NEET SS 2020: MCC releases final counselling scheme

Published On 2020-11-07 11:05 GMT   |   Update On 2020-11-07 11:06 GMT
NEET SS 2020: MCC releases final counselling scheme
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New Delhi: The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has released the final scheme for NEET SS counselling 2020. All the aspirants seeking admissions to Super Speciality courses this year can view the counselling scheme details as mentioned below.

The MCC/DGHS will be doing Counseling for 100% AIQ counselling for NEET SS, 2020.The role of MCC of DGHS is limited to allotment of seats to the participating candidates, as per their merit, choice & eligibility, which starts only after receiving the list/data/Information of successful candidates from National Board of Examination i.e. the NEET (SS) examination conducting body

100% All India Quota 

There will be two rounds of SS AIQ online counseling i.e. Round 1 & Round 2. All candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET SS conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE) will be eligible. Eligible candidates may download the Rank letter/ Result from the NBE website.
a) Main counseling Registration which will include payment of NonRefundable Registration fee and Refundable Security Deposit (to be refunded only in the account from which payment has been made).
b) Exercising of Choices and Locking of choices.
c) Process of Seat Allotment Round-1
d) Publication of result of Round-1on MCC website
e) Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College against 1 Round.
(Candidates who registered for Round-1 and did not get any seat allotted are not required to register again.)
a) Fresh New Registration for Round-2 for those candidates who
• Have not registered in Round-1 (with full payment of fees).
• Have Resigned / Not reported in Round-1 will have to register again (with full payment of fees).
• Fresh Choice filling Round-2.
b) Publication of result of Round-2 on MCC website.
c) Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College against Round 2

Reservation Policy 

There is no reservation in Super Specialty (D.M. / M.Ch. / DNB) courses in compliance of the Direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court in:
i. W.P. (c) 290/1997 Preeti Shrivastava & Anr Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors on 10th August 1999) and; ANNEXURE-5
ii. W.P. (c) 444/ 2015 Dr.Sandeep and Ors.Vs Union of India and Ors. ANNEXURE-6

Registration and counseling process 

 Candidates must ensure that the e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form of NBE will be used for registration on the MCC portal for Counselling.
 The Candidate(s) are advised to be in touch with the MCC website on regular basis for any updates as the MCC will not individually communicate to the Candidates to inform regarding the updates.
 Any complaint with regard to the change of registered mobile number or email address shall not be entertained by the MCC of DGHS, MoHFW.
Qualified candidates are required to register on the MCC website i.e. to participate in the counselling process for allotment of seat.
Q. No. 1: What is the process of online allotment?
a) Main counselling Registration which will include payment of Non-Refundable Registration fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) and refundable security deposit fee of Rs 2, 00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Only).
b) Exercising of choices and locking of choices.
c) Process of Seat Allotment Round-1.
d) Publication of result of Round-1.
e) Reporting at the allotted Medical College against 1st Round. (The Refundable Security Deposit of Rs. 2 Lakhs of candidates who have been allotted a seat in Round-I but do not join the allotted seat will be forfeited by MCC/DGHS).
f) Fresh/New Registration (Round-2) for the candidates who have not registered in the Round-1 of counselling and willing forfeited candidates of Round-1 who want to participate again in Round-II. (Already registered candidates of Round-1 and candidates who were not allotted any seat in Round-1 need not to register again. Such candidates shall proceed with the candidate login directly for choice filling of Round-2).
g) Fresh Choice filling of Round-2.
h) Process of Seat Allotment Round-2.
i) Publication of the result of Round-2.
j) Reporting at the allotted Medical College against Round-2.
k) the Last date up to which students can be admitted/joined against vacancies arising due to any reasons for this year 2020: as per schedule.
Please note that the registration facility shall be available only once during Round1, and once before starting of round-2 on notified dates. Thereafter, the registration facility shall not be available. Under no circumstances any request (for any reason) for registration, shall be entertained after the closing of registration. Candidates are advised to go through the schedule uploaded on the website of mcc.
Q. No.2: When will the online allotment process for this year start?
Ans.: Online allotment process will start as per counselling schedule for the National NEET Super specialty/ DNB SS online counselling.
Please see schedule available on .
Q. No.3: Do I have to report to any Counselling centre for registration or choice filling?
Ans.: No, Online registration and choice filling can be done from a place of convenience (including from home) using the internet. Candidates are advised not to use mobile phones for registration and choice filling purposes. Registration may be done by candidates using the desktop, laptop, I-pad, etc. having internet connectivity.
Q. No.4: Do I require any documents to get registered on-line?
Ans.: You will be required to fill up some of the information that you have provided (filled up) at the time of submitting the application form to National Board Examinations (NBE), New Delhi and information available on the admit card provided by NBE.
"Please keep information that you have furnished (filled up) on the application form and admit card, confidential, and do not share it with anybody as this information will be required to register for online allotment process and to submit choices. If somebody else uses that information, he/she can misuse your online registration and prevent you from taking part in online allotment process. Keep print out of application form ready for reference with you."

