DrNB Pediatric Surgery In India: Check Out NBE Released Curriculum

Published On 2022-12-28 11:01 GMT   |   Update On 2023-04-21 11:56 GMT

The National Board of Examinations (NBE) has released the Curriculum for DrNB Pediatric Surgery.

I. Preamble

The aims and objectives of DrNB training should be to train candidates with knowledge in surgical sciences and an aptitude to care for neonates and children with specific knowledge, skills and attitudes in the specialty of Pediatric Surgery. The training should help him/her to function as a safe Pediatric surgeon, an independent clinical consultant, a medical teacher and conduct research studies.


The aim of course is to produce Pediatric surgeons who are capable of setting a standard and demonstrate commensurate expertise in the field. The training should aim to facilitate the candidate's acquisition of a judicious mix of the three domains of learning that will be practiced ethically1. Cognitive (knowledge),

2. Psychomotor (practice) and

3. Affective (communication).

1. Cognitive domain (Knowledge)

a. Understand the basic sciences (embryology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmaco-therapeutics etc.) and principle of pediatric medical care as applicable to pediatric surgical practice.

b. Be conversant with the embryology, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of common neonatal and pediatric surgical problems - elective or emergency.

c. Group approach: Recognize the role of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach in the management of various pediatric surgical disorders so as to obtain relevant specialist consultation, where appropriate.

d. Research Methodology: Basic knowledge of research methodology and biostatistics; familiarity and participation in clinical and experimental research studies; involvement in scientific presentation and publication.

e. Recognize the importance of family, society and socio-cultural environment in the treatment of the sick child.

2. Psychomotor domain(Practical)

a. Evaluate a patient thoroughly (history, clinical examination), order relevant investigations and interpret them to reach a diagnosis and plan of management.

b. Plan and carry out simple investigations/ procedures (bedside, laboratory, radiology suite) independently.

c. Provide Basic and Advanced Life Support services in emergencies e.g. NALS, PALS.

d. Acquire familiarity with and provide critical care of surgical neonates and infants - airway support, ventilation, central vascular access etc.

e. Prepare a patient for an elective/emergency surgery and provide specific post-operative care.

f. Provide counseling to the patient and primary caretakers for the smooth dispensation of medical care.

g. Acquire skills in routine ward procedures (e.g. bladder catheterization, wound dressings, peripheral vascular access, child restraint etc.).

h. Acquire proficiency in prescribed minor and major operative procedures, and provide these, initially with assistance and later independently.

i. Monitor the post-operative patient in the routine post-op ward / high dependency unit / and in the intensive care setting.

j. Provide specific and relevant advice to the patient and family at discharge time for proper domiciliary care, hospital reporting in emergency and routine follow up.

3. Affective domain (Communication)

a. Develop and practice effective communication skills.

b. Professionally interact and obtain relevant specialist/ancillary services' consultation where appropriate.

c. While teaching others in a clinical care unit, ensure team work and establish a pediatric surgical unit.

d. Establish effective communication with the caregivers of the patient including counseling and terminal care.

e. Medical Ethics and Human values: The student will inculcate ethical principles in all aspects of pediatric surgical practice/research (professional honesty and integrity, humility, moderation, informed consent, counseling, awareness of patients' rights and privileges, etc.).



a. Competencies to be acquired in the cognitive domain (knowledge)

i. History and Physical

Establish rapport with child and parent/guardian who has complete

knowledge of the child and obtain comprehensive history,

perform a complete physical examination of relevant systems based on history,

Should have knowledge of systemic examination in a child,

Summarize history and physical examination results to arrive at a provisional diagnosis with other differential diagnosis in order of possibility and communicate the same to the team members.

ii. Evaluation and Management

List out and order appropriate investigations towards arriving at a final diagnosis or narrowing the list of differential diagnosis. Prioritize emergency and routine investigations,

Should know to interpret the results of the investigations ordered, includingacceptable normal variations and confirm a working diagnosis,

Plan management based on the final diagnosis arrived at,

Communicate effectively the diagnosis, plan of management and possible outcomes to the parents/ caretakers,

Communicate clearly the investigation results, plan of management to the team justifying the same,

Should be able to recognise abnormal results and reports and prioritise those requiring immediate response,

Train and mentor junior team members.

iii. Documentation

Should be able to systematically document case history, examination findings, summarize management plan based on investigations and clinical examination,

Uses the electronic record when available to keep the team informed of progress,

Flow chart of management with orders which are clear and understandable by juniors,

Should be able to write appropriate cross departmental referrals,

Should be able to write lucid discharge summaries chronicling the admission, evaluation, management and post-operative course in the hospital with clear instructions regarding medications on discharge and follow up.

iv. Communication

Communicates the diagnosis, plan of management clearly to parents/guardians,

Communicates orally and by documentation to junior healthcare workers the treatment plan,

Communicates appropriately while handing over to maintain uninterrupted care of patient,

Obtain informed consent for surgery and procedures after explaining alternatives to the parents,

v. Team work.

