Top NMC Posts Lying Vacant, Govt Invites Applications

Published On 2024-10-09 08:04 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-09 08:06 GMT

New Delhi: The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has invited applications to fill up the vacant posts in the four Autonomous Boards of the National Medical Commission (NMC), Mint has reported.

Applications have been invited for the posts of President, Secretary, and members of the Commission, along with the key positions in the four boards under the NMC.

The Apex Medical Education Regulatory Body of India has four Autonomous Boards- the Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB), Postgraduate Medical Education Board (PGMEB), Ethics and Medical Registration Board (EMRB), and Medical Assessment Rating Board (MARB).

As per the data on the NMC website, apart from the PG Board of the Commission, the other Boards of the Commission currently do not have a President as all these posts are vacant. 

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Currently, the UG Board of NMC only has two part-time members. Similarly, the posts of whole-time members of NMC PGMEB are lying vacant, according to the data on the Commission's website. Similarly, the Medical Assessment and Rating Board and the Ethics Board of the Commission have only two and one part-time members respectively. 


The Times of India recently reported how several posts of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board of NMC, which is responsible for regulating the new medical colleges, are lying vacant. The Daily had also reported that there is one part-time member at the Commission and the tenure of the member ends in December.

As per the latest media report by Live Mint, NMC was facing a management crisis and the administration of the Commission raised the issue with the Union Health Ministry on several occasions seeking reforms. Last month, Mint reported that NMC had sought Government intervention to resolve an internal crisis with its four autonomous boards working at cross purposes. According to the Daily, the Commission had to cancel several public notices following poor internal consultations and had flagged the matter to the Union Health Ministry.

However, the situation is reportedly about to change as the Health Ministry has invited applications to fill up the posts of President, Secretary and members of NMC and some key positions of the Commission's four autonomous boards.

Also Read: Breaking: MCI BOG dissolved, National Medical Commission Takes over

Article Source : with inputs

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