Centre approves Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau of India proposal to invite online applications for opening Janaushadhi Kendra in 651 districts

PMBJP was launched by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers with the objective of making quality generic medicines available at affordable prices to all.

Published On 2023-01-15 04:30 GMT   |   Update On 2023-01-15 04:30 GMT

New Delhi: The Central government has approved the proposal of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI) to invite online applications for the opening of new Janaushadhi Kendras in 651 districts of different states and union territories.

PMBI is the implementing agency of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP).
"This scheme provides an excellent opportunity for self-employment with sustainable and regular earnings," the Chemicals and Fertilizers Ministry said in a statement.
According to the ministry, under PMBJP, an incentive of Rs 5.00 lakh is provided to the Jan Aushadhi Kendras as financial assistance and a one-time additional incentive of Rs 2.00 lakh (as reimbursement for IT and Infra expenditure) is provided to Jan Aushadhi Kendras opened in North-Eastern States, Himalayan areas, island territories and backward areas identified as aspirational districts by NITI Ayog or if opened by Women Entrepreneur, Ex-serviceman, Divyang, SCs and STs.
PMBJP was launched by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers with the objective of making quality generic medicines available at affordable prices to all.
"Under this scheme, there are already more than 9000 Janaushadhi Kendras are functional across the country," the ministry said.
The Government has set a target to increase the number of Jan Aushadhi Kendras to 10,000 by March 2024.
The product basket of PMBJP comprises 1759 medicines and 280 surgical devices covering all major therapeutic groups.

Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana has made phenomenal progress in the last 8 years and Janaushadhi Kendra has become the medicine shop of the poor in the country, Dr Mansukh Mandaviya had said in November 2022.

Read also: Mansukh Mandaviya says cheap, good quality medicine available at over 9,000 Janaushadhi Kendras in country

Article Source : ANI

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