DCI directs Dental Colleges to implement measures to curb ragging menace

Published On 2024-10-12 10:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-12 10:31 GMT

Delhi: The Dental Council of India (DCI) has issued guidelines for curbing the menace of ragging in dental institutions.

Writing to the Principals/Heads of all the Dental Colleges in the Country, the DCI stated that it is the responsibility of all institutions to ensure that no incident of ragging takes place n their dental institution and measures taken to curb it may be reviewed as DCI Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Dental Colleges, 2009.

As per section 11.3 of the regulations above, the authorities/Management (Trust, Societies, etc.) of the institution, particularly the Head of the institution, shall be responsible for ensuring that no incident of ragging takes place in the institution. In case any ragging incident occurs, the Management/Head shall take prompt and appropriate action against the person(s) whose dereliction of duty lead to the incident. In its turn, the authority designated to appoint the Head shall take prompt and appropriate action against the Head.


Further, DCI has instructed all dental institutions should issue advertisements against ragging through signboards, pamphlets etc. before the commencement of academic year as well as during the midst of the session and also to issue booklets to all the students of your Institutions containing the details about what constitutes ragging, punishable ingredients of ragging, punishments and penalty for ragging, names and mobile numbers of the members of the Anti Ragging Squad, Anti Ragging Committee (Anti Ragging Helpline), Wardens, Deputy Wardens of Men’s and Women’s hostel.

All dental Institutions will have to designate any of their faculty member(s) as "Counsellor" for fresher and senior students to coordinate the batches of students (Counselees) regularly about day-to-day problems and also to sensitize their role in curbing the menace of ragging.

The dental colleges will have to obtain and file an undertaking, on anti-ragging, from all parents/guardians and students (1st year to final year) studying in BDS/MDS/PG Diploma/Para Dental Courses or any other course approved/recognized by DCI

Besides above, it is also pertinent to mention here that, as per section 12.1 of subject regulations, each and every institution shall submit its reports by 31st October of every year in which admissions are made, indicating the action taken by institution for implementation of Regulation 9.1 & 9.2 of said regulations failing which the Dental Council of India, 

In case the institutes fail to submit the report, then DCI, as per section 11.4 of Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Dental Colleges, 2009, shall impose any one or any combination of the following penalties on it –

To initiate the derecognition process against the institution under section 16A of the Dentists Act, 1948

To reduce the admission capacity of the institution to the extent to which the Council deem fit.

To stop further admission in the institution till further orders.

To stop renewal of permission in respect of UG/PG Dental Courses.

To post the information regarding penalties so imposed on the concerned institution on the website of DCI for information of all concerned.

DCI has developed an online module to upload the requisite information/documents on its website to reduce the paperwork and efficiently scrutinize the above data. The Executive Committee of the DCI, in its meeting held on 13th October 2018 in New Delhi, has decided that all the requisite information/documents required as per DCI Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Dental Colleges, 2009 shall be uploaded on the DCI website and any hard copy of information /documents received by Post or sent by E-mail shall not be considered by DCI.

DCI stated that it is mandatory for all the institutions to upload the Anti Ragging Report, October 2024 on DCI Anti Ragging Online Module by using the online portal, as per the Monitoring Committee appointed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and as per DCI Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Dental Colleges, 2009, latest by 31.10.2024, positively. In case the requisite information is not uploaded by 31.10.2024 on DCI Anti Ragging Online Module, the name of defaulting college/institution will be forwarded to the said Monitoring Committee for appropriate action and their names will also be uploaded on DCI Website.

It is again reiterated that only the uploaded Anti Ragging Report, Oct. 2024 will be considered by the council and no hard copy/emails will be considered as report submission. Compliance to this circular may be treated as most urgent since the DCI Anti Ragging Online Module will automatically get disabled for uploading October 2024 Anti Ragging Report after 31.10.2024 (Midnight), the dental council said.

To view the official Notice, Click here :  https://medicaldialogues.in/pdf_upload/5791-256276.pdf


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