Should work as an active member of the professional team

Should accept responsibilities and carry them out effectively

Should ask for help from team members when needed and should be willing to help when asked for

Should be actively involved in patient care and follow up

vi. Others.

Have empathy for patients and parents/guardians,

Incorporates all the four pillars of medical ethics and practise them diligently,

Recognizes medico-legal issues, patient confidentiality and other regulations pertaining to medical practice,

Conceptualises and carries out research incorporating the principles of Good Clinical practices,

Teach relevant aspects of Pediatric surgery to resident doctors, junior colleagues, nursing, and para-medical staff,

Understand factors for hospital infection and take appropriate universal precautions to prevent hospital infection,

Should be well versed in the administrative functioning of the department and the ward including the staffing requirements, procurement and maintenance of electro-medical equipment,

b. Competencies to be acquired in basic sciences applicable to Pediatric Surgery:

i. Genetic basis of disease

ii. Molecular biology applicable to congenital anomalies

iii. Fetus as a patient

Antenatal diagnostic tools

Antenatal prognosticators

Fetal interventions

iv. Normal and anomalous embryogenesis of all systems:

Gastrointestinal tract

Hepatobiliary and pancreas

Respiratory system including diaphragm and related Cardiovascular system

Genito-urinary tract, including descent of testes, sexual differentiation.

Lymphatic system

Face and neck including lip, palate, branchial and thyroglossal apparatus

Abdominal wall, umbilicus and inguinal canal

Central nervous system and spine

v. Surgical anatomy of all above mentioned systems

vi. Physiology and biochemistry

Physiology of fetus and newborn including transition from former to latter

Gastrointestinal physiology including deglutition, esophageal motility, antireflux mechanism, intestinal motility & defecation and neuroenteric regulation

Altered biochemistry in intestinal obstruction

Hepatic function including bilirubin metabolism.

Physiology of micturition and neurogenic regulation of same

Biochemical changes in obstructive uropathy and renal failure.

Cardiovascular physiology including fetal & neonatal cardiac function

Pulmonary physiology and basis of mechanical ventilation

Fluid and electrolyte balance.

Hemolytic disorders

Nutritional requirements in health and disease including parenteral nutrition.

Sexual differentiation including biochemical aspects in anomalous conditions.

Physiological changes during pre-operative and post-operative period and changes during different types of anesthesia and laparoscopic surgery

vii. Microbiological principles governing:

Pathophysiology of sepsis in neonates, infants and children, and inflammatory response,

Maintenance of asepsis, sterility in newborn nursery, ward and operation theatre,

Sterilization of surgical instruments including endoscopes & ventilators,

Common surgical infections, including osteomyelitis and septic arthritis,

Surgical tuberculosis including atypical mycobacterial infection,

AIDS/HIV in Pediatric Surgery,

Parasitic surgical conditions,

Elements of immunology including its importance in organ transplantation & immunosuppression,

Immunization and vaccination.

c. Competencies to be acquired in general patient care applicable to Pediatric Surgery

i. Basic and Advanced life support in Neonates and Pediatrics

ii. Basics of mechanical ventilation, different types of ventilatory support

iii. Different types of venous access, arterial access - monitoring

iv. Principles and types of physiological monitoring

v. Transport and restraint of the sick child

d. Trauma

i. General principles of trauma

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss:

Epidemiology of Pediatric trauma

Different types of trauma, presentation

Acute care of trauma patients including immediate assessment, triaging, evaluation tools to be used, scoring systems and prognostications

ii. Systemic trauma

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss the different types of trauma pertaining to, their management, indications for surgery, outcomes of:

Head injury

Thoracic injuries including airway, chest wall and mediastinum

Abdominal injuries including blunt and penetrating, solid and hollow viscera, retroperitoneum

