Kerala: BSc Nursing, B Pharm in Ayurveda 2020, View all Details here

Published On 2020-11-23 03:30 GMT   |   Update On 2020-11-23 03:30 GMT

Kerala: All the important details with respect to the Admission to Professional Degree Courses 2020 in BSc Nursing (Ayurveda) & B Pharm (Ayurveda) which has been approved by the Government of Kerala, is attached below.

It contains general information and rules relating to the admission to Nursing (Ayurveda), Pharmacy (Ayurveda) 2020 conducted, and other connected matters. Candidates are required to go through the Prospectus carefully and acquaint themselves with all the relevant information. Candidates are also requested to visit the official website of the LBS Centre for Science and Technology regularly for notifications and announcements.

This Prospectus sets out the rules and regulations for selection and admission to the following Degree courses conducted by MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu within the State of Kerala.

Degree Courses:

Bachelor of Science Nursing (B.Sc.Nursing (Ayurveda)) Bachelor of Pharmacy ­ (B. Pharm (Ayurveda))

This Prospectus is subject to modification/addition/deletion, as may be deemed necessary by the Government.

Allotment of seats from the State Rank Lists for all courses in MVR Ayurveda medical College Parassinikadavu will be made in accordance with the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India/Hon'ble High Court of Kerala or orders of the Government of Kerala/Government of India as per the law in existence at the time of Allotment Process and will be notified separately.


Bachelor of Science Nursing ( B.Sc.Nursing (Ayurveda) ) Bachelor of Pharmacy ­ (B Pharm (Ayurveda) ) MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikadavu, Kannur, Kerala

B Sc Nursing (Ayurveda) – 50 Seats

B Pharm (Ayurveda) – 50 Seat



Duration (Years)

B Sc Nursing (Ayurveda)





Mandatory Reservation: The seats for each course will be distributed as per the mandatory reservation principle as contemplated in G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn. Dated 2.5.1966, G.O.(MS)No.95/08/SCSTDD dated 06/10/2008,G.O(MS)No.10/2014/BCDD dated 23/05/2014 and as modified from time to time.





State Merit



Socially and Educationally Backward Classes



Ezhava (EZ)



Muslim (MU)



Other Backward Hindu (BH)



Latin Catholic & Anglo Indian (LA)



Dheevara and Related communites (DV)



Viswakarma and related communities (VK)



Kusavan and related communities (KN)



Other Backward Christian (BX)



Kudumbi (KU)



Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes



Scheduled Casts (SC)



Scheduled Tribes (ST)


The total number of seats available for each course will be published prior to the commencement of Centralised Allotment Process. The number of seats earmarked for various categories for each course in MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikadavu will also be finalized before the Centralized Allotment.

Admission to the seats under Clause 4.1 will be completed by the admitting authority on or before the date to be notified.

 Claims for Mandatory Reservation:

State Merit: The seats under the State Merit (SM) will be filled purely on merit basis irrespective of the category/community to which the candidates belong.

Claim for communal reservation under the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC):

Reservation to the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes will be in accordance with the provisions contained in G.O.(P)208/66/Edn.dated 2.5.1966, G.O(MS) No.95/08/SCSTDD dated 06.10.2008 G.O.(MS)No.10/2014/BCDD dated 23/05/2014,

G.O.(P) No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015and as amended from time to time and will be in accordance with the Orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India/ Hon'ble High Court of Kerala or Orders of the Government of Kerala/ Government of India.

a) Candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes as per G.O(P)208/66/Edn. Dated 02/05/1966, G.O(MS) No.10/2014/BCDD dated 23/5/2014, G.O.(P) No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015, should produce a certificate to the extent that the candidate belongs to the community which is designated as a socially and educationally backward class and does not belong to the category of creamy layer, in the proforma given as Annexure V of the G.O(P)No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015. The names of the castes and communities under SEBC are given in Annexure I. Only the claim of the candidates of those communities that are included in the list as incorporated in the respective annexure of the prospectus 2020 will be considered. Claims by the candidate belonging to other communities, which are not  included in the Annexure, will be rejected even if certificates from the concerned revenue officers have been obtained and should be uploaded along with the application.

b) Candidates belonging to Ezhava, Muslim,Other Backward Hindus, Latin Catholic &

