Curbing Ragging at medical colleges: Here are the measures that all medical colleges need to follow

Published On 2021-07-18 12:31 GMT   |   Update On 2021-07-18 12:31 GMT

New Delhi: Spelling out measures required to be followed by all medical institutions to curb ragging menace across the country, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has recently issued 'Draft Guidelines, Rules & Regulations for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging'.

As per the regulations proposed, every institution is required to submit an annual compliance report, including all reports of ragging and regulation. Additionally, all incidents of Ragging and reports thereof including the outcome of Appeals and directions from Courts, if any, shall be provided to the National Medical Commission by the Institution and the University

Failure to adhere to regulations or report incidents could lead to the derecognition of the institute or reduction in the institution's admission capacity or stopping further admission altogether.

Every institution must have an anti-ragging committee comprising the head of the institution, representatives of students, faculty members, freshers, senior students, parents, non-teaching staff, civil and police administration, local media and non-government organizations involved in youth activities, the guidelines mandate.

Each authority involved in MBBS, PG Medical and SS admission to medical colleges, including National Testing Agency (NTA), National Board of Examination (NBE) and Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) will have to state in their notifications and announcements that ragging is a legal offence and strictly prohibited.

With an aim towards ending this ragging menace that continues to plague the Indian medical education sector, the apex medical regulator has issued guidelines on the prohibition of ragging matters previously as well but this is one of the most explicit documents. These guidelines significantly outline the actions that may constitute ragging, measures to be taken by medical institutions to prohibit ragging as well as encouraging healthy interaction between freshers and seniors.

The draft regulations further amplify the importance of sensitization of institutional employees and staff towards Ragging and outline the constitution of an anti-ragging committee to monitor such instances taking place in the colleges, duties of hostels, wardens, committee, universities and the apex medical regulator itself.

Furthermore, the guidelines also specify the disciplinary action that would be taken against the guilty parties.

As described in the 'Draft Guidelines, Rules & Regulations for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging', Ragging is "Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student."



Curbing and eradication of ragging require the efforts of all stake holders' stakeholders: seniors, freshers, teachers, parents and the civic society at large. The following are measures that form the broad guidelines for prohibiting and preventing ragging by the Institution

Measures to be taken by the Institution to Prohibit Ragging

(a) No institution, shall not in any manner permit or condone any reported incident of ragging in any form; and all institutions shall take all necessary and required measures, including but not limited to the provisions of these Regulations, to achieve the objective of eliminating ragging, within the institution or outside

(b) All institutions shall take action in accordance with these Regulations against those found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging

Measures to be taken by the institution to Prevent Ragging

(a) The following measure shall be taken by the institution before the admission process

(i) All public notifications of the institution related to admission of students to any course as declared in any electronic, audiovisual or print or any other media shall expressly provide that

a. Ragging is a serious offense that is totally prohibited in the institution

b. Anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, whether actively or passively, or being a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with these Regulations as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force

(ii) The admission brochure/ prospectus/information bulletins in print, digital or any other form should include these regulations

(iii) It shall be incumbent on all organizations conducting examinations for the purpose of entrance or exit or any other form of assessment and counseling/seat allotment related to the colleges to which these Regulations apply to include these Regulations in their Information Bulletin in whichever forms these are available

a. The National Testing Agency (NTA) shall include these Regulations in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test [NEET (UG)] for MBBS

b. The National Board of Examinations (NBE) shall include these Regulations in the. Information Bulletin of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduate [NEET (PG)] and Super-specialty [NEET(SS)] Courses

c.The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) of the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, conducting Online Under Graduate Medical / Postgraduate / Super-specialty courses Seat Allotment process (Online Counselling) shall display these Regulations on their website for the respective counseling processes

d. These Regulations shall be available in the Information Bulletin for the National Exit Test (NExT) to be held under Section 15 of the NMC Act becomes operational

e. Institutions should ensure that if any of their assessments/examinations/counseling related to the admission process is conducted by any organization under them or outsourced thereof, the Information Bulletin shall carry these Regulations