Q. No.5: What information do I require for online registration?
Ans. : Please note that you will be asked to fill some of the information (we are not showing it here for security reasons) that you have provided in your application form, admit card of examination during online registration and provided by the examination conducting agency, (NBE) therefore keep a copy of your application form and admit card ready for reference. These documents may be retained as they may be required till you complete your Super Specialty course.
"Please note that on registration window of the online allotment process, you have to fill in exactly same spellings, Date of Birth etc. as you have filled in your Application Form. The software will not accept any other spellings other than those filled in the form."
Q. No.6: How do I get a password for logging in?
Ans.: During the process of online registration, you will generate your own password. Candidates are advised to keep the password that they have created, confidential to them till the end of the counseling process. They can change the password after creating. The password is very important for participating in the online allotment process. Sharing of password can result in its misuse by somebody else, leading to even exclusion of genuine candidate from the online allotment process.
Q. No.7: How much time will I be given to join the allotted course?
Ans.: Candidates allotted seats will be required to join the allotted college/course within stipulated time from the date of allotment as mentioned in the Counselling schedule. However, candidates are advised to join as early as possible and not to wait for the last day of joining, due to different schedule of holiday/working hours in various Medical Colleges, also keeping in view that Medical colleges will have to furnish information about joining/non-joining online to Medical Counselling Committee. In some of the colleges, it takes 2 to 3 days' time for completion of admission formalities.
Q. No.8: What documents are required at the time of Counseling?
Ans.: Since it is online allotment (Online Counselling) process, no documents will be required for participating in the online allotment process. However, you are required to carry Original Certificates/Documents at time of Reporting for Admission against the allotted seat. Without original Certificate/Documents candidates will not be allowed for admission at the time of reporting.
Q. No.9: What documents are required at the time of joining in allotted Medical College?
Ans.: Original documents required at the time of joining in allotted Medical College are as mentioned below:
 Provisional Allotment Letter issued by MCC
 Admit Card issued by NBE
 Result/Rank Letter issued by NBE
 MBBS Degree Certificate/Provisional Certificate.
 MD/MS/DNB Degree Certificate in the concerned Specialty.
 Permanent Registration Certificate of MBBS/MS/DNB issued by MCI or NBE/State Medical Council. Students who have completed/are completing post-graduation by July 31, 2020, are eligible to apply with provisional certificate.
 High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date or birth.
 Candidates allotted seat must carry one of the identification proofs (ID Proof) to the allotted college at the time of admission (as mentioned in the information Bulletin published by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for NEET SS: 2020 i.e. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card).
Candidates without original certificates/documents shall not be allowed to take admission in allotted Medical College.
Candidates who have deposited their original documents with any other Institute/ College/University and come for admission with a certificate stating that "Candidates original certificates are deposited with the Institute/College/University" shall not be allowed to take admission in allotted Medical College.
Q. No. 10: Will my original be submitted by the allotted college?
Ans.: Yes, they will be under the custody of allotted college/Institute till the candidate is in the admission phase.
Q. No.11: What are the instructions regarding OBC, SC, ST& PwD certificates and in-service candidates?
Ans.: As per Direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court in (W.P. (c) 290/1997 Preeti Shrivastava & Anr Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors on 10th August 1999) and W.P. 
(c) 444/ 2015 Dr. Sandeep and Ors. Vs Union of India and Ors, there is no reservation in Super Specialty (D.M. / M.Ch. / DNB) courses.
Q. No.12: Is there any restriction for filling up a number of choices of Institutions (Colleges) or subjects in choice filling form?
Ans.: No, you can give as many choices as you wish limited to the specialty opted/Exam given during the filling up of the examination form and subject to the eligibility for the concerned super- specialty course as per the indicative feeder courses as provided by MCI notification. However, choices should be in the order of preference, as the allotment is done on the basis of choices submitted by the qualified candidate in order of preference given by the candidate and as per the availability.
