RGUHS invites applications from teaching faculty for Research Grants 2020-21

Published On 2020-05-17 07:00 GMT   |   Update On 2020-05-17 07:00 GMT

Bengaluru: Through a recent notification, the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bengaluru (RGUHS) has invited applications from the teaching faculty at its medical colleges for Research Grants for the year 2020-21.

This notification has been issued by the RGUHS Registrar to all the Director, Dean and Principals of all the medical institutes (Govt. and Pvt) affiliated to the varsity. All the interested teachers who intend to go for this research project may apply by 15th July 2020.

The Directors/Deans/Principals of all the affiliated institutions are directed by the authority to communicate the same to all the teaching faculty of their institution.

The calendar of events for submission of application forms are as follows:


Uploading of Applications and sending the 1-hardcopies of the Applications by the Principal Investigators

04th May to 15th July 2020


Scrutiny of applications

Last Week of July 2020


Evaluation by Internal and External Subject Experts

UptoLast week of September 2020


Interactions with Principal Investigators and Expert Committee

Last week of October 2020


Placing of recommended proposals before Syndicate

November 2020


Release of grants

Last week of December 2020



The prescribed application forms can be downloaded from RGUHS website http://www.rguhs.ac.in/AdvancedResearch.htm from 04th May 2020


Proposals will be evaluated based on the information provided in Section A and B separately.


(a) The technical part of the research proposals (Section B) will be evaluated by the Internal and External Subject Experts for 80
marks. The research proposal which scores 70% or more marks in both Internal and external evaluation will be eligible for an interview with Research Expert Committee.

(b) The Subject Experts within the state will be Internal evaluators and Subject experts from outside the Karnataka State/University will be external evaluators.


The Research Expert Committee will interview the eligible Principal Investigators and Co-investigators and here Principal Investigator has to score a minimum of 50% marks to get selected for award of grants


The evaluation criteria for the Subject Experts and the Research Expert The committee will include the following

A. Criteria for evaluating the research proposals by the INTERNAL EXPERTS AND EXTERNAL EXPERTS separately.


(1) The originality of the proposal-

(Following will be taken into consideration)

a. Purpose (Novelty/Innovation)

b. Tools(Bio-medical/equipment related development)

c. The technique (New clinical technique/ improvement over existing technique)

d. Procedure (Improvement/ Simplification)


(2) The expected contribution of the proposed research to knowledge base —

(Following will be taken into consideration)

a. Upgrading the existing knowledge

(Preliminary work already was done)

b. Totally new research with impact on clinical/public health/health science


(3) Contribution of the proposed research to the society- (Following will be taken into consideration)

a.In terms of change in policy (Social/Public Health) b.In terms of economics(Cost saving)

c.In terms of simplification(Applicability and Acceptability)


(4) The research methodology employed including statistics- (Following will be taken into consideration)

a. Clear objectives described?

b.A clear description of the work-plan using CONSORT (RCT) or STROBE (Epidemiology) or ARRIVE (animal research) guidelines?

c.Is the statistical plan described? Power of the study?


(5) The ability of the proposal to get grants in future — (Following will be taken into consideration)

a. Robustness of the proposal in fundamental/applied aspects

b. Does the project fit within major funding drives/collaboration

c. Is there an indication of future plans?




B. Criteria for evaluating the research proposals by the EXPERT COMMITTEE


(1) Any grants received from any other funding agency other than RGUHS by the Principal Investigator


(2) Number of publications of the PI in the last 3 years in National/International indexed journals (one mark per paper upto a maximum of 5 marks)


(3) Infrastructural facilities present in the college to carry out the proposed research activity


(4) Any preliminary work is done in the same research field by the PI


(5) Whether running any concurrent PG/Ph.D. courses in the department


(6) Assessment of the PI during the interview with the Expert



The Research Grants will cover the following:

· Cost involved in getting the required tests done outside in case of non-availability of infrastructure required in the institution

· Honorarium for the supportive staff involved in research work.

Honorarium, travel expenses, Publication cost, and cost of registration of conferences put together should not exceed 30% of the total project cost. Ph.D Students can be taken as Junior Research Assistants provided that their research work is not related to the research project submitted by the Principal Investigator for research grants. However, it may be noted that Pi and CO-PI are not eligible for any honorarium.

