Delhi Govt Extends Tenure for Resident Doctors, Ad-hoc Recruitment allowed

Published On 2024-10-07 07:47 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-07 11:16 GMT

New Delhi: The Delhi Government has extended the tenure of existing regular and ad-hoc Senior Residents (SRs) and Junior Residents (JRs) in all Government Hospitals under the Health Department till the completion of the recruitment process by the Centralized Committee.

Further, the State has allowed the Delhi Government hospitals to recruit JRs/SRs on an Ad-hoc basis per the existing rules/guidelines.

Medical Dialogues had earlier reported that addressing the concerns over the recruitment process of junior and senior resident doctors, Delhi State Health Department had approved the formation of a centralized committee to look after the recruitment of doctors. Further, the State had directed the hospitals not to engage doctors via direct recruitment.

"All Medical Superintendents/Directors...are hereby directed to stop engaging Senior Residents/Junior Residents at their own level since a Centralized Committee for Recruitment of JR-SR has already been created. Further, all such advertisements for the recruitment of JR-SR to be cancelled and if process has already been started and interviews have not been held, the same also to be cancelled with immediate effect," Delhi Govt had mentioned in an order.


It was decided that this centralized committee would have four members including a resident doctor and it would be led by the Dean of Maulaza Azad Medical College (MAMC).

Now modifying the earlier order dated 12.09.2024 and in the interest of patient-care and smooth functioning of hospitals, the Health and Family Welfare Department, Delhi ordered the following on 03.10.2024:

1. extend the tenure of existing regular SRs and JRs in all Govt. hospitals under H&FW, GNCTD till the recruitment is done by Centralized Committee for Recruitment of JRs-SRs.

2. allow all Govt. hospitals under H&FW, GNCTD to recruit JRs-SRs on Adhoc basis as per extant guidelines/orders, till further orders.

3. extend the tenure of existing Adhoc SRs and JRs in all Govt. hospitals under H&FW, GNCTD till the recruitment is done by Centralized Committee for recruitment of JRSR.

The Government decision of forming a centralized panel came after medical professionals alleged corruption and favouritism in the hiring process of State-run government hospitals. Raising this issue, earlier, a delegation of doctors led by the Federation of All India Medical Association (FAIMA) met with Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj on August 23.

Also Read: Delhi Govt sets up panel to recruit Junior Doctors


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