Conversion from sleeve gastrectomy to Ring augmented Roux-en-Y gastric bypass safe and effective for weight loss: Study

Written By :  Dr. Shravani Dali
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr. Kamal Kant Kohli
Published On 2024-10-22 01:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-22 09:04 GMT

Conversion from sleeve gastrectomy to Ring augmented Roux-en-Y gastric bypass safe and effective for weight loss suggest a study published in the BMC Surgery.

Weight recurrence, suboptimal clinical response and functional disorder (such as reflux) after a Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) are problems that may require conversional surgery. For reflux, conversion to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) is considered effective. Regarding treatment for suboptimal clinical response, the technique of choice remains a subject of debate. This study aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of conversion from SG to Ring-augmented RYGB ( RaRYGB). All laparoscopic SG to RaRYGB conversions performed between January 2016 and January 2022 were included. Primary outcome was percentage total weight loss (%TWL) after 1-year follow-up.

Secondary outcomes consisted of cumulative %TWL, complications (with a focus on ring-related complications), and resolution of medical-associated problems.Results: They included 50 patients of whom 44 were female. Mean pre-conversion BMI was 37.6 kg/m2. All patients have reached the 1-year follow-up point, however 10 were lost to follow-up. After 1-year mean TWL was 17.8% while mean cumulative TWL, calculated from primary SG, was 32%. A total of 10 complications occurred in 8 patients within 30 days, 6 of which were ≤ CD3a and 4 ≥ CD3b.

One MiniMizer was removed for complaints of severe dysphagia. Of the 35 medical-associated problems present at screening 5 remained unchanged(14.2%), 15 improved(42.9%) and 15 achieved remission(42.9%). The series of 50 patients undergoing conversion from SG to RaRYGB is adequate and successful regarding additional weight loss 1 year after conversion, cumulative weight loss, complication rate and achievement of improvement or remission of medical-associated problems.


van Dam, K.A.M., de Witte, E., Broos, P.P.H.L. et al. Short-term safety and effectiveness of conversion from sleeve gastrectomy to Ring augmented Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. BMC Surg 24, 266 (2024).

Article Source : BMC Surgery

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