(iv) Institutions should stagger the dates of admission such that the "fresh" batch is admitted before the commencement of new sessions of "senior" batches

(v) Before the commencement of the academic session in any institution, the Head of the Institution shall convene and address a meeting of various functionaries/agencies, such as Hostel Wardens, representatives of students, parents/ guardians, faculty, district administration including the police, to discuss the measures for curbing ragging

(vi) The Head of the Institution shall constitute Anti-Ragging Committees, Anti-Ragging Squads, and other such committees or assign duties to fulfill the provisions of these Regulations

(vii) The institution shall make the community at large and the students in particular aware of the dehumanizing effect of ragging, and the approach of the institution towards those indulging in ragging, even utilizing the media to give wide publicity and prominently display posters depicting the provisions of penal law applicable to incidents of ragging, and the provisions of these Regulations in the premises of the institutions especially the hostels

(viii) The contact numbers/ details of the control room/helpline/personnel related to anti-ragging activities should be prominently displayed, provided, and easily available to freshers and all concerned so that immediate contact can be established whenever necessary

(ix) The vacation period before the start of the admission process may be used to publicise the objectives and provisions of these Regulations

(x) The institution shall identify, properly illuminate and keep a close watch on all locations are known to be vulnerable to occurrences of ragging incidents

(xi) It should be ensured that except in those areas where unavoidable, there should be no hindrance, by way of jamming, etc, to the use of mobile phones, within the institution including hostels and other areas

(xii) It is recommended that monitoring of the campus, or at least areas vulnerable to incidents of ragging are done through video-surveillance

(xiii) The Faculty and staff of the institution shall have induction arrangements, including those who anticipate, identify, and plan to meet any special needs of any specific section of students, in place well in advance of the beginning of the academic year with an aim to promote the objectives of this Regulation

(xiv) Every institution shall engage or seek the assistance of professional counselors or in-house counselors as may be available in the Department of Psychiatry before the commencement of the academic session, to be available for counselling students

(xv) The institution may form a system of assigning faculty mentors beforehand who would communicate and regularly with students and their parents/guardians

(xvi) The local police and authorities should be provided with details of the dates of admission and the addresses of every privately commercially managed hostel or lodge used for residential purposes by students enrolled in the institution

(xvii)The Anti-Ragging Squad should have adequate drills to be adequately competent to conduct vigil after students are admitted

(xviii) An Anti-Ragging Control Room may be established with contact details so that students are able to contact the control room at any time of the day or night to report incidents of ragging or seek such assistance as may be needed

(xix) Adequate and robust communication mechanisms must be put in place so that should the need arise the institution can immediately and simultaneously contact and relay information within the institution to appropriate officials, the District Authorities and the Police

(xx) The Institutional Website should have provision for posting Anti-Ragging notifications, activities, and also the reports of incidents of Ragging and the action taken thereof under public domain

(b) The following measure shall be taken by the institution at the time of the admission process

(i) At the time of Admission an undertaking should be taken that the student shall not be involved in ragging in any manner whatsoever in the format given in Annexures

a. Undertaking by the Student in Annexure I

b. Undertaking by the Parent / Guardian in Annexure-II

(ii) Those who seek admission in Hostels either within the premises or outside the premises of the institution shall give an undertaking that the student shall not be involved in ragging in any manner whatsoever in the format given in Annexures

a. Undertaking by the Student in Annexure I

b. Undertaking by the Parent / Guardian in Annexure-II

(iii) The admission requirements shall include a document in the form of the School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate/ Migration Certificate/Character Certificate, as the case may be, which shall include a report on the behavioral pattern of the applicant so that the institution can thereafter keep intense watch upon a student who has a negative entry in this regard.

