Ruckus at Mumbai's Civic Hospital, Two booked

Published On 2024-10-03 06:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-03 06:46 GMT

Mumbai: The Mumbai police have arrested two men for allegedly creating ruckus inside a civic-run hospital and obstructed an on-duty doctor from performing his duties on Tuesday.

According to the PTI report, police registered an FIR against Ritesh Tayde (27) and Rupesh Wankhede under the Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act on a complaint lodged by a male doctor of Shatabdi Hospital in Govandi on Monday night.

According to police, Tayde was examined for fever, given medicine, and asked to come for follow-up the next day.

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“Tayde and Wankhede, however, returned on Monday night. Tayde was medically examined by another doctor who asked him to come on Tuesday to give his blood sample,” the police official said.

Wankhede and Tayde started arguing with the on-duty medical officer and assembled four to five persons at the spot. Wankhede started recording a video and abused a security guard when he tried to intervene. When the hospital staff called up the police, the duo fled, news agency PTI reported.


Police are investigating.

Also Read:Thane Hospital Theft: Rs 21 Lakh Stolen, 3 Arrested


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