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Page Created On : 13 March 2024 12:04 PM GMT , Page Last Updated On : 28 Aug 2024 11:32 AM GMT

Fact Check Methodology and Policy

Medical Dialogues recognizes the pervasive impact of misinformation and disinformation in the health sector and medical education section. To counteract this and uphold the highest standards of accuracy and integrity, we have established a robust fact-checking policy. This policy outlines the procedures and standards for our dedicated fact-checking unit, focusing on medical misinformation, disinformation, and claims related to the health and health industry in India including medical education.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to empower various stakeholders of healthcare by providing them with relevant, authentic, trustworthy medical and health news and information in a timely manner.


Our fact-checking unit addresses misinformation and disinformation encompassing:

  • Medical and health misinformation
  • Medical and health disinformation
  • Claims related to treatments, drugs, and vaccines
  • Mis/Disinformation related Health industry news and policies
  • Mis/Disinformation related to Medical education updates and policies in India

Process of fact-checking

At Medical Dialogues, our fact-checking process begins with the careful identification of claims that require verification. We conduct thorough research using both primary and secondary sources, such as official statements, peer-reviewed studies, and expert opinions, to gather evidence. We prioritize seeking a response from the original claimant when possible and rigorously cross-check all findings. Our editorial team, including medical professionals, reviews the information to ensure accuracy and neutrality. The verified facts are then clearly communicated to our readers, with transparency about the sources and methodologies used, ensuring the highest standards of reliability and integrity.

Following is our detailed methodology

Identification and Selection of Claims

Our fact checking team proactively works towards debunking health and medical misinformation. Our fact-checking process begins with the selection of claims, which are sourced through a variety of channels:

  • User Requests: Our readers submit claims via our bureau number +919958004760 , fact-checking email, or directly through our social media profiles. Readers are invited to submit claims or topics they believe require fact-checking, enhancing the collaborative effort to combat misinformation.Alternatively, you can submit a claim for fact-checking at this link
  • Media/Social Media Monitoring: Our team proactively monitors social media platforms,news outlets, press releases, public statements by officials, and user-submitted content, to identify viral claims that may influence public health decisions or spread mis/disinformation.
  • Expert-Driven Topics: Doctors and healthcare professionals associated with Medical Dialogues contribute by identifying misleading information circulating within the medical community.
  • Prioritization of Claims: We prioritize claims based on their virality, potential impact on public health, and the source's credibility. Special attention is given to ensuring a balanced approach to fact-checking, avoiding bias towards any particular viewpoint or area of medicine.
  • Transparency and Verification: To bolster the authenticity of our work and enable readers to verify information independently, we provide hyperlinks to sources and references within our reports. This practice ensures that our readers can access original, authentic information, facilitating a deeper understanding and enabling them to cross-check the facts themselves.

For submissions, feedback, or inquiries related to our fact-checking policy and efforts, please contact our fact-checking unit at WhatsApp us at +919958004760 or message us on our social media accounts.Alternatively, you can submit a claim for fact-checking at this link

Verifying the Claims

Once a claim is identified, our fact-checking process begins with thorough verification. We also try to seek the claimant’s reaction, if possible, to gather initial insights as well as try to take insights from concerned other parties if involved, like government officials, orgisations, official documents, etc, as the case may be.

Our team then begins by conducting comprehensive research to gather evidence, using both primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources: We prioritize primary sources such as official statements, clinical studies, government databases, and direct communications with subject matter experts. These sources are considered the most reliable as they provide firsthand information that is directly relevant to the claim being checked.

Secondary Sources: In addition to primary sources, we also consult reputable secondary sources, including peer-reviewed journals, academic publications, and trusted media outlets. These sources help us cross-check the information and provide additional context or interpretations that might be relevant to the claim.

Our team meticulously examines all gathered evidence, ensuring that every piece of information is accurate and credible. We assess the reliability of each source, the consistency of the data, and the relevance of the information to the claim. This rigorous analysis allows us to determine whether the claim is true, mostly true, false, mostly false, half true or misleading

Finally, all findings are reviewed by our editorial team for context, relevance, and accuracy before reaching a conclusion., which includes experienced medical professionals, to ensure that the verification process adheres to the highest standards of accuracy and integrity. This multi-layered approach ensures that our fact-checks are thorough, reliable, and trustworthy.

Wherever applicable and feasible, we use fact-checking tools such as Google Reverse Image Search, InVid, Stalkscan,, and Whois. We include screenshots and hyperlinks in our stories to help readers verify the authenticity of the information and evidence provided. We provide a transparent account of our sources and methodology, allowing readers to understand how conclusions are drawn.

Classification of Claims

After a thorough investigation, our team evaluates the claim and assigns it a classification based on the evidence collected. The classifications and their explanation are as follows:

  • True: The claim is accurate and supported by solid evidence without any significant inaccuracies.
  • Mostly True: The claim is generally accurate but may have minor inaccuracies or lack full context.
  • Half True: The claim contains some elements of truth, but it is either missing critical information or is misleading in its presentation.
  • Mostly False: The claim has some basis in truth but is largely inaccurate or misleading.
  • False: The claim is completely inaccurate and not supported by any reliable evidence.
  • Misleading: The claim may contain some elements of truth but is presented in a way that is likely to mislead or confuse the audience, often by omitting key details or distorting facts.

This classification system helps readers quickly understand the validity of the information and the extent to which a claim is supported by evidence.

Dissemination of Fact Checks

Once a fact check is completed and verified, we ensure it reaches a broad audience through various channels. Our fact checks are circulated via our newsletters, shared across our social media platforms, and published on our website. Additionally, Medical Dialogues has a partnership with Inshorts, a popular news app that delivers concise news summaries to millions of users, where our fact checks are featured in the "Fact Check" section (eg- click here)

Moreover, our fact checks are integrated with Google’s ClaimReview, a tool that allows our fact checks to appear prominently in Google Search results and Google News, enhancing their visibility and ensuring that users searching for related topics are presented with accurate, verified information. This multi-channel dissemination strategy ensures that reliable information is easily accessible to the public, helping to effectively combat misinformation.

Collecting Feedback and Updating Our Content

At Medical Dialogues, we value the input of our readers and stakeholders to help us maintain the highest standards of accuracy and reliability. We actively encourage feedback and take it seriously as part of our commitment to delivering trustworthy information.

When feedback or concerns about our content are received, our editorial team carefully reviews the relevant material. We re-evaluate the evidence, consult with experts if needed, and make necessary updates to ensure the information remains accurate and current. In cases where corrections are made, we clearly indicate the changes within the content to maintain transparency.

Additionally, recognizing that medical science is constantly evolving, we proactively review and update our content to reflect the latest research and developments. This ongoing process ensures that our readers have access to the most reliable and up-to-date medical information available. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please reach out to us at

Medical Dialogues is committed to accuracy and transparency. We encourage our readers to report any inaccuracies or new developments related to our fact-checks. Upon verification, as per our Correction Policy, we update our content and provide clarifications or corrections as necessary. Please read our Correction Policy here.