Q. No.13: Is it necessary to fill up the choices and lock the choices to get seat allotted? Or I will be allotted seat automatically from available seats?
Ans.: After online registration (registration is compulsory to take part in the online allotment process) and payment of counseling fee, you have to fill in the choice of subjects and institutions/colleges in order of preference. Once choice is filled in, it can be modified before locking it. During the choice locking period it is necessary to lock the choices to get a print of your submitted choices. If the candidate does not lock the choice submitted by him/her, submitted choices by him/her will be automatically locked on the notified date & at the notified time, however you will be allowed to take a print of your choices after that but you will not be permitted to modify your choices.
If you don't register, you will not be allotted any seat.
I f you register and do not fill in any choice, you will not be allotted any seat.
Don't wait till the last minute to lock your choices and to take a printout. Please go through your submitted choices before locking as once you lock the choices the same cannot be modified or changed even if you have made a mistake. The mistake in filling choices may result in allotment of a seat which you never wanted.
Q. No.14: Is it necessary to join allotted Medical College to get chance to participate in the next round (2nd round) for up-gradation of the allotted seat?
Ans.: Yes, in case a seat is allotted during the Round-1, the candidate is required to join the allotted institution/college and complete the admission formalities, give willingness for up-gradation to Round-II then only candidate can exercise option to participate in next round (2nd Round) and up-gradation of the allotted seat. In this case, the earlier allotted seat in Round -1 will be retained if the candidate is not up-graded.
Please note that in case you do not give willingness for up-gradation of your seat at the time of joining of seat allotted during Round -1, you will not be considered eligible for participating in Round-2 (i.e. for up-gradation of your choice).
Q. No.15: What will happen if I do not want to join allotted seat of Round-1 and not report at the allotted college during Round-1?
Ans.: If the candidate did not report at allotted college in Round-1, then security fees deposited by the candidate will be forfeited and candidate will be eligible for participation in further round of counseling only after re-registration and payment of fees again for Round-2.
Q. No.16: What is the second round of the online allotment process?
Ans.: Second round of the online allotment process is Fresh choice filling and fresh allotment of seat as per choice and merit. There is new registration of candidates (only for those candidates who could not register in first round and candidates allotted the seat in Round-1but did not report at the allotted institute and taken exit with forfeiture option) however there will be Fresh Choice submission for 2nd Round of Counseling and eligible candidates will be allotted seat on basis of merit and fresh choices filled by the candidate.
Who are eligible for the 2nd Round of allotment?
Group–I: Registered candidates who did not get any seat allotted during Round-1.
Group–II: Candidates who have reported/joined at the allotted institute during the joining period of round-1 of allotment and submitted willingness for participating in second round up-gradation as Yes.
Group–III: Candidates who have not reported at the allotted institute during the Round-1 and taken exit with forfeiture option. Such candidates are eligible for participation in Round-2 of the counselling by making the fresh payment (registration and security fees).
Who are not eligible for 2nd Round of allotment?
Group- I: Not reported at allotted institute after seat allotment in Round-1 and not registered again for 2nd Round.
Group- II: Reported & Withdrawn (Resigned) from counselling at allotted Institute and not registered again for 2nd Round.
Group- III: Candidates who have reported in 1st Round and not opted for upgradation.
Q. No.17: Do I have to fill-up choices and College to participate in Round-2 of online allotment process separately?
Ans.: Yes, for second round, candidates are required to submit fresh choices. During the second round of online allotment process, the choice of higher preference will be considered for up-gradation for those candidates who give option to upgrade their choice at the time of admission at allotted Medical College.
Q. No.18: If I give consent for up-gradation of my choice during Round-2 and if my choice is upgraded, is it necessary to join at college allotted during second round? Or in case I change my decision of upgrading choice, can I continue to study in college allotted through first round of allotment?