Anglo Indians, Dheevara and related communities, Viswakarma and related communities, Kusavan and related communities, Other Backward Christians and Kudumbi communities, claiming reservation under SEBC Quota should invariably produce the Non­Creamy Layer Certificate obtained from the Village Officer /Revenue authority concerned. The above certificate should be obtained in the prescribed format and should be uploaded along with the application.

c) The reservation under SEBC for children of inter­caste married couple: Children of

inter­caste married couple with either the father or mother belonging to a community included in the SEBC list, or with father and mother belonging to different communities, both of which are included in the SEBC list, are eligible for reservation under SEBC. Such candidates should furnish a Non Creamy Layer Certificate specifying the community of the candidate from the Village Officer in the Prescribed Proforma. The claim made in the Application will be final and cannot be changed subsequently.

The candidates who are children of inter­caste married couple of whom one is SC/ST, will be eligible for educational and monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per para 2(ii) of G.O. (MS)No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20/6/2005, if eligible for reservation under SEBC, will be granted the same, based on the Non Creamy Layer Certificate (Annexure-IV (c))and inter­caste marriage certificate(Annexure V(d)) issued by Revenue Officials and to be uploaded along with the online application

Claim for Reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota:

Candidates claiming reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota should obtain the caste/community Certificate from the Tahsildar concerned, in the proforma given in the application specifically meant for them. SC/ST caste status of children whose parents contracted Inter­ Caste marriage will be subject to the orders/clarification issued in GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005, the judgment dated 10.08.2005 of the Full Bench of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala in

WP(C) 2483/2005 and connected cases & G.O (MS) No.109/2008/SCSTDD dated 20.11.2008.

Community Certificate from the Tahsildar is to be obtained in the prescribed proforma.

Other general rules for Special /Mandatory Reservation:

1 The seats unveiled by the Scheduled Castes candidates will go to the Scheduled Tribes candidates and vice versa.

2 The seats unavailed by the SC/ST candidates will go to "Other Eligible Community" (OEC) candidates. The seats that still remain unavailed of will go to the State Merit Quota.

3 The seats unavailed by the SEBC category candidates will be allotted under State Merit in the final allotment in the stream.

4 If any seat, in any special reservation quota, is left un­availed by the candidates belonging to that particular category, those seats will go to the Mandatory reservation quota unless otherwise stated.

5 The seats unfilled under the nomination categories given under Clause 4.1.1, when released to the State will be added to the Mandatory reservation quota and the revised total seats under the mandatory reservation quota will be re­distributed and allotted as per the mandatory reservation principles.


a) Fee Concession and other Scholarships: Candidates desirous of being considered for any fee concession/scholarship/any other benefits, based on annual family income should upload Income Certificate from concerned Revenue Authority obtained for " STATE EDUCATION PURPOSE"

b) Claim for fee concession to OEC candidates as listed in Annexure III (a):Candidates belonging to Other Eligible Communities are exempted from payment of fee at the time of allotment to Professional Degree Course under Government /Community Quota irrespective of annual family income as per G.O.(MS) No.36/07/SCSTDD dated 03.07.2007. Those OEC Candidates who have submitted the Non Creamy Layer Certificate for availing the applicable reservation will be granted the fee concession based on the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate. But those OEC candidates who do not come under Non Creamy Layer Category should upload Community Certificate obtained from the Village Officer in the format available in the website, for availing the fee concession..

c) Claim for fee concession to candidates belonging to Communities listed in Annexure III (b)–List of communities eligible for educational concessions as is given to OEC: Candidates belonging to Communities listed in Annexure III(b) whose annual family income is up to Rs.6 lakh are exempted from payment of fee during the allotment to the Professional Degree Courses under Government/Community quota as per G.O(MS)No.10/2014/BCDD dated 23.05.2014. They should upload community and income certificate from the Village Officer in the prescribed format.


Nativity: Only Indian citizens are eligible for admission to professional courses unless otherwise notified. Holders of Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) cards/ Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), will also be treated at par with Indian citizens for the limited purpose of admission. However, PIO/OCI candidates will not be eligible for any kind of reservation.

Candidates seeking admission to the courses will be categorised as Keralite and Non­ Keralite.