(iv) Every student at the time of his/her registration shall inform the institution about his/her place of residence while pursuing the course of study, and in case the student has not decided his/her place of residence or intends to change the same, the details of his place of residence shall be provided immediately on deciding the same; and specifically in regard to a private commercially managed lodge or hostel where he/she has taken up residence.

(v) Every fresh student admitted to the institution shall be provided with

a. Details of those who could be contacted such as of the Anti-Ragging Helpline /Control Room referred to in these Regulations, Wardens, Head of the institution, Members of the Anti-Ragging Squads, and Committees, relevant District and Police authorities; for help and guidance at any time, if and when required

b. The details of arrangements made for their induction and orientation promote efficient and effective means of integrating them fully as students with those already admitted of the institution in earlier years

c. Their rights as bonafide students of the institution

d. Clear instructions that they should desist from doing anything, with or against their will, even if ordered to by the senior's students, and that any attempt of ragging shall be promptly reported to the Anti-ragging Squad or to the Warden or to the Head of the institution, as the case may be

e. Instructions that at least for a specified period that they would be accompanied and monitored appropriately should they leave their hostel premises to a boarding facility/mess/ canteen or to a recreational facility such as the gymnasium especially in the evening or at night

f. All freshers should seek prior permission and provide contact details and timings of leaving and expected return to hostels and reasons for such visit should they for any reason leave the hostel and institutional premises, such as to visit local guardians etc

(c) The following measure shall be taken by the institution after the admission process

(i) Freshers shall be lodged, as far as may be, in a separate hostel block or wing and the institution shall ensure that access of seniors to accommodation allotted to freshers is strictly monitored by wardens, security guards, and other staff of the institution

(ii) The institution should conduct separate orientation programs for fresh students to apprize and familiarize them with the academic environment of the institution

a. The freshers should be counseled to prepare them for the life ahead, particularly in regard to the life in hostels and to the extent possible, also involve parents and teachers in the counseling sessions

(iii) The institution shall schedule an orientation with seniors through:

a. Joint sensitization program and counseling of both freshers and senior students by a professional counselor

b. Joint interactions with seniors in the form of cultural and sports activities

c. Actively monitoring, promoting, and regulating healthy interaction between the freshers,

(iv) Freshers shall be allotted faculty members who shall act as mentors as indicated under Section 5.4

(v) The institution may devise its own additional methods and put into place all measures necessary and provided in various sections of this chapter to prohibit and prevent ragging fulfilling the provisions of these and related UGC Regulations as well as applicable law of the land at all costs.

a. All necessary Committees, personnel, measures, and plans should be in place and completely functional and coordinated with each other to implement the requirements

b. Students, freshers and seniors, parents, faculty, and all other staff should be adequately informed of the provisions of anti-ragging Regulations

c. Strict vigil shall be enforced at all times, by all concerned with special emphasis on hostels and canteen areas

d. Surprise checks round the clock, anonymous surveys, and strict enforcement of disciplinary measures should be in force

e. There should be easy accessibility to report incidents of ragging as well as untoward incidents, distress, difficulties of freshers through the availability of contact numbers of Heads of Institution, Faculty, Anti Ragging Squad, Members of Anti Ragging Committee, Hostel wardens, and other staff directly/through control room/ helplines

f. There should be established communication / operating protocols with District Administration and Police for their swift and prompt intervention should the need arise

g. The message and the intent must be loud and clear that reporting every incident of ragging is mandatory for all students and staff of the institution and that one every case of ragging shall be dealt with according to the provisions of these and related Regulations as well as those of the law of the land as applicable

(vi) The Institution shall provide reports all regarding Anti-Ragging measures, incidents of Ragging, directions of the Courts to the University at pre-decided intervals which maybe weekly for the first three months after admission of students as under Section 6 of this Regulations

(vii) The Institution shall provide Compliance Reports in the format provided in Annexure Ill, reports regarding Anti-Ragging measures, incidents of Ragging, actions taken thereof, directions of the Courts to the National Medical Commission as under Section 7 of this Regulations

