Prof Dr Jayalal to take charge as President of Commonwealth Medical Association

Published On 2024-10-21 07:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-21 07:00 GMT

Chennai: Prof Dr J.A. Jayalal will be installed as the president of the Commonwealth Medical Association during the 27th Biennial Conference of CMA. The installation ceremony will take place alongside the International Congress of Family Medicine from November 8 to November 10 at Hotel Green Park in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

The conference theme is “Resilient Healthcare through Family Medicine Culture.” The program will be hosted by the Indian Medical Association headquarters and the IMA College of General Practitioners. Dr Ketan Desai, the former President of the World Medical Association (WMA) will be the chief patron of the program while Dr Satyajit Borah will act as the organising chairman and Dr R. Anburajan will act as the organising secretary.

The program will include special invitees and dignitaries such as Prof. Dr. Vedaprakash Mishra, the President of the Association of Medical Educators of India, Professor Dr. Russell Franco D’Souza, the International Director of UNESCO Bio-ethics Australia, and others.

The main aim of the CMA is to assist and strengthen the capacities of National Medical Associations of countries within the Commonwealth to improve the health and well-being of their communities and countries.


Prof. Dr. J.A. Jayalal will now officially take over as the president of CMA. Dr Jayalal completed the MS in General Surgery in 1993 and joined Tamil Nadu Medical Service on April 4th 1993. He continued his service in PHC, GH, and served as Professor and HOD Surgery in Kanyakumari Govt. Medical College. He upskilled his surgical training in Laparoscopy Surgery in 2000 from Germany and pioneered Laparoscopy Surgery in Kanyakumari District in 2000.

He is applauded by the District Collector for conducting maximum surgeries for HIV-positive patients in this District and has secured the best Doctor Medal from the Government of Tamil Nadu and the District of Kanyakumari.

He joined IMA in 1996 and from the Joint Secretary of the Marthandam Branch in 2002, became State Secretary of IMA TN state, State President in 2018, National Vice President in 2019, and National President in 2021. He had a glorious tenure as National President and served relentlessly in the COVID.


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