Genitourinary trauma including kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra and genital organs

Musculoskeletal and spine trauma


Child abuse

Soft tissue and envenomation

e. Pediatric Oncology

i. General principles

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss: 

Genetic basis of tumours

Tumour markers

Principles and application of chemotherapy including toxicities of routinely used chemotherapeutic drugs

Principles and application of radiotherapy including toxicities of routinely used radiotherapy


Gene therapy and newer modalities of treatment

Various evaluation modalities in Oncology

ii. Systemic oncology

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss in detail the presentations, staging, prognostication, various treatment systems applicable to specific tumours:

Wilms' tumour


Liver tumours


Germcell, gonadal (Ovarian, testicular) and extra gonadal tumours

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss an outline of the presentation and management of the following tumours:

Common lymphomas and leukemias

Common bone tumours

Central nervous system tumours

f. Evaluation methods in Pediatric Surgery

i. Radiology

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss the principles of, applications, pitfalls, modifications in specific situations, how to carryout various investigations and interpret:

X rays

Ultrasonography including Doppler

CT scan

Voiding Cystourethrography

Contrast upper and lower GI series

Intravenous pyelography


PET - CT scan

ii. Nuclear Medicine

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss the principles of, applications, pitfalls, modifications in specific situations, how to carryout various investigations and interpret:

Renal Dynamic Diuretic Radionuclide scintigraphy with various isotopes like EC, MAG3, DTPA

Static Cortical renogram - DMSA

Direct Radionuclide Cystography (DRCG)

Hepatobiliary scintigraphy

MIBG scan

Lymphatic scintigraphy

Thyroid scintigraphy

Gastro-esophageal reflux scintigraphy

RBC blood pool scan

Technitium Meckel's scan

PET scan

Liver-Spleen scan

Bone scan

iii. Urodynamics

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss the principles of, applications, pitfalls, modifications in specific situations, how to carryout various investigations and interpret:



Video urodynamics

iv. Others

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss the principles of, applications, pitfalls, modifications in specific situations, how to carryout various investigations and interpret:

24 hour pH monitoring

Esophageal and anorectal manometry

Intracranial pressure monitoring

Basics of pathological biopsies, examination including frozen section immunohistochemistry

g. Transplantation

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss: 

Principles of transplantation including immunology and selection of recipients

Organ procurement and preservation

Outcomes including complications of transplantation

Immuno-suppression and its toxicities

Indications, preparation of recipient, techniques and post transplantation management and outcomes of the following:

Kidney transplantation and liver transplantation in detail

An outline of pancreatic transplantation, intestinal transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, heart & heart-lung transplantation

h. Regional and Special Pediatric Surgery

At the end of the training, the student should be able to describe, discuss, analyse and present pathogenesis, clinical presentations, differential diagnosis, diagnostic approach, roles of specific diagnostic tools, interpretation of the test results, management options(both non-operative and surgical), indications for surgery, preparation for surgery, peri and post-operative management, surgical

steps, complications and their management, outcomes (short and long - term) of the various congenital and acquired pathologies in each system as below(elaborated in detailed in the syllabus sections):

Head and Neck:



Genitourinary Tract

Special Pediatric Surgery

i. Recent Advances

Upon completion of this, the trainee should be able to describe & discuss the advanced technology, its applications in diagnosis and treatment, complication and research options related to the fields outlined above. In addition, he must be conversant with:

Minimal Access surgery of all areas including laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, ventriculoscopy, STEALTH and endoscopic surgeries, gastrointestinal endoscopy including ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), Bronchoscopy and Endourology.

Robotics in pediatric surgery

Use of newer energy sources in surgery including LASER, harmonic scalpel etc.

Use of various types of staplers: Intestinal, Vascular, Endo GI etc.


The post graduate student should imbibe the following

a. Group /Team approach: function as a part of a team, co-operate with colleagues, and interact with the patient to provide the optimal medical care.

b. Ethical practice: Abide by ethical principles in medical practice, maintain proper etiquette in dealings with patients, caretakers and other health personnel including due attention to the patient's right to information, consent and second opinion. Maintain professional integrity while dealing with patients, colleagues, seniors, pharmaceutical companies and equipment manufacturers.

c. Skills: Preparation of oral presentation, medical documents, professional opinion in interaction with patients, caretakers, peers and paramedical staff – both for clinical care and medical teaching. Effective communication with the patient/caretakers regarding the nature and extent of disease, treatment options available and realistic outcome following optimal management is essential.

d. During the course of three years the post graduate student is expected to attend instructive courses that facilitate proficiency relevant to this domain, eg., communication skills, biomedical ethics, patient counseling etc.


