MKCG Medical College 2nd year MBBS students allege ragging by seniors, NMC intervenes

Published On 2024-10-25 12:20 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-25 12:20 GMT

Berhampur: A second-year MBBS student of MKCG Medical College has brought allegations of ragging by seniors, prompting the authorities to launch an investigation into the matter. Meanwhile, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has taken cognisance of the complaints lodged by the parents of the victim students and has directed the Dean of the medical college to conduct a probe.

According to recent media reports, several second-year medical students have alleged that they were being ragged and harassed by seniors at the hostel. The student claimed that the ragging started when the first-year students shifted to a different hostel after completing their year. 

Following this, the second-year students were relocated from Cabin Block to three different hostels. After their relocation, the students claimed that the seniors harassed them mentally and physically.  

Also read- Ragging at MKCG Medical College: HC expresses Concern, orders Police Probe

When these students informed their parents about the issue, several complaints started pouring in at the desk of NMC. Taking cognizance of the parent's complaints, the apex regulatory body asked the Dean of the medical college to initiate an investigation.

In response to the NMC letter, the college authorities formed an internal committee. It had already started an investigation into the allegations. As per a Prameya news report, a meeting of the Anti-Ragging Committee is expected to take place, where both second-year and senior students are mandatory to be present.

Showing cooperation with NMC, the college authorities have declared that they will take strict disciplinary action against those involved in the raging incidents if the allegations are true. 

The college principal, Professor Dr. Suchitra Das, told the daily, "Plans are going on to relocate the second-year students to a separate hostel for their safety and comfort."

Medical Dialogues had reported a similar ragging incident at MKCG Medical College and Hospital. In February this year, two fourth-year MBBS students were suspended from attending classes and from staying in the hostel for two months after they were found guilty of ragging a junior medical student. 

Also read- 2 MBBS students of MKCG Medical College suspended for ragging junior

Article Source : With Inputs

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