Biocon gets 4 USFDA observations for Bengaluru facility

Written By :  Ruchika Sharma
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr. Kamal Kant Kohli
Published On 2024-09-30 13:15 GMT   |   Update On 2024-09-30 13:15 GMT

Bangalore: Biocon has announced that the U.S  Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has concluded a surveillance inspection with four observations at the Company's API facility (Site 2), located at Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The inspection was held between the 23rd to 27th September 2024.

"Four observations were cited at the end of the Inspection, which the Company will be addressing within the stipulated time. The Company does not foresee any impact on the business," Biocon stated.

Read also: USFDA concludes inspection at Biocon Biologics Malaysia Insulins facility

Medical Dialogues team had earlier reported that the Company had received three observations at the end of the inspection at the Company's API facility (Site 1), located at Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Read also: USFDA concludes inspection at Biocon Bengaluru API facility

Biocon Limited, publicly listed in 2004, is an innovation-led, global biopharmaceutical company. It has developed and commercialized novel biologics, biosimilars and complex small molecule APIs in India and several key global markets, as well as generic formulations in the US and Europe.


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