:30 GMT

The Diplomate of National Board (DNB) resident doctors at District Hospital, Chitradugra have alleged facing harassment and threats from the consultants of the hospital.

It has been alleged by the doctors that the consultants are threatening to withhold their stipends for declining duties beyond the requirements of the DNB curriculum.

Raising the issue, the United Doctors Front Association (UDFA) has filed Right to Information (RTI) applications before the National Medical Commission (NMC) and the Karnataka Government seeking the details of the posts sanctioned in the hospital, details of the appointment process, list of DNB and Diploma residents currently associated with the concerned hospital, copies of the complaints regarding any problems submitted by DNB and Diploma residents and the action taken report, details of duties allotted to DNB and Diploma residents in the last three months and the copies of the rules etc.

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Overwork, threats of Withholding stipend: DNB Residents in Chitradurga Allege Harassment by consultants, Doctors' body Files RTI

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