(i) Keralite: A candidate of Kerala origin will be categorized as a 'Keralite'. Children of All India Service (AIS) officers (Non­Keralites) allotted to Kerala cadre are deemed to be 'Keralites' as per G.O.(Rt) No.822/08/H.Edn dated 29.05.2008. But they will not be eligible for Communal reservation.

(ii) Non­Keralite: A candidate who is not of 'Kerala origin' but who has undergone the qualifying course in Kerala, and who is the son/daughter of the following categories of Non­Keralite parents will be categorized as 'Non­Keralite':

(a) Employees of the Government of India and defence personnel posted to Kerala.

(b) Employees, who are serving the Government of Kerala, subject to the condition that the employees have served in the state of Kerala or for the state of Kerala, for a minimum period of two years.

Non­Keralite candidates will be considered against 'State Merit' seats only and will not be eligible for Communal reservation.

Certificates to prove Nativity

(a) Keralites: In order to prove that a candidate is an Indian citizen of Kerala origin for the limited purpose of eligibility for admission he/she has to produce one of the following Certificates.

(i) The true copy of the relevant page of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate showing the place of birth in Kerala of the candidate.


(ii) The true copy of the relevant page of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate showing place of birth in Kerala of either of the parents of the candidate with corroborative Certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate.


(iii) The true copy of the relevant page of the Passport of the candidate, issued by the Government of India, showing place of birth in Kerala or of either of the parents of the candidate showing place of birth in Kerala with corroborative Certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate.


(iv) A Certificate of birth from the authority competent to register birth (Panchayat/ Municipality/ Corporation) showing the candidate's or either of the parents (in which case corroborative Certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate is necessary) place of birth in Kerala, to be issued by a competent officer of the registering authority.


(v) A Certificate from the Village Officer / Tahsildar to show that the candidate or his/her father/ mother was born in Kerala (this is to be obtained in the body of the application).


(vi) A Certificate of residence from the Village Officer/Tahsildar to the effect that the candidate has been a resident of Kerala state for a period of five years within a period of twelve years (to be obtained in the prescribed format in the application)


(vii) A Certificate showing school studies in Kerala from Std VIII to XII obtained from the head(s) of the educational institution(s) in Kerala in the case of candidates who have undergone

school studies in Kerala to prove that the candidate has undergone his/her studies in the schools in Kerala from standards VIII to XII. This Certificate is to be obtained in the prescribed format in the application itself.

(viii) OR

(ix) A Certificate from the competent authority showing that the parent of the candidate is an All India Service Officer allotted to Kerala cadre.

(b) Non­Keralites: In the case of Non­Keralites, a 'Certificate issued by the Employer' is to be obtained in the body of the application from the Head of the organisation, where the candidate's parent (employee) is serving, and the 'Certificate showing School studies in Kerala for Standards XI & XII' is to be obtained from the Head of institution where the candidate has undergone his/her qualifying course in Kerala to satisfy the nativity condition under the sub­Clause 6.1(ii).


B.Sc. Nursing (Ayurveda), B.Pharm (Ayurveda) Courses: Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, or examinations recognized equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology put together, are eligible.

Relaxation in marks:

(a) For the courses, candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes

(as per G.O. (P) No. 208/66/Edn. dated 2.5.1966, G.O.(MS) No.95/08/SCSTDD

dated 06.10.2008 and amendments thereof), will have a relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying examination. They need only 45% marks in the case of Biology and 45% marks in the case of optional subjects put together. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates need only a pass in the qualifying examination.

(b) The relaxation of marks in the qualifying examination extended to SEBC candidates only will be applicable to OEC candidates even if they are allotted against the unavailed seats of SC/ST quota.

(c) No rounding off of the percentage of marks to the nearest whole number is permitted. For example, a score of 50 marks out of 100 or 150 marks out of 300 alone will be considered as 50% marks and scores of 45 out of 100 or 135 out of 300 alone will be considered as 45% marks for determining eligibility.

(d) Candidates who have appeared for the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination will be permitted to submit the application. However, they should attain the prescribed qualification and submit copies of the mark list before the last date prescribed for submission of application.

