Alia Bhatt Botox Gone Wrong Controversy: Doctor Defends his Claim After Actor Slams Critics

Published On 2024-10-26 04:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-26 14:40 GMT

Alia Bhatt Botox Controversy


New Delhi: After actor Alia Bhatt recently slammed the trolls and critics for making random videos of hers claiming that she has had "botox done wrong", a facial aesthetics expert, Dr. Sai Ganapathy, who made a video discussing Alia's alleged surgery and its side effects, has defended himself.

Dr. Sai also made a video in which he talked about the Jigra Actor's "crooked smile" because the right side of her face getting "paralysed" as a result of the migration of botox.

Speaking to Hindustan Times about Bhatt's claims, Dr. Sai said, "It’s her personal opinion, I wouldn’t like to comment on that. I’d rather talk medically."

Dr. Sai Ganapathy defended his opinion in the video and explained that "It’s just a personal judgement and I have not targeted anyone. It can happen to anybody, even some of my patients can face it. These kinds of complications do occur with aesthetic procedures and it’s nothing to worry about. It’s completely reversible."

Also Read: Allergan's Botox Cosmetic now approved for treating platysma bands

He also explained the medical reason behind it and told Hindustan Times, "After seeing her videos, I realised that when she must have got the botox done, something might have gone wrong. And it’s not a major but a minute complication, which can occur with any injector. Sometimes the botox migrate towards the risorius muscle if you put up any kind of movement. Thus, sometimes there is a dip movement when she speaks, the lips will be tilted as seen in the video, which I also saw in many videos that people had put up. So, that was the concern."

When asked if public figures like Bhatt should be scrutinised for their looks and claims of surgeries, Dr. Sai further added, "I don’t think it is right, but they are public figures, so there's more awareness in people when they see these celebrities getting botox done and something goes wrong. It helps people be more aware that these things can be reversed. If these small mistakes can happen with celebrities, they can happen with normal people also. But it can be reversed. So, it’s not about targetting that celebrity but because they are so famous, they can influence the younger generation much more nicely."

"I have spoken about how it’s encouraging that public figures are speaking openly about lip fillers, etc. Rajkummar Rao has spoken about getting chin fillers. Earlier, the younger generation was not aware about skin procedures, but with public figures now coming out with it, there are both positive and negative sides to it. It’s nice that celebrities are coming out openly about getting procedures done. The younger generation are now much more aware as they look up to them. Common people can get influenced, go out and get things done and improve their skin texture and appearance. So, my video was done in a positive aspect, and to create awareness about it," he added.

Recently, in an Instagram post, Alia Bhatt slammed the trolls and critics for claiming that she has had "botox done wrong". Calling such posts "beyond ridiculous" she added, "To the random video floating around literally claiming I've had Bows gone wrong (and to the numerous clickbait articles) - I have a 'crooked smile' and a 'weird way of speaking," according to YOU. This is your hypercritical. microscopic judgment of a human face. And now you're confidently tossing around 'scientific" explanations. claiming I'm paralysed on one side? Are you kidding me? These are SERIOUS claims being casually thrown out there with zero proof, no confirmation, and absolutely nothing to bock it up."

"What's worse, you're influencing young, impressionable minds who might actually believe this garbage. Why are you saying this? For clickbait?Attention? Because none of it makes sense," she added.

"Let's take a minute to address the absurd lens through which women are judged and objectified on the Internet—our faces, bodies. personal lives, even our bumps (!!!) are up for critique. We should be celebrating individuality, not tearing it apart under o microscope. These types of judgments perpetuate unrealistic standards, making people feel like they're never 'enough • It's damaging, and its exhausting," the actor had mentioned in her Insta post.

Also Read: Patients living in High-sun climates may require higher doses of Botox during cosmetic treatment of face: Study

Article Source : with inputs

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