Doctors at Motherhood Hospitals remove 600 grams Fibroid from pregnant Woman's Uterus

Published On 2023-07-16 08:00 GMT   |   Update On 2023-07-16 08:00 GMT

Khargar: A 30-year-old pregnant woman underwent successful surgery to remove a 600 grams fibroid in her uterus, almost the size of a watermelon at Motherhood Hospitals, Kharghar. 

A team headed by Dr Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar gave a fresh lease of life to the patient as this medical problem is rare; seen in 1 out of 2000 women dealing with big size fibroids and 1 in 50 women dealing with small size fibroids.


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Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. 30 % of women in their childbearing years have fibroid. Mostly fibroid are seen among the 30-plus age group, but in rare cases, it can be seen even at the age of 25. This gynae issue isn’t associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develops into cancer.

Fibroids range in size from seedlings, undetectable by the human eye, to bulky masses that can distort and enlarge the uterus. You can have a single fibroid or multiple ones. Doctors at Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar came across a case associated with Uterine fibroids.

Mrs Nalini Shah(name changed), a 30-year-old IT professional, came for a consultation for pregnancy to Motherhood Kharghar. Upon her first scan, a fibroid of 6 cm in size was detected on the outer surface of the uterus. She was given medications so that the fibroid wouldn’t impact her pregnancy. As her pregnancy progressed further, in the 3rd-month scan, the size of the fibroid increased to 10 cm.

The uterus size per abdomen was bigger than the gestation age on examination. Her abdomen was full of mass arising from the uterus. As the baby was growing, her discomfort with pelvis, back, and upper abdomen kept stretching more. This high-risk pregnancy was managed timely and promptly at Motherhood Hospitals, Kharghar.

Dr Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar said, “Fibroids range in size from seedlings, undetectable by the human eye, to bulky masses that can distort and enlarge the uterus. You can have a single fibroid or multiple ones. In such cases there are high chances of miscarriage, preterm labor pain restriction in growth of the baby. Along with managing the complications of pregnancy, couples’ anxiety and fear is the main concern for us, so we always focus on positive counselling, support, and treatment. “

Dr Surabhi added,” With progesterone hormone medicine, injections, proper rest, frequent scans to know the growth of the fibroid; the patient managed her pregnancy to the 9th month. But during the 37th week, she complained of intense pain. Hence, she was scheduled to undergo an elective c-section. Her breathlessness also increased as there was a lot of pressure on her diaphragm.

An elective c-section was done and the fibroid of 10cm weighing 600 grams was removed through a lap myomectomy. There are chances of extra bleeding and PPH- Postpartum hemorrhage -heavy bleeding after giving birth if not taken proper care of. But with great precaution and expertise, the challenging situation was handled well by the intra operative care & expert team headed by gynecologist & lap surgeon Dr Ujjwal Mahajan and Lead Anesthetist Dr Anita Roy who managed the intra operative care complications. After successful surgery, the patient delivered a 3.5 kg baby boy. The mother and baby are fine and were discharged.

Facts- “Uterine fibroid is prevalent in women, every third woman who comes in the age group of 30 plus has a fibroid. Over the years we have not seen any rise in cases, but the age bracket has reduced as more awareness has grown around this gynae issue and timely detection is done. Fibroids are not seen in adolescence. Managing such cases requires medical proficiency and compassion and approachability towards the patient.”

Dr Sneha Sathe, Consultant Infertility Specialist, Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai, said, “These non-cancerous growths develop on the walls of the uterus and can vary in size and location. While some fibroids are small (seedling fibroids), others can grow significantly large and distort the uterus.”

“Many women with fibroids do not experience any symptoms, and most are able to conceive naturally without any complications. However, in certain cases, larger or strategically positioned fibroids can hinder pregnancy. These growths have the potential to obstruct the fallopian tubes, hindering the fertilized embryo's journey to the uterus. Additionally, fibroids can alter the shape of the uterus and cervix, affecting the movement of sperm. Submucous fibroids, which are located just beneath the inner lining of the womb can specifically cause fertility issues and even miscarriages. When considering the impact of fibroids on fertility, the location of the fibroid is more concerning than the size or number.”

Dr Sathe added, “If you are experiencing fertility issues or if you have severe menstrual pain, abnormal or heavy bleeding, or have been incidentally diagnosed with fibroids on ultrasound, it is recommended to consult with a Fertility Specialist. By addressing these concerns proactively, we can provide the necessary support and guidance to help you confidently navigate your fertility journey.”

“My husband & I were pleased about our pregnancy. But, the happiness turned into a nightmare after I was diagnosed with such an issue that we didn't know anything. What concerned us a lot was whether our baby's health would be affected. We had no understanding of what to do. But I am grateful for having met the team of amazing doctors who supported, educated, and counselled us in our pregnancy journey and helped me deliver the baby without any complications. Our small family is completed now,” concluded the patient Mrs Nalini (name changed).


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