(viii) The above-mentioned measures are neither meant to be comprehensive nor complete and the institution is required to utilize measures as provided in different sections of these regulations; and in addition are encouraged not only to innovate and devise measures that would enhance efforts to prohibit, prevent and help identify incidents of ragging but also make suitable suggestions to their affiliated Universities for implementation elsewhere

(d) The following measure shall be taken by the institution at the end of the academic year

(i) At the end of each academic year, the Head of the Institution / Dean shall send a letter to the parents/guardians of the students who are completing their first year reminding them of the provisions of these Regulations and any law for the time being in force to impress upon their wards to desist from indulging in ragging on their return to the institution at the beginning of the next academic session

(ii) At the end of every academic year the institution shall form a 'Mentoring Cell' consisting of Mentors for the succeeding academic year as provided in Section 5.4

Issue of Migration / Transfer / Conduct Certificates

The Migration/Transfer Certificate issued to the student by the institution shall have an entry, apart from those relating to general conduct and behaviour, whether the student has been punished for the offense of committing or abetting ragging, or not, as also whether the student has displayed persistent violent or aggressive behavior or any inclination to harm others

Measures for encouraging healthy interaction between freshers and seniors

(i) The institution shall set up appropriate committees including the Faculty from Pre-Clinical Years, representatives of students, Warden and some senior students to actively monitor, promote and regulate healthily, the interaction between the freshers and senior students.

(ii) Freshers' welcome parties shall be organized at the institutional and/or departmental level by the Senior students and the faculty together preferably within the first two weeks of the beginning of the academic session, for a proper introduction to one another and where the talents of the freshers are brought out properly in the presence of the faculty, thus helping them to shed their inferiority complex if any, and remove their inhibition.

(iii) The institution shall enhance the student-faculty interaction by involving both fresher and senior students in appropriate matters of the institution, such as curriculum design, extracurricular activities, institutional celebrations, etc so that the students feel that they are responsible partners in managing the affairs of the institution

Sensitization of Institutional Employees and Staff towards Ragging

(a) It shall be the general collective responsibility of all levels and sections of authorities or functionaries including members of the faculty and employees of the institution, whether regular or temporary and employees of service providers providing service within the institution, to prevent or to act promptly against the occurrence of ragging or any incident of ragging which comes to their notice

(b) The Institution shall sensitize all teaching and non-teaching members of staff, contract labor employed in the premises either for running canteen or as watch and ward/security staff or for cleaning or maintenance of the buildings/lawns and employees of service providers providing services within the institution regarding the effects of ragging and various sections of this Regulation relating to anti-ragging and the appreciation of the relevant human rights, as well as inputs on topics regarding sensitization against corporal punishments and checking of bullying amongst students so that every teacher is equipped to handle at least the rudiments of the counselling approach

(c) The employers/employees of the canteens/mess shall be given necessary instructions to keep strict vigil and to report the incidents of ragging to the college authorities if any.

(d) All institutional employees and staff, including contractual of the Hostels and the Watch and Ward / Security shall be apprised of institutional plans to curb ragging, as appropriate, and clarify duties assigned

(e) All institutional employees and staff, including contractual shall be required to give an undertaking that he/she would report promptly any case of ragging which comes to his/her notice

(f) All employees of the institution shall be instructed to keep a strict vigil in the area of their work and to report the incidents of ragging to the appropriate authorities as may be required

(g) The institution shall make provision for recognizing and rewarding employees and other staff for furthering anti-ragging activities such as reporting incidents of ragging by way of issuing certificates of appreciation, felicitating them, and make suitable entries in their service records


As provided in the "UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, 2009",as well as modifications in these Regulations, every institution shall constitute the following committees and related measures

Anti-Ragging Committee

The institution shall constitute an Anti-Ragging Committee.

