Man arrested for cheating senior doctor out of Rs 2.2 crore in Chennai

Published On 2017-08-29 06:34 GMT   |   Update On 2017-08-29 06:34 GMT

CHENNAI: In a recent case of cheating and fraud on promises of medical admissions, the city police has arrested a 53-year-old Delhi businessman for allegedly cheating with a Chennai doctor for Rs 2.2 crore.

Based on a tip, a special team of the central crime branch (CCB) of the city police nabbed the suspect N P Ibrahim, who had been allegedly evading the police for the past 4 years. The accused is a "businessman" from Delhi.

The arrest has been made based on a 2013 complaint of Dr K Kalaivani, 70 who stated that in 2013 the accused Ibrahim along with his accomplice Venkatraman promised her to get her granddaughter a postgraduate medical seat at a medical college in the state as both the accused had a "connection" with a central health ministry's official.

He further stated that for the said medical seat, Dr Kalaivani gave the cash in various installments to Venkatraman and Ibrahim totaling to a whopping Rs 2.2 crore.

After sometime when Dr Kalavani did not get any confirmation for a medical seat, she demanded her money back but both the accused started to avoid her.

Finally, Dr Kalavani realized that both Venkatraman and Ibrahim were making a fool of her, she filed a complaint with the police commissioner for cheating, reports TOI

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