· Research Assistants(if any) appointed for the purpose of research activity for which grant-in-aid is released by RGUHS, shall not be utilized for any other work. The non-technical research assistants i.e. secretarial assistant shall be paid Rs.6000/- per month and graduate research assistant shall be paid Rs.12000/- per month as honorarium.

· Presentation of the research paper/poster only in national


· Publication of the final paper in the indexed

national/international journal with a high impact factor.

· No grants will be released for the purchase/rental/lease of the equipment's/software/hardware

Institutional (Human) Ethical Committee clearance is mandatory for processing of research proposal and should be submitted while applying for the grants both soft copy and original hard copy along with the application.

Wherever animal experiments are involved, it is mandatory to have CPCSEA approval of the institution and the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee shall be formed as per CPCSEA guidelines and IAEC clearance of the project is mandatory.

If the research proposal does not involve any human or animal experimentation, then the Principal Investigator and Principal / Head of the Institute shall give an undertaking to that effect.

Intellectual Property Rights will be governed as per the guidelines issued by RGUHS.

All the Principal Investigators of the Research Project shall necessarily follow the guidelines issued by Indian Council for Medical Research, New Delhi or any other apex body guidelines as applicable to that faculty

Research grants will not be provided for conducting service camps in the communities, health education programs, routine health checkups and screening of populations/groups, etc.

Such of the Principal Investigators who have already received the research grants from RGUHS for the year 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017- 18,2018 -19and 2019-20 and Principal Investigators selected for collaborative research are not eligible to apply. However, if they have completed the research activity and have published an article out of the research activity in an indexed journal and submitted the completed research activity report in the required format to the university, then such investigators are eligible to apply for this year's research grants. Also, PG and Ph.D. students are not eligible to apply.

The full-time teaching faculty working in affiliated institutions conducting UG/PG/Super Specialty courses are only eligible to apply for these research grants.

One Principal Investigator can apply for one research proposal. In addition, he/she can become a Co-Investigator for only one more proposal from the same institution.

The Principal Investigator can propose a maximum of two Co-Principal 1 Investigators out of which First Co-PI shall be from the same department and the same institute where the Principal Investigator is working.

For any reason if PI and Co-Pi leave the institute and if the project is not completed the head of the institution shall mandatorily refund the research grant which has been allotted. Even if the work is partially executed and if PI and CO-PI's leave the institute, then also the institutional head shall refund the entire research grant that was given to the Institute/Pi of the institute.

The candidates shall upload the PDF form of application and also need to send the hardcopy. The Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, and Head of the Institute shall affix their seal and signature only in Section A. Section B should not contain the signature or any other mark or information which reveals the identity of the candidate.

Please note that the application for research grants shall be

uploaded in the following link:


The applications sent by email or any other mode will not be considered. The last date for uploading the application form is 15th July 2020 at 5.30 p.m. The hard copy of the same application which has been submitted in PDF format (both Section A 8s Section B) with relevant enclosures( Original documents, IEC and AIEC) in a spiral bounded manner (1 copy) has to be sent to the following address before 16th July 2020 to the following address:

The Director,

Advanced Research wing,

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, 4th T Block, Jayanagar,

Bangalore - 560 041

with superscription on the cover "Application form for Advance Research proposal"

For any further details, the applicants can contact 080-26961946 on all working days between 10.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

The discretion for the award of grants totally rests with the University and subject to availability of funds.

Special note: All the above instructions should be strictly adhered to with regard to filling and submission of application both online and hardcopy, the failure of which will result in rejection of application without assigning any reason.


How to Apply?

Step 1 - Click here to download the Proforma for Application (Section A) (Section B)

The filled-in application to be uploaded in the above link and hardcopy of the same to be sent to the following address.

The Director,

Advance Research Wing,

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,

4th T Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041

Please note:

The applications sent by email will not be considered.

It shall be uploaded in the link provided in the Step-2 above and hard copy of the same to be sent to the address given above.

And the hardcopies sent without uploading the softcopy also will not be considered.

Applications sent in old proforma will not be considered


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