Manipal Hospitals set new Guinness World Record of 3319 CPR performances within 24 hours

Published On 2024-10-04 10:45 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-04 10:45 GMT

Bengaluru: Manipal Hospitals, renowned as one of Bangalore's top multispecialty healthcare providers, has achieved a remarkable milestone and created history by setting a new Guinness World Record with 'Mission 3K – 3000 Hearts, One Beat,' a relay-style Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) event held on World Heart Day. 

The event broke the existing Guinness World Record for the most CPR performances in a single day, with 3,319 participants trained and ready, surpassing the previous record of 2,619 CPRs and setting a new global standard, it said in a statement.  

“Mission 3K- 3000 Hearts, One Beat” required each participant to perform 60 compressions, with less than five seconds allotted for transitions between individuals, the statement said.

Also read- Manipal hospitals sets Guinness World Record for 22000 registrations to learn CPR in 24 hours

As per the PTI news report, the event took place at the Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road and operated continuously within 24 hours, emphasising the importance of precise timing and teamwork.


“Over 30 nursing colleges from across Bengaluru collaborated, playing a crucial role in the success, while hospital staff, including nurses and paramedics, remained on standby to provide essential support for this ambitious record attempt,”, the statement said.

Medical Dialogues reported in 2023 that the hospital received a Certificate of Recognition from the Guinness World Records for having achieved the most number of pledges to learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in 24 hours, on the occasion of World Heart Day.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a leading global cause of death, highlighting the urgent need to prioritise heart health. The event demonstrated the synergy of the Manipal Hospital South Cluster, with 12 units, including Mysuru and Salem, joining Old Airport Road for the event. 

Dr H Sudarshan Ballal, Chairman of Manipal Hospitals told Bangalore Mirror, “At Mission 3K – 3000 Hearts, One Beat, we are proud to be part of this historic event in collaboration with the Guinness World Records on World Heart Day 2024. Our goal is not just to set a record by performing 3,000 continuous CPRs, but to spread an important message—CPR saves lives. If someone collapses or experiences a heart attack, CPR can revive them. I urge everyone to learn this life-saving skill. Manipal Hospitals is ready to train you, and together, we can save countless lives.”

Also read- Manipal Hospitals for the first time celebrates triumph of cancer caregivers


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