(a) The Anti-Ragging Committee shall broadly comprise of the following members being duly constituted by the Head of the Institution and shall have a diverse mix of persons of different levels and gender

(i) Head of the institution

(ii) Representatives of faculty members,

(iii) Representatives of students belonging to the freshers' category

(iv) Representatives of senior students

(v) Representatives of parents

(vi) Representatives of non-teaching staff

(vii) Representatives of civil and police administration

(viii) Representatives of local media,

(ix) Non-Government Organizations involved in youth activities

(b) The duties of the Anti-Ragging Committee includes but is not limited to :

(i) Overall monitoring of Anti-Ragging activities of the institution

(ii) Ensuring compliance with the provisions concerning ragging both of these Regulations as well as those of any law for the time being in force

(iii) Monitoring the activities of the Anti-Ragging Squad

(iv) Investigate reports of Ragging, if any, or approve committees formed for this purpose

(v) Make suggestions for improvement of measures taken by the institution for prohibiting and preventing ragging

Anti-Ragging Squad

The institution shall constitute an Anti-Ragging Squad

(a)The Anti-Ragging Squad constituted by the Head of the Institution shall broadly comprise of Faculty and Staff of the Hostels including Wardens and other staff as may be necessary. There should be a judicious mix of gender in the Anti-Ragging Squad with lady members assigned to Ladies Hostels.

(b) The duties of the Anti-Ragging Squad includes but is not limited to :

(i) Adhere to a duty roster if so prepared

(ii) Remain vigilant and agile at all times and also provide necessary details so that the members, are easily reachable even by freshers and other students

(iii) Make surprise checks in the Hostels, boarding areas, playgrounds, and transport facilities, and other areas even at odd hours for which the Anti-Ragging Squad shall be duly empowered

(iv) Make discreet inquiries regarding compliance and adherence of these regulations by Seniors

(v) May be assigned to conduct anonymous surveys that may be random, to identify possibly unreported incidents of ragging as designed by the Institution

(vi) Checking freshers for any injuries or indirect evidence of possible ragging such as inability to stay awake during the day indicating possible ragging throughout the night/inability to sleep due to fear of ragging

(vii) Informing the authorities concerned to rectify vulnerable areas such as dark stretches due to fused bulbs etc

(viii) Make on the spot and other necessary inquiries on incidents of ragging and report to the Anti-Ragging Committee

(ix) Report all cases of Ragging to the Head of the Institution and other functionaries as may be required

(x) Make entries regarding timings and details of checking including remarks or findings if any in a register

Anti-Ragging Control Room / Helpline

The Institution shall establish an Anti-Ragging Control Room / Helpline for the purpose of ensuring compliance with these Regulations. It is preferable to house such control rooms within or near the hostel premises. These should be manned round the clock and the contact number/numbers should be provided to all students and their parents at the time of admission. The Control Room / Helpline can be a single-point contact for all emergencies arising out of incidents of ragging and on receiving calls the necessary information can be simultaneously relayed and disseminated to appropriate personnel including the security and police immediately.

Mentoring Committee / Cell

The Institution shall, at the end of each academic year, in order to promote the objectives of these Regulations, constitute a Mentoring Committee / Cell.

(a) The committee/ cell shall draw a list of faculty members who would volunteer to the mentoring process

(b)The system of mentoring, if so desired may be tired/ graded with a group of junior mentors being supervised or overseen by a single senior mentor

(c)The number of students under each mentor may be decided appropriately by the Institution but as a rough guideline should not exceed six

(d) The broad functions of mentors shall be:

(i) Interact individually with the mentee fresher student every day for ascertaining the problems or difficulties, if any, faced by the fresher in the institution

(ii) Extend necessary help to the fresher in overcoming the same

(iii) Coordinate with the Wardens of the hostels and to make surprise visits to the rooms In such hostels, where a member or members of the group are lodged

(iv) May interact with the parents/ guardians of the mentees to discuss and provide solutions to problems faced by the student

(v) Maintain a diary of his/her interaction with the freshers under his/her charge

(e) Senior students may be inducted into the Mentoring process under supervision by faculty mentors

Hostel Committee

The institution may choose to have a separate Student Affairs / Hostel Committee to look after affairs of the Hostel under a Senior Faculty Member who would oversee the affairs of the Hostels. The designated Warden may function under this Committee. This committee shall play an important role in co-ordinating and implementing all anti-ragging measures related to hostels.