Note: The Vocational Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala is recognized as equivalent to the Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala.


i. Application for admission to B Sc Nursing (Ayurveda) & B Pharm.(Ayurveda) can be registered only online through a single application. The provision for applying online is available at the website Submission of more than one application by a candidate will lead to rejection of the candidature.

ii. Application Fee:

The application fee will be as follows:

For General candidates: Rs. 600/­ For SC/ST candidates: Rs. 300/­

The application fee can be remitted at any one of the branches of the Federal Bank in Kerala.


Prospectus can be downloaded only from the website


Candidate has to visit the website and under 'VARIOUS ALLOTMENTS' click the link "Admission to BSc Nursing (Ayurveda) & B Pharm (Ayurveda) 2020"

Step 1: Registration

Candidate should click the button "NEW CANDIDATE". The personal details of the candidates have to be filled in the page thus obtained. All the basic information, required in the application are to be filled in at this step. Before filling the details, read the Prospectus carefully. The data provided here will be used for processing the application. Any mistake in filling this sheet or providing false/incomplete/wrong information will affect the candidate's eligibility for admission or claim for reservation under any category. It is obligatory that the candidate should fill all the items in the registration stage. If the data is filled completely, after confirming that all the information given are correct and true, click the Save and Continue button to complete the registration process.

Step 2: Fee payment

At this step, the candidate has to make the payment of the application fee by way of Online Payment or by way of challan.

Select the Mode of Payment

A. Online Payment

The fee may be paid by credit card/debit card/Internet Banking. On successful payment of fee, a Payment Confirmation page will appear displaying the message 'Transaction Successful ' .This page will display the Application number, Transaction Id, Challan number, Date and Amount. . Candidate should note this application number and challan number which will be required for future LOGIN OF FEE REMITTED CANDIDATES.If the payment is unsuccessful, the message 'Transaction Unsuccessful' will be displayed. Due to communication failure, if the outcome of the payment attempt is not displayed, the bank may be contacted to ensure whether the attempt was successful or not. If the transaction was unsuccessful then payment needs to be made again and ensure that it's successful. If the amount was debited from the account of the candidate for an unsuccessful transaction, the debited amount will be reverted to that account within 5­7 working days. After successful payment candidate can resume filling of application.

B. Challan Payment

When mode of payment by challan is selected , a three part challan form (Candidate copy, office copy and Bank Copy) will appear on the screen. Candidate has to take a print out of the challan, produce the same in the bank and remit the requisite application fee at any branch of the designated bank (which will be notified later). The Challan will contain the system generated application number which the candidate should note for future login purpose.

After the remittance of fee in the bank, he /she will get back the candidate copy of the challan from the bank. The candidate copy of the challan is to be retained by the candidate.

A candidate who remitted the fee by way of challan can continue with step 3 on the next day or within the prescribed time limit for completion of the online application submission process. The candidate has to click the button LOGIN (FEE REMITTED CANDIDATE) button . In the page thus obtained he/she has to enter the Application

Number, Date of remittance, Branch and challan number regarding the fee remittance if logging in for the first time . Now facility will be provided for creating password. 

Step 3: Application Entry

A registration ID will be provided to the candidate. Candidate should note this Registration Id and password which are required for future login. Candidate should keep them confidential. The candidate should fill all the remaining items in the application entry stage including academic data. The facility to upload the corresponding certificate/document in respect of claims if any will be available against each entry in the application. The Candidate shall click the corresponding button and upload the files.

A recent passport size photograph of the candidate and Signature of the candidate, all in jpeg format of given specifications are to be uploaded (Refer Annexure X for guidelines). In addition all the certificates and documents in support of the various claims made in the application should be uploaded. Nativity proof as stipulated in clause 7 and proof for date of birth are mandatory.

Step 4: Final Confirmation and Print Application

After completing step 3, the candidate can preview the application before confirmation and submission. After Preview the candidate has to accept the declaration and make final submission. The facility to accept the declaration (Tick box) will be enabled only if all the mandatory fields are filled and uploading of supporting documents and images are completed. Candidate should then take a printout of the Application for future references.

Applications should be complete in all respects. A candidate will be considered eligible for positioning in the Rank list, only if he/she has satisfied the eligibility conditions prescribed in the Prospectus, under any category. Do not send the printout of the Application Form and supporting documents to the Office of Director, LBS Centre by