The trainee pursuing DrNB. in Pediatric Surgery course must acquire the following evaluations and skills - procedural and non-procedural skills - in the management of surgical diseases of children -

a. Clinical examination, outpatient and inpatient evaluation Upon completion of the course, the post graduate student should be able to perform the following:

i. Assess the child patient with surgical problems by:

Eliciting pertinent history.

Performing correct physical examination.

Making a working diagnosis.

Determining the type of care that is appropriate – outpatient/ inpatient /daycare.

Initiate and institute life-saving emergency care, including CPR.

Requesting appropriate investigations and interpretation of their result.

Identify pre-operative and post-operative complications promptly and deal with them safely.

Document and maintain a record of patients systematically.

Seek professional help from other colleagues where needed.

Treat patients and their relatives with respect and empathy.

Able to counsel caretakers and the family of patient and obtain requisite consent for care.

b. Radiological procedures Upon completion of the course, the post graduate student should be able to perform the following:

i. Apply understanding of the merits of imaging modality (USG, CT, MR) to investigate surgical diseases of childhood,

ii. Interpret the radiological images to correctly identify normal structures, abnormalities and pathology,

iii. Familiarity with conduct and interpretation of intra-operative imaging – radiography and ultrasonography,

iv. The postgraduate student should be able to perform certain investigative and therapeutic procedures in the radiology suite with due precautions -

Esophageal swallow

Upper GI contrast study

Contrast enema

Therapeutic contrast enemas in meconium ileus

Reduction of select idiopathic intussusception with radiological (air/contrast enema) or ultrasonography (hydrostatic)

Voiding cystourethrogram

Retrograde urethrogram

Antegrade studies through drainage tubes

Percutaneous drainage, biopsy

c. Physiological studies:

The post graduate student should be able to perform a uroflowmetry and cytometry with standard precautions and interpret the results real time.

d. Operative procedures –

This include elective, semi-emergency and emergency procedures.

i. Minor surgery

ii. Major surgery

iii. Endoscopic procedures

iv. Minimally invasive surgery

The actual numbers performed may vary according to the patient load of the training unit and related departments.

At the end of his training period, the candidate must be able to PERFORM THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES INDEPENDENTLY

a. General:

Peripheral and central venous access, chemoport and Hickman catheter placement

Arterial line placement

Wound debridement and suturing

Incision and drainage of abscess

Excision of superficial lesions of skin / subcutaneous planes

Limb amputation

Percutaneous/open tumor, viscera (e.g. liver) and lymph node biopsy

Skin grafting


Contracture release

Muscle biopsy

Nerve biopsy

Umbilical vein cannulation

Peritoneal dialysis catheter insertion

Restraint of the sick child

b. Head and Neck:

Repair of cleft lip

Repair of cleft palate

Salivary duct / orifice dilatation

Ranula - marsupialization

Release of ankyloglossia

Sistrunk's procedure

Excision of branchial remnants

Excision of superficial head and neck masses

Sternomastoid muscle release

Diagnostic laryngoscopy



Injection sclerotherapy of accessible vascular lesions


c. Thorax:


Bronchoscopy - diagnostic, lavage

Esophagoscopy - diagnostic

Diagnostic thoracoscopy

ICTD insertion

Repair of eventration diaphragm


Primary repair of TEF

Diversion for TEF – esophagostomy, gastrostomy

d. Abdomen:

Exploratory laparotomy for acute abdomen

Laparoscopy - diagnostic, therapeutic minor




Ladd's procedure

Repair of cong. diaphragmatic hernia -Bochdalek, Morgagni

Repair of eventration diaphragm

Per op cholangiogram

Cholecystectomy, cholecystostomy


Surgery for Vitello-intestinal duct remnants

Feeding tube jejunostomy

Ileostomy, colostomy

Surgery for meconium ileus

Mesenteric cyst excision


Appendicular abscess – drainage

Bowel resection, anastomosis

Secondary suturing (burst abdomen)

Surgery for inguinal hernias and hydrocele, Umbilical hernia, Femoral hernia

Rectal biopsy

Anoplasty for low anorectal malformation


e. Genitourinary

Cystoscopy - Diagnostic, stent removal


Suprapubic cystostomy


Urolithiasis- pyelolithotomy, cystolithotomy


Distal hypospadias repair

Urethral fistula repair

Urethral calibration / dilatation

Circumcision, preputioplasty and dorsal slit, reduction of paraphimosis

Orchidopexy- open

Fowler Stephen Stage 1 (open, laparoscopic) orchidopexy

Exploration for torsion testes, orchidectomy

f. Neurosurgery

Venticuloperitoneal stunts.

