Lupin, Scope Ophthalmics Ireland ink pact to market Optase range of products in Mexico

Written By :  Ruchika Sharma
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr. Kamal Kant Kohli
Published On 2024-10-02 04:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-02 04:30 GMT

Mumbai: Global pharma major Lupin Limited has announced that it has signed a distribution agreement with Scope Ophthalmics Ireland (SCOPE) for the registration and marketing of a Moist Heat Mask, a Tea Tree Oil Eyelid Cleansing Gel and Tea Tree Oil Eyelid Wipes of the OPTASE range, in Mexico.

The OPTASE range is a safe, tested and expert recommended 3-step regime to help tackle the cause and symptoms of eye conditions such as Dry Eyes, Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). This eye care routine comprising of Heat, Cleanse, and Hydrate, follows the TFOS Dry Eye management strategy, as outlined in the DEWS II  publication’s staged plan.

“We are very pleased to collaborate with SCOPE and integrate a part of their OPTASE range of products into our Ophthalmology offerings. This expansion of our Ophthalmology range reinforces our commitment to enhancing vision care for our patients, improving their quality of life,” said Dr. Fabrice Egros, President – Corporate Development and Growth Markets, Lupin.

“Through the signature of this collaboration with Lupin, SCOPE is expanding its footprint in Latin America for its OPTASE range. Mexico is clearly a country of strategic importance for SCOPE where our innovative eyecare products, together with the strong relationships of Lupin amongst Eye Care Professionals as well as its overall credibility in the market, will certainly contribute to the success of both companies” said Tom Freyne, CEO at SCOPE.


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