Kerala Medical Council to Create New doctors' Directory

Published On 2024-10-27 04:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-27 20:52 GMT

Kozhikode: Amid the National Medical Commission's directions to the doctors to register themselves on the National Medical Register (NMR), the State Medical Council in Kerala is reportedly planning to create a directory of modern medicine/ allopathy practitioners mentioning their names, registration numbers, qualifications, and additional qualifications.

KSMC is taking these steps to distinguish between "fake" doctors and qualified doctors practising without registering themselves with the Council of Modern Medicine of the Council. 

Under the National Medical Commission Act, 2020, and its regulations and the Kerala State Medical Practitioners Act, 2021, it is mandatory for doctors practicing modern medicine in Kerala to get registered with the council.

According to Hindu report, many of the modern medicine practitioners are reportedly practising without registering their MBBS degrees or additional qualifications such as MD/MS/DNB, DM/Mch/DrNB with the state medical council. 

Also Read: NMR Effect: Kerala Medical Council Might Suspend New Registration Process until NMC Issues Clarification

Further, they are allegedly exhibiting their other additional qualifications, such as membership of the medical academies and societies, which are not recognised by the NMC.

KSMC officials have opined that practising modern medicine by exhibiting such unregistered and unrecognised qualifications is punishable according to the law. Reportedly, some hospital managements are also found to have been posting advertisements, including the qualifications of medical practitioners and their images, on print and social media. In this regard, the council has warned to take action against such acts with appropriate punishments.

The Hindu has reported that the State Medical Council has now sought a list containing the names, registration numbers, qualifications, and additional qualifications of modern medicine practitioners employed at various hospitals in the State. Heads of these institutes will have to e-mail to the council at by October 31. Amid this, the Daily has reported that the council is planning to have an online system where people can check the qualifications and other details of modern medicine doctors.

The Council has directed all the modern medicine practitioners to register their MBBS qualification and other additional qualifications with the Council of Modern Medicine. It has directed them to display their registration number, registered qualifications, and registration certificate (legally attested copy) at their place of practice.

As per the direction, the doctors can only use the registration numbers, qualifications and additional qualifications registered with KSMC in their place of practice, prescriptions, seals and letter pads. Further, they have been directed to practice their registered specialities alone.

Meanwhile, the medical colleges, hospitals and clinics in the State have been advised to verify the original KSMC registration certificate of the modern medicine practitioners serving at their institutes to establish their eligibility. Such institutes should also keep attested copies of those certificates. Further, the display boards in all medical colleges, hospitals, and clinics should include the names, qualifications, additional qualifications and registration numbers of the doctors.

Although the State Government has not yet notified the rules for the Kerala State Medical Practitioners Act, 2021, the sources at the Council said that the Department of Law was working on them.

Earlier, it was being speculated that the KSMC might suspend processing new applications for registrations as all the new medical registrations will now be submitted through the central portal of the National Medical Commission (NMC) i.e. the National Medical Register (NMR). Considering this, media reports earlier suggested that the MBBS doctors, who are planning to start practice in the State of Kerala, may encounter delays in the process.

Also Read: NMR Effect: Kerala Medical Council might suspend new registration process until NMC releases clarification

Article Source : with inputs

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