External ventricular drainage

Repair of spina bifida

At the end of his training period, the post graduate student must be able to



a. General

Vascular anastomosis

HD catheter insertion

b. Trauma:

Laparotomy for trauma

Thoracotomy for trauma

c. Head and Neck:

Salivary gland excision

Excision of lymphatic malformations/ neck masses


Repair of H-type TEF

d. Thorax:

Bronchoscopy - foreign body extraction

Esophagoscopy - foreign body extraction, dilatation

Repair of Pectus Excavatum

Repair of Pectum Carinatum

Thoracoscopic procedures, VATS for empyema

Mediastinal mass excisions

Pulmonary resection

Esophageal replacement.

e. Abdomen:

Abdominal wall defects - Silo construction

Surgery for varicocele

Orchidopexy- lap assisted


Neonatal small bowel atresia – resection, anastomosis

Laparoscopy - therapeutic, major

Pull through for Hirschsprung disease

Excision of duplication cyst

Operations for necrotizing enterocolitis

Anorectal myectomy

Surgery for high anorectal malformation: PSARP, ASARP, AP Pull through etc.

Colonic resections

Kasai's portoenterostomy

Operations for choledochal cyst

Liver abscess drainage

Operation for liver hydatid

Hepatic resection

Operation for portal hypertension

Operation for pancreatic pseudocysts

Pancreatic resection

Pancreatico-enteric anastomosis


f. Genitourinary

Nephrectomy Nephroureterectomy

Partial nephrectomy

Cystoscopy, fulguration of PUV.


Ureterocele incision


Ureteric reimplantation

Urolithiasis - nephrolithotomy, ureterolithotomy

Extrophy repair (turn in)

Bladder augmentation

Mitrofanoff procedure

Bladder neck repair


Epispadias repair

Colonic conduit

Urethroplasty for Hypospadias

Operation for intersex disorder

Correction of penoscrotal transposition

g. Oncosurgery

Pediatric solid tumour surgery for Wilms' tumour, Neuroblastoma,

Hepatoblastoma, Sacrococcygeal teratoma, Germ cell tumours, Thoracic tumours, Head & Neck tumours, Genitourinary tumours, Soft tissue tumours, Common bone tumours, Lymphomas

h. Neurosurgery

Repair of encephalocele

Repair of occult spinal dysraphism

In addition to the above procedures, the student must be familiar with, prepared a patient for and should have witnessed procedures like:

UGI endoscopy and variceal sclerotherapy / banding,


Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, Percutaneous nephrolithotomy


1. Cognitive domain

The following is a broad outline of the syllabus:

a. Basic sciences as applied to Pediatric Surgery

Medical genetics and gene therapy.

Antenatal diagnosis and fetal intervention

Developmental and transitional physiology of the respiratory, cardiovascular and renal systems

Neonatal physiology and assessment of the surgical neonate.

Neonatal sepsis

Nutrition – enteral, parenteral

Vascular access

Principles of imaging (radiodiagnosis, nuclear) in Pediatric practice

Pharmacology and use of common drugs, antibiotics and policy

Pediatric analgesia and anaesthesia, critical care, mechanical ventilation

General principles of Endoscopy and Minimal Access Surgery – fetoscopy, genitourinary endoscopy, tracheo-bronchoscopy, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, robotic surgery

Biomedical ethics and legal issues in Pediatric surgical practice.

The organisation of a Pediatric surgical unit

HIV/AIDS in children

National health policy-programs pertinent to Pediatric practice

Telemedicine and telesurgery - principles, practice and limitations

b. Trauma

Birth trauma

Pediatric trauma – general principles.