Ans.: In case the candidate is allotted seat during the Round-2 of allotment process (choice is up- graded), the seat allotted during the first round will be automatically cancelled immediately (and allotted to somebody else eligible as per merit) and candidate will have to join the college/seat allotted during the second round. If candidate does not join the college/seat allotted during the second round, with in stipulated time, as per schedule, from the date of allotment, the candidate will forfeit his/her allotted seat and will lose the only seat for which he/she is eligible. (Non Joining of candidates on the allotted seat of Round-2 will lead to forfeiture of their security amount deposited with MCC/DGHS).
Q. No.19.: If I give option to participate in Round-2 at the time of joining college from first round allotment, but later change my decision and want to continue study at already allotted Medical College, what is the procedure to avoid change (cancellation) of already allotted college/seat?
Ans.: Candidates who have provided their willingness for up-gradation at the time of admission during Round-1 & want to continue in Round-1 allotted college/institute need not fill any choices during Round-2, in that case his/ her earlier seat of round 1 will be retained.
Q. No.20: If I forget my password that I have created during the process of registration, how to retrieve it.
Ans.: To retrieve the forgotten password, system facilitates the following process:
The candidate is required to enter the information that he/she filled at the time of registration and then the security question & answer thereon to be entered as given during New Candidate registration process. The above data submitted by candidate will be validated with the registered candidates' database. If the above entries match, then only the candidate would be permitted to enter new password to proceed further.
Candidates are advised to remember the password and also retain their application form and admit cards printout ready till completion of admission process. It is not possible for MCC/NIC to retrieve such a password.
Q. No. 21: In case I have Birth Certificate/Caste Certificate/other certificate(s) in regional language, will it be acceptable at the time of reporting/joining?
Ans.: Certificates issued by the competent authority should be in English or Hindi language. Please remember that some of the states insist for certificate in English language only. Candidates are advised to carry Certified Copy of English version of the original certificate, in case certificate issued is in other than English language along with the original certificate.
Q. No. 22: If there is discrepancy in spelling of a name in documents and application form, what do I do?
Ans.: If there is discrepancy in spelling in documents candidate must carry proof that the documents belong to same person, in form of an affidavit/undertaking.
Q.No.23: What about the condition of Stipend/fee structure/course duration/bond amount/rendering of service in rural/tribal area/other conditionality.
Ans.: Stipend /fee structure/ course duration/bond amount/rendering of service in rural/tribal area/other conditions etc. may vary from State to State and Institute to Institute. Some seats may be approved/ permitted but not yet recognized by MCI / NBE. The allotment made through online allotment process will be firm and final as per Hon'ble Supreme Court's directions. Therefore, the candidates should well examine these points before opting for a seat at a medical college. The Medical CounsellingCommittee (MCC) shall neither be responsible nor shall entertain any case on above grounds, if any. The information received from various participating Medical Colleges/Indtitute has been made available on the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare / MCC website (under the Medical Counseling – Super Specialty Counseling - Information about college, fee, bond information etc.). Candidates are advised to visit the website of the college/ institution to check the information. In case they require any additional information, they can contact the college/institution on telephone/email before opting for choices.
Q. No. 24: How to use registration and Choice filling form on the website?
Ans.: Candidates will have to log on to the website to get registered (Registration facility will open on dates as mentioned in Schedule) and then fill in choices. It is advised that after going through the seat matrix, a tentative list may be prepared first as per your preference of subjects and colleges, before attempting to fill choices on-line.
Q. No. 25: Difficulty in login, what may be the problem(s)?
Ans.: Please read User manual for the candidates. Follow the instructions about use of browser (Mozilla Fire Fox, Internet Explorer-6 or above, Google Chrome), use of same spellings, same format of date (Use digits for day, month and year with - in between) as in application form submitted to National Board Examination (NBE), New Delhi. The internet connection should be uninterrupted. If internet connection interruption takes place, the IP address which is being monitored will change and session expired message will be displayed. Please try to login from other computer from which other candidate(s) has logged in successfully, if possible.
Q. No. 26: I have difficulty in Creating Password, what may be the problem(s)?
