AIIMS Delhi to offer Rs 50,000 to MBBS Students for Research projects
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New Delhi: In an attempt to encourage the medical students in the field of research, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has decided to open up the gates of short-term funding of Rs 50,000 for all the 132 Undergraduate medical students undergoing research work.
Issuing an Office Memorandum in this regard on Tuesday, AIIMS Director M Srinivas has clarified that this initiative will be run, monitored and evaluated through the Student Management System that is available- SARAL.
Further referring to the possibility of AIIMSonians funding the small projects, the Office Memorandum stated, "The option of AlIMSonians funding short/small projects should be explored. Here, a request letter be written through the AIlMSonians office and request for volunteers to fund these students' projects. The interested AllMSonians may also help in mentoring the students interested in research and help them find observer ships in hospitals labs in India and outside India. Academic section to maintain this on a dashboard."
While the newly admitted students have been directed to start writing to the faculty in this regard after six months of joining, other students may enroll already.
As per the Office Memorandum dated 08.11.2022, the details of the Undergraduate Student Mentorship by Faculty are as follows:
Undergraduate Student Mentorship by Faculty
Research Skills:
Apart from the existing 'Summer training program Fellowships' & UG Research Mentorship projects, awarded by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, (AIIMS) New Delhi, to undergraduates and the Short-Term Studentship-(STS), awarded by the Department of Health Research (DHR) and Indian Council of Medical Research, (ICMR) to MBBS/BDS students, ALL undergraduate students will be encouraged to undertake a research project, as follows:
i. A soft copy of the Research Directory prepared by the Research Section will be made available to all undergraduate students (especially to the first semester students at their admission into the AIIMS). This outlines the research interests of most of the faculty at AIIMS, New Delhi. The students will be encouraged to write to the faculty that they would like to be mentored by (email addresses and phone numbers are available) and meet them. This will help them broaden their exposure and be matched with someone aligned with their long-term research interest.
ii. The newly admitted students may start writing to faculty after 6 months of having joined AIIMS. Students of other semesters to enroll now.
iii. The students may initially be affiliated with the projects of seniors in the specific lab. while they learn basic techniques used in that lab and then write a proposal with the mentor for funding (if required) to the research section.
iv. This will be a commitment of at least 6-months. It may be longer if the student and the research mentor would like to continue the project work for a longer period.
v. The topics finalized may be displayed on the website/SARAL after obtaining the necessary ethical clearances (as the case may be- animal, human, stem-cells).
vi. The departmental UG Faculty coordinator(s) should maintain a detailed record of the research training project undertaken by the UG students in that academic year.
vii. The records of the research activity should be submitted to the Registrar, Academic section at the end of that year, duly signed by the UG coordinator(s) of the respective departments.
viii. The research faculty mentor can/may facilitate collaboration for the work with research teams in universities/research institutes within and outside the country working in similar areas. This will enhance the quality of the research and establish connections for future collaborations.
a. For funding this in project mode, the Research Section/Academic Section may explore short term funding for these sWdents (@INR. 50,000 per student far 132 students.
b. The option of AlIMSonians funding short/small projects should be explored. Here, a request letter be written through the AIlMSonians office and request for volunteers to fund these students' projects. The interested AllMSonians may also help in mentoring the students interested in research and help them find observer ships in hospitals labs in India and outside India. Academic section to maintain this on a dashboard.
To read the AIIMS notice, click on the link below:
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