Thoracic, abdominal, genitourinary, central nervous system trauma

Soft tissue and envenomation injuries

Musculoskeletal and vascular trauma


Child abuse.

c. Pediatric Oncology

General principles of oncology, radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Wilms tumor


Liver tumours


Germ cell tumours

Other tumor of childhood (outline)-Leukemias, Lymphomas, Bone tumours, CNS tumours,


d. Transplantation

General principles

Kidney and liver transplantation

Outline of other solid organ and bone marrow transplantation

e. Head and Neck Disorders

Craniofacial anomalies

Cleft lip and palate

Disorders of the upper airway and oral cavity.

Salivary glands

Disorders of lymph nodes.

Thyroid and parathyroid gland

Cysts and sinuses of the neck


f. Thoracic Disorders

Congenital chest wall deformities.

Disorders of the breast.

Diaphragmatic hernia and eventration

Mediastinal mass lesions.

Endoscopy of the upper aerodigestive tract.

Congenital tracheal and Bronchopulmonary/ foregut malformations

Infective pleuro-pulmonary condition.

Congenital oesophagal anomalies

Oesophagal motility disorders, achalasia cardia, gastro-esophageal reflux

Oesophageal rupture, injury, stricture, perforation.

Oesophagal replacement.

g. Abdominal Disorders

Umbilical disorders and abdominal wall defects.

Inguinal hernias and hydroceles

Testicular maldescent, torsion

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.

Duodenal atresia, annular pancre

Jejunoileal atresia and stenosis

Meconium ileus

Meckel's diverticulum


Disorder of midgut rotation

Short bowel syndrome

Gastrointestinal endoscopy and laparoscopy.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Gastrointestinal duplications.

Mesenteric and omental cysts


Polypoid disease of the GIT

Necrotising enterocolitis.

Intestinal stomas

Primary peritonitis.

Inflammatory bowel disease in children.

Colonic atresia and functional obstruction.


Hirschsprung disease, neuromuscular disorders of intestines

Anorectal malformations.

Congenital short colon /pouch colon

Colonic and rectal tumours

Neonatal/Infantile obstructive cholangiopathy

Congenital biliary dilatation.

Infective and inflammatory hepatobiliary disorders.

Benign liver tumours

Portal hypertension

Disorders of the pancreas

Splenectomy and post-splenectomy sepsis.

Adrenal gland.

h. Genitourinary and related disorders

Renal agenesis, dysplasia, cystic disease, ectopia.

Pelvic ureteral junction obstruction.

Vesicoureteric reflux

Infective and inflammatory renal disorder.

Pediatric urolithiasis

Congenital ureteric anomalies.

Prune belly syndrome

Urinary diversion and undiversion, bladder augmentation

Disorders of bladder function.

Structural bladder disorders

Exstrophy – epispadias complex.


Anomalies of the external genitalia

Disorders of Sex Differentiation

Abnormalities of the female genital tract.

i. Miscellaneous Pediatric Surgical Disorders

Spina bifida


Congenital heart disease

Congenital orthopaedic deformities

Amputation, bone and joint infections

Conjoined twins

Hemangiomas & vascular malformations.


Teaching programs will need to be held on all working days (at least one hour per day)


a. General principles - Acquisition of practical competencies being the cornerstone of post graduate medical education, PG training should be skills oriented. Learning in PG program should be essentially self-directed and primarily emanating from clinical and academic work. The formal sessions are merely meant to supplement this core effort. The postgraduate student should be given the responsibility of managing and caring for patients in a gradual manner under supervision.

b. Formal teaching sessions: This should include regular bedside case presentations and demonstrations, didactic lectures, seminars/Webinars, journal clubs, clinical meetings, and combined conferences with allied departments, Audit meet, clinical case presentation etc. as per sample schedule given below:

c. Didactic Lectures by faculty: In addition, lectures covering recent advances in all aspects of pediatric surgical conditions would be taken by faculty. All post graduate students will be required to attend these lectures. Short term courses on the following basic and clinical aspects must be included:

Research methodology and bio-statistics,

Laboratory medicine techniques/courses relevant to pediatric surgery

Use of computers/ data science management in medicine,

Bioethics, ethical issues involved in pediatric surgery

Hospital waste management,

Health economics.

