Marinus Pharma Halts Development After Seizure Drug Fails Trial

Marinus said it will discontinue development of the drug, ganaxolone, and take further steps to reduce costs, including job cuts.

Written By :  Farhat Nasim
Published On 2024-10-25 09:43 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-25 09:43 GMT
Bengaluru: Marinus Pharmaceuticals said on Thursday it is exploring alternatives after the company's drug for treating seizures related to a rare brain disease failed to meet the main goal in a late-stage study.
The company's shares were down 65% to 56 cents in premarket trading.
Marinus said it will discontinue development of the drug, ganaxolone, and take further steps to reduce costs, including job cuts. It did not disclose the number of jobs that would be affected.
In June, an intravenous version of ganaxolone for a type of seizure known as refractory status epilepticus had also failed to meet one of the two key goals in a late-stage study.
Marinus was developing the oral version of the drug for the treatment of seizures associated with tuberous sclerosis complex in children and adults.

Article Source : Reuters

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