1. Warden

The Hostel Warden is a person employed or designated to take care of administrative affairs, supervise boarding and lodging of students in hostels and ensure that the Rules and Regulations as applicable are obeyed

(a) Wardens shall be appointed as per the eligibility criteria laid down by UGC or any other competent authority of the concerned University / the State Government / Institution

(b) Wardens may be assisted by Deputy Wardens/ Assistant Wardens who shall perform similar duties under the supervision of the Warden

(c) The Warden may function under a Hostel Committee or in any manner as approved by the Institution

(d) The Wardens have an essential and important role to play in the anti-ragging efforts of the institution since the hostels are vulnerable areas especially after normal academic hours when freshers and senior students are likely to face each other in the hostels

(e) Wardens shall be accessible at all hours and shall be provided with mobile phones.

(f) The institution shall review and suitably enhance the powers and perquisites of Wardens and authorities involved in curbing the menace of ragging

(g) Wardens may be empowered to control Security personnel m hostels for anti-ragging measures


The University may formulate its own Regulations in this regard and the ensuing Subsections are largely based on the provisions of UGC regulations, 2009

The University shall act as the nodal agency of the Institutions which are affiliated being responsible for overall monitoring, reviewing and ensuring compliance to all relevant Regulations and Laws as applicable for prohibiting and preventing ragging in the affiliated colleges

(a) The University shall have a Monitoring Committee that shall be the prime-mover of implementation of all anti-ragging activities of the affiliated institutions. The Monitoring Committee shall

(i) Ensure compliance to the Regulations in letter and spirit, regularly

(ii) Oversee / monitor activities related to

a. Anti-Ragging Committee, Anti-Ragging Squads, and Mentoring Cells

b. Publicity of anti-ragging Regulations and laws

c. Conduct of orientation programs

d. Orientation and Counselling sessions

e. Reviewing and approving reports of investigations related to ragging received from constituent colleges/ institutions

f. Investigation of incidents of ragging by the Institutions as provided under Chapter

g. Implementation by institutions of suggestions for improvement

h. Any other such activity that may be necessary from time to time

(b) The University shall act as the Appellate Body for all decisions/orders related to incidents of ragging in affiliated Institutions as provided under Section 13 of these Regulations

The University shall regularly review the Anti-Ragging measures of its affiliated Institutions

(a) The University, shall take suitable action, as deemed fit, against defaulting institutions for such non-compliance, under intimation to the National Medical Commission and the State Governments/ Central Government as appropriate, which may include but is not limited to

(i) Withdrawal of affiliation/recognition or other privileges conferred.

(II) Prohibiting such institution from presenting any student or students then undergoing any program of study therein for the award of any degree/diploma of the University

(iii) Withdrawal of Grants to the Institution

(iv) Hosting on the website the non-compliance, including incidents of ragging and the actions taken thereof by the Institution

(v) Any other action as deemed fit, provided under the Rules/ Regulations of the University

The University shall play a facilitatory role and provide suggestions to make the implementation of Measures to prohibit and prevent ragging in Institutions more effective so as to eradicate the menace altogether

All reports related to incidents of ragging and appeals thereof shall be provided to the National Medical Commission

(a) Since several aspects of Medical Education and training are regulated under the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, the University shall co-ordinate with the National Medical Commission especially when punitive measures related to de-recognition of institutions, courses and degrees are concerned


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