The DrNB Pediatric surgery training program will include two main arms:

1. Formal training and learning

2. Experiential learning

1. Formal training and learning will include the topics listed in the syllabus: The modalities for formal training will be as follows:

a. Seminars/Webinars: To be held once a week and presented by the trainee under supervision of teaching faculty.

b. Journal Review: To be held once a week under supervision of teaching faculty. It should include discussion on recent articles, which relate to various topics in Pediatric surgery and allied disciplines.

 c. Clinical Case presentation: Representative clinical cases shall be presented and discussed in detail in presence of faculties.

d. Operative procedures: This session, recommended once a month, aims at discussing common operative procedures and practical details.

e. Treatment Planning: The trainee must discuss the planning of a given patient who is being worked up for surgery. The idea of this academic exercise is to familiarize the trainee with the objectives of planning in a given patient through group discussion/ multidisciplinary tumour boards based on evidence-based medicine.

f. Pediatric Radiology/Nuclear Medicine conferences should be held once a week in which the radiological and nuclear medicine investigations of various cases are discussed in consultation with the faculty of Radiology and Nuclear medicine.

g. Clinical grand rounds: A clinical grand round, involving presentation of unusual and difficult cases, is to be done by a resident, once a week, in the presence of all the clinical staff belonging to the department of Pediatric surgery. The exercise is to develop the clinical acumen of the trainee.

h. Clinico-pathological conference: Special emphasis is made on the surgical pathology, histology review and autopsy discussions.

i. Lecture/discussion: Lectures on newer topics by faculty, in place of seminar, is to be arranged as per need.

j. Teaching and training responsibilities (Pedagogy skills): A final year DrNB trainee should be entrusted with the responsibilities of teaching postgraduate students of General Surgery and allied disciplines.

k. Training in research methodology: The purpose of the exercise is to impart proficiency to the trainee in research methodology. This would be a mandatory component of training. All DrNB trainees must complete research projects as per requirement of concerned universities, under the supervision of a principal supervisor and appropriate number of cosupervisors which would enable the trainee to attain proficiency in collecting clinical / experimental data and analyze them in a scientific way using appropriate statistical methods.

l. Attendance and presentation at academic meets: The student must attend accredited scientific meetings (CME, symposia, and conferences) once or twice a year. He should present at least one poster or read one paper at a national/state conference in pediatric surgery or sub-speciality (pediatric urology, pediatric surgical oncology etc.) during the second and third year of the training period.

m. Research Publication (Research skills): During the training period, a student has to present one paper which is published/accepted for publication/sent for publication during the period of his postgraduate studies so as to make him eligible to appear at the postgraduate degree examination. The research has to be done under the direct supervision of the supervisor or his associate(s). Through this exercise the trainee would learn how to collect and analyze data, make observations in a scientific manner, and use appropriate statistical methodology. The trainee would learn the art of putting the outcome of observations and results in an appropriate format of a scientific paper that is relevant to a particular journal.

n. Use of Skill lab stations: The skill lab must facilitate training and acquisition of both common (e.g. endotracheal intubation, ICT drainage, Central line insertion) skills in real life situations and uncommon skills (laparoscopic suturing, cricothyroiditomy) etc. that the student may not encounter often.

o. Mortality and morbidity (Audit) meetings: Departmental and interdepartmental / institutional

2. Experiential learning

Apart from routine postings in ward, OPD, operation theatre and speciality clinics, the DrNB (Pediatric Surgery) trainee will be posted in the following allied specialities. The total duration of these postings shall not exceed three months. There is no specified compulsory posting in Emergency Medicine/Casualty; however, the student will attend the emergency cases pertaining to/referred to their department at the Emergency/ Casualty in the course of the routine clinical duties.

a. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Duration- 2-4 weeks. This is intended to familiarize the student to the principles of pediatric medical intensive care and its applications to pediatric surgical care.

b. Neonatology Intensive Care Unit: Duration- 2-4 weeks. During this posting, the candidate will receive training on care of the sick neonates, particularly premature and small for date.

c. Optional External Posting: Other postings may be scheduled as deemed necessary for the fulfilment of curricular demands, e.g. Pediatric Oncology, etc. in the third year, in the same or in another tertiary teaching Centre/Institute. The posting in another institute may be for a special training that is currently not available at the centre. It may be for 4-8 weeks with the prior approval of the Head of the Institution. Prescribed institutional regulations will be adhered to for such an external posting.

d. Administrative experience: The final year post graduate student should be entrusted with administrative responsibilities including preparation of academic programme, patient management, functioning of the ward and outpatient department. These may include:

Admission of patients,

Preparing the operation theatre lists,

Improving the functioning in the ward through the supervisor,

Preparing list of topics for teaching of junior trainees posted in the department,

Organizing the posting of trainees in various work stations of the department as per the demand of the situation.


