Dr Shiv Joshi elected as Medical Ethics Officer in World Medical Association-Junior Doctors' Network

Published On 2024-10-21 06:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-21 06:08 GMT

New Delhi: Dr Shiv Joshi has been elected as a Medical Ethics Officer in the World Medical Association’s Junior Doctors Network. Dr Shiv Joshi is currently serving as a National Consultant at the World Health Organization (WHO) in its National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme Technical Support Network.

The election was held in hybrid mode in Helsinki, Finland on 15th October 2024. The World Medical Association, now encompassing 114 member countries, is dedicated to the highest standards of medical education, science, and ethics, ensuring quality health care for all people worldwide. His research interests include Epidemiology, Infectious diseases, Geriatric Health, Global Public Health, and Health Policy. He holds an MBBS, MD, PGDGM, CHR PGDBHL, and ICPBHR (UNESCO).

Dr Joshi has pursued his MD in Community Medicine from Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. He completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Bio ethics and Health Law. He acted as the National advisor of the Students Network Organisation which is a students’ wing of the network- Towards Unity for Health (NGO affiliated to WHO). He has also acted as the International Steering Committee member and UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Students Association International. He has been a member of the World Medical Association's Junior Doctors' Network since 2019.


Talking to Medical Dialogues, Dr Shiv Joshi stated, “I am responsible for liaising with the medical assistance team of the World Medical Association. As a Medical Ethics Officer of WMA’s Junior Doctors Network, my responsibility is to ensure that doctors are not facing discrimination or segregation or are not being exploited in any unethical way. Thus, my work revolves around the ethical concern of the medical community.”

“India is going to be a potential leader in medical community building and it is extremely important to engage the junior resident doctors who can be the future leaders. For the coming generation of doctors, I would like to ask them to be a part of an association such as the Indian Medical Association and to actively participate. This is the only way to resolve the issues that the doctors face regularly to improve the health care of the country,” he added.


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