JIPMER issues circular on scheme to streamline PG Student guide allotment

Published On 2020-09-29 13:41 GMT   |   Update On 2020-09-29 13:48 GMT

Puducherry: Having received complaints regarding the allotment of PG students to guides (faculty members), the office of the Dean (Research) at JIPMER has decided to recommend the following scheme to streamline the allotment.

The HoDs are required to follow a scheme that serves justice to all the members of their teams including the junior faculty members.

1. List the faculty members (juniors as well as seniors) who are eligible to take students
2. Mention against each the number of students they are currently guiding.
3. Arrange the list in ascending order with respect to the number of students.
4. Allot students to those who have less number of students.
5. If two faculty members have an equal number of students, the senior will get priority.
6. If the number of faculty members is much more (say 8) and the number of students joining is much less say only one or two per year, the above scheme cannot be followed. The students should be allotted on a rotation basis where the new students will be allotted starting from senior to junior till all eligible guides are allotted a student before the next cycle starts.
7. If the number of faculty (say 10) and the number of students per session is almost equal (say 9), allot MD students to those guides who are guiding a lesser number of students cumulatively.
8. No faculty should refuse to guide students till there is adequate justification for the same (e.g. number of students cumulatively being guided in already 6 at the time of allotment)
1. Five faculty members are eligible to take students:
a) Professor & HoD
b) Additional Prof.
c) Associate Prof. (Senior)
d) Associate Prof. (Junior)
e) Assistant Prof. (Senior)
f) Assistant Prof. (Junior)
2. The number of students each faculty guiding as on date.
a) Professor & HoD - 4
b) Additional Prof.-3
c) Associate Prof. (Senior) - 2
d) Associate Prof. (Junior) - 2
e) Assistant Prof. (Senior) - 1
f) Assistant Prof. (Junior) - 0
3. The list in the ascending order with respect to the number of students.
a) Assistant Prof. (Junior) - 0
b) Assistant Prof. (Senior) - 1
c) Associate Prof. (Senior) - 2
d) Associate Prof. (Junior) - 2
e) Additional Prof. - 3
f)  Professor & HoD - 4
4. Allotment of new students joined  (3 numbers only)
a) Assistant Prof. (Junior) - 0.....1
b) Assistant Prof. (Senior) - 1.....1
c) Associate Prof. (Senior) - 2..1
d) Associate Prof. (Junior) - 2
e) Additional Prof. - 3
f) Professor & HoD - 4
To view official notice, click on the following link:

For more details, log on to the official website of JIPMER: https://jipmer.edu.in/  


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