The trainees must maintain a log book of the work carried out by them and the training program undergone during the period of training including details of the surgical operations assisted or done independently. The log book should be checked and assessed periodically by the faculty members imparting the training. During the training programme, patient safety is of paramount importance; therefore, skills are to be learnt initially on the models, later to be performed under supervision followed by performing independently. For this purpose, provision of skills laboratories in medical colleges is mandatory.

A candidate shall maintain a log book of procedures (assisted / performed) during the training period, certified by the concerned post graduate teacher / Head of the department / senior consultant. This log book shall be made available to the board of examiners for their perusal at the time of the final examination.

The log book should show evidence that the before mentioned subjects were covered (with dates and the name of teacher(s) The candidate will maintain the record of all academic activities undertaken by him/her in log book.

1. Personal profile of the candidate

2. Educational qualification/Professional data

3. Record of case histories

4. Procedures learnt

5. Record of case Demonstration/Presentations

6. Every candidate, at the time of practical examination, will be required to produce performance record (log book) containing details of the work done by him/her during the entire period of training as per requirements of the log book. It should be duly certified by the supervisor as work done by the candidate and countersigned by the administrative Head of the Institution.

7. In the absence of production of log book, the result will not be declared.


Recommended Reading:

1. Books (latest edition)

Coran AG, Adzick NS, Krummel TM, Laberge JM, Shamberger RC, Caldamone AA. Pediatric Surgery, 7Ed: Elsevier - Health Sciences Division; 2012.

Holcomb GW, Murphy JP, Peter SD. Holcomb and Ashcraft's Pediatric Surgery, 7Ed: Elsevier; 2019.

Hutson JM, Brien MO, Woodward AA, Beasley SW. Jones Clinical Pediatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management, 6Ed: Wiley-Blackwell;2008.

Docimo SG, Canning D, Khoury A, Salle JLP. The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urology, 6Ed: CRC Press; 2018.

Pizzo PA, Poplack DG, Adamson PC, Blaney SM, Helman L. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology, 7Ed: Wolters Kluwer; 2016.

Davenport M, Spitz L, Coran A. Operative Pediatric Surgery, 7 Ed: CRC Press;2013

Holcomb GW, Rothenberg SS. Atlas of Pediatric Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy, 2 Ed: Elsevier;2021.

Eichenwald EC, Hansen AR, Stark AR, Martin C. Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care, 8Ed: Wolters Kluwer; 2017.

Kliegman RM, Stanton BMD, Geme JS, Schor NF. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Elsevier Health Sciences, 21 Ed; 2019.

Farquharson M, Hollingshead J, Moran B. Farquharson's textbook of Operative General Surgery, 10 ed: CRC Press;2015.

Gray SW, Skandalakis JE. Embryology for surgeons: the embryological basis for the treatment of congenital defects, 2 ed: Lipincott Williams and Wilkins; 1994.

Glover T, Mitchell K. An Introduction to Biostatistics, 3 ed: Waveland Press;2015.

David L. Katz, Joann G. Elmore, Wild D, Sean C Lucan. Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013.

Coley BD. Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 13 ed: Elsevier; 2018.

Husain AN, Dehner LP. Stocker and Dehner's Pediatric Pathology, 5 ed: LWW; 2021.

Holschneider AM, Hutson JM. Anorectal Malformations in Children: Embryology, Diagnostics, Surgical Treatment and Follow up: Springer, 2006.

Puri P. Newborn Surgery, 4 ed: CRC Press;2019.

Hadidi A, David MA. Hypospadias Surgery: An Illustrated Guide: Springer;2013.

Barry P, Morris K. Pediatric Intensive Care (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Pediatrics), 1 ed: Oxford University Press; 2017.

Papandria DJ, Besner GE, Moss RL, Diefenbach KA. Operative Dictations in Pediatric Surgery, 1 ed: Springer; 2019.

2. Journals

3-5 international and two national journals (all indexed).

3. Essential

Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons

Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery International

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Journal of Pediatric Urology

Seminars in Pediatric Surgery

British Journal of Urology International Indian Pediatrics

Indian Journal of Pediatrics

4. Optional

The Journal of Pediatrics


Pediatrics Clinics of North America

Any other relevant journal pertaining to pediatric surgery

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