Ans.: The creation of password should be as per password policy. Please follow the password policy. Please use the internet browser as suggested in user manual, as it is difficult to login from some of the other browsers. While creating password avoid using Caps Lock key, instead of Caps Lock use shift key.
Q. No. 27: When I try to login for choice filling/submission, It say wrong roll number /password, what may be problem(s)?
Ans.: This can happen if the Roll Number/Testing ID typed is incorrect or password typed is incorrect. The password is case sensitive, therefore use a password which was created by user exactly the same as typed while creating. In case the password is forgotten, try to generate a new password by using the security question and its answer.
Q. No. 28: What are the guidelines for choice filling before Round-1 of the online allotment process and Round-2 Allotment Process?
Ans.: The Candidates are advised to fill in choice carefully for seats in (Higher preference to lowest preference).
Q. No. 29: Can I modify my choices during the choice submission period for Counselling?
Ans.: Yes, you can modify, add or delete your choices during this period, before you lock your choices. However, the registration (of New Users) is permitted up to date and time specified in counselling Schedule, only. Please note that you have to lock your choice by date and time specified in Counselling Schedule.
Q. No. 30: I have not locked my choices before the time specified in Counselling schedule on the last date of choice locking, what will happen to my choices?
Ans.: The choices submitted and saved by you will be locked by the system at the time of last date/date of choice locking as mentioned in Counselling Schedule, automatically.
Q. No.31: How can I get print out of my choices which system has locked?
Ans.: After the specified time of last date/date of choice locking (or after choice locking) print out can be taken from MCC website after login by the Candidate, link is available on the left hand side of the page as "Print Lock Choice".
Q. No. 32: If I opt to participate in the second round of Counseling whether my allotted seat (of the first round) will be cancelled?
Ans.: In case you are not allotted any seat in the second round you will retain earlier allotted seat (if you have already completed admission formalities and not resigned from the allotted seat). However, on the allotment of a seat in the second round the earlier allotted seat will automatically be cancelled and allotted to another candidate.
Q. No. 33: If I get up-graded in 2nd Round from my 1st Round seat, can I join that 2nd Round College directly?
Ans.: No, you will have to get a relieving letter from the earlier institute/college (allotted in Round-1) - generated on- line, before you can join the next college/institution (allotted in Round-2).
Q. No. 34: At the time of admission will my original certificates be retained by the allotted college/institution?
Ans.: Yes, all the participating colleges/institutions have been instructed to retain original certificates of admitted students and release them only on up-gradation of the seat or resignation by the candidate to prevent seat blocking.
Q. No. 35: In case some of the Super Specialty seats are sanctioned by the Medical Council of India/ NBE / Central Government after the start of Counseling (as per counseling Schedule) will they be added in seat matrix (available seats).
Ans.: As per the "Time Schedule for completion of Admission Process for Super Specialty Medical Courses approved by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in IA Number 7 & 8 in Writ Petition (Civil) no. 76 of 2015 in Ashish Ranjan & Ors. Vs Union of India & Ors. Case vide order dated 18.01.2016. Accordingly, Round-1 and Round-2 counselling will be conducted and there is no provision of Round -3. However, the exception to the rule is seats which are increased due to Teacher/ Student ratio and sanctioned under 10A act, such seats can be added.
Q. No. 36:- I have registered for Round-I. Should I register again for Round-II?
Ans:- No, only those candidates who have not registered in Round-I need to register again in Round-II. Candidates who have exited with forfeiture in Round-I need also to register again.
Q. No. 37: Who are eligible for the "Exit with Forfeiture" option?
Ans: -
a) Candidate who has been allotted a seat in Round-1 but does not report at the college may exit with Forfeiture. (I.e. The refundable security fee will not be refunded in such a case).
b) Candidate who has been allotted a seat in Round-2 but does not report at the college may exit with Forfeiture. (I.e. The refundable security fee will not be refunded in such a case).
c) Round I candidate who has not been upgraded in Round II may resign his seat allotted in Round- 1 within two days of Round-2 result announcement.
Q. No. 38: Can a candidate resign from Round-II once he joins the allotted college?
Ans.: a) Candidates who has joined Round-2 and those Candidates joined in Round-I but not upgraded in Round-II and did not resign within 02 days of declaration of the result of Round-2 will not be allowed to resign their joined seat.
Application form & Fee of Counseling 
i. Fees

