1 in 4 Adults Suspect They Have Undiagnosed ADHD: Survey

Published On 2024-10-15 02:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-15 02:30 GMT
A new national survey of 1,000 American adults commissioned by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine finds that 25% of adults now suspect they may have undiagnosed ADHD. But what worries mental health experts is that only 13% of survey respondents have shared their suspicions with their doctor.
That’s raising concerns about the consequences of self-diagnosis leading to incorrect treatment.
“Anxiety, depression and ADHD – all these things can look a lot alike, but the wrong treatment can make things worse instead of helping that person feel better and improving their functioning,” said psychologist Justin Barterian, PhD, clinical assistant professor in Ohio State’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health.
An estimated 4.4% of people ages 18 to 44 have ADHD, and some people aren’t diagnosed until they’re older, Barterian said.
“There's definitely more awareness of how it can continue to affect folks into adulthood and a lot of people who are realizing, once their kids have been diagnosed, that they fit these symptoms as well, given that it's a genetic disorder,” Barterian said.
The survey found that younger adults are more likely to believe they have undiagnosed ADHD than older generations, and they’re also more likely to do something about it.
Barterian said that should include seeing a medical professional, usually their primary care provider, to receive a referral to a mental health expert to be thoroughly evaluated, accurately diagnosed, and effectively treated.
“If you're watching videos on social media and it makes you think that you may meet criteria for the disorder, I would encourage you to seek an evaluation from a psychologist or a psychiatrist or a physician to get it checked out,” Barterian said.
This study was conducted by SSRS on its Opinion Panel Omnibus platform. The SSRS Opinion Panel Omnibus is a national, twice-per-month, probability-based survey. Data collection was conducted from August 16 – August 18, 2024, among a sample of 1,006 respondents. The survey was conducted via web (n=975) and telephone (n=31) and administered in English. The margin of error for total respondents is +/-3.8% points at the 95% confidence level. All SSRS Opinion Panel Omnibus data are weighted to represent the target population of U.S. adults ages 18 or older.
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