New Handheld X-Ray Device May Enhance Early Detection and Treatment Efforts in TB: Study Reveals

Published On 2024-10-22 02:45 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-22 07:18 GMT
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Director General Dr Rajiv Bahl spoke about new projects and achievements in public health and highlighted a significant advancement in tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis: a new handheld X-ray device developed for screening TB, enhancing early detection and treatment efforts, ultimately improving public health outcomes.
Speaking at the 19th International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) INDIA-2024, ICMR DG Dr Bahl said, "The handheld X-rays are available at a very high cost and now the IIT Kanpur in partnership with ICMR has developed a handheld X-ray indigenously which will be less than half the cost of what the cost of imported handheld X-rays are. This will make sure we can have screening for TB near the homes of patients and even the vulnerable population."
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