Refundable Security fee

Non-Refundable Registration fee

Total Fee

Rs. 2, 00,000/-

Rs. 5000/-

Rs. 2, 05,000/-

Q. No.1:- What are the various fee to be paid at the time of registration?
Ans:- At the time of registration candidates have to pay two kinds of fee :
a) Non-Refundable Registration fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only).
b) Refundable Security fee Rs. 2, 00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh only). The security amount deposited will be refunded only after the completion of counseling. No requisition of refund will be entertain during the counseling.
Q. No. 2:- Is this security fee was refundable in all the cases?
Ans: - No, this fee will be forfeited if the candidate who has been allotted a seat in the first or second Round and the candidate does not join the respective institution. Also, the security fee will be forfeited in case the candidate gives wrong information at the time of registration on the basis of which a seat may be allotted and later cancelled by the Admission Authorities at the time of reporting. Refundable fee will be refunded only after completion of all the rounds of counseling.
ii. Refund
Q. No. 3:- Where and when this fee will be refunded?
Ans: - Security fee will be refunded to the candidate from where the remittance has been made and refund will only be initiate after completion of counseling.
Q. No. 4:- Whether the Security Fees submitted at the time of Registration will be refunded back in case the candidate is not allotted any seat during the two rounds of online counseling conducted by DGHS?
Ans: - Yes, in case the candidate is not-allotted/allotted any seat during the two rounds the security amount deposited will be refunded back to the candidate. Security fees refundable will be refunded to all registered candidates participated in the counselling except the candidates taken the "Exit with forfeiture option".
Q. No. 5: When and Where this Security amount will be refunded?
Ans: 1. Security amount will be refunded only after the completion of all rounds of Counselling. The security amount will be refunded to the same account from where the security amount was initially deposited by the candidate. E.g. If the security amount was deposited through Card # 1234XXXXXXXX5678, then the refund will go to Card #1234XXXXXXXX5678 only. If the security amount was deposited from account # 123456789012 of State Bank of India ISF Code SBIN0003567 then the refund will go to then the refund will go to #123456789012 of State Bank of India ISF Code SBIN0003567 only. Hence the candidate should keep their card/bank account active till the refund process is completed.
Q. NO. 6: If the security deposit is remitted through an unrelated card/bank account can the Candidates request for the refund to different card/bank account?
Ans: NO. The refundable security deposit will be refunded only to the account from where the security deposit was initially deposited. The candidates are advised to not to use unrelated card/bank accounts for remitting security deposit. MCC will not entertain such requests.
Q. NO. 7: What happens if the candidate, by mistake, make more than one payment for the same Roll #?
Ans: Candidate can approach the Financial Custodian after 15 days of closing of Registration Window. The Financial custodian will refund the excess payment, if any, within 30 days of receipt request from the candidate. The Financial Custodian will deduct, towards their Admn. expenses, 50% of the Registration Fees or Rs.500/- whichever is less from the excess receipt refund.
Q. NO. 8: Do I have to request the Financial Custodian to refund the security amount? What is the schedule for the refund of the security amount?
Ans: NO. Candidate need not approach the Financial Custodian for a refund of the security amount. The Medical Counselling Committee will publish the list of candidates who are eligible for the refund of security amount in the website of MCC "" once all rounds of counselling are completed. The Financial Custodian will complete the refund of the security amount within 15 working days of publishing the eligible list in the MCC Website. Once the Financial Custodian completes the refund, MCC will publish the refund details along with the refund date & transaction # in the website of MCC "". The refund will be credited, depending upon the level of digitalization of candidate's bank, to the candidates account between 2 to 15 days from the date of refund by Financial Custodian.
Q. NO. 9: Can candidate initiate refund proceedings through chargeback claim through the card Issuing bank?
Ans: NO. Candidates who has been allotted Roll # should not initiate refund proceedings through chargeback claim through the card issuing bank. If the chargeback claim is initiated, the Financial Custodian will not be in a position to initiate direct refund.
Q. NO. 10: Who is the Financial Custodian?
Ans: HLL Lifecare Ltd, a Govt. of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is Financial Custodian. They will, on behalf of MCC, collect nonrefundable Registration Fees and refundable security deposit from the candidates and refund the security deposit to the candidates.
Q. No. 11: How to contact the Financial Custodian?
Ans: The Financial Custodian Can be contacted through mail "". The Financial custodian will respond only to the mails through mail id registered in the application form.
➢ Direct queries to MCC will not be entertained.
➢ All refund related queries should be addressed to f only.
Q. No. 12: Will Medical Counselling Committee bear the bank charges incurred by the candidate while registering for counselling?
Ans: NO. Bank Charges if any, incurred by the candidate should be borne by them only.
Q. No. 13: Can candidate remit the Registration Fee and Security Deposit from NRI Account?
Ans: NO. Since MCC cannot, as per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Rules, refund security deposit to NRI Account. If the candidate wants to use the funds available in his/ her NRI Account for registering for counselling, he/she has to first transfer funds from NRI Account to NRO Account and from NRO Account to MCC. The refund from MCC will be credited to NRO Account only.
Q. No. 14: Will MCC pay interest on the refundable security deposit?
Ans. NO. MCC will not pay interest on the refundable security deposit.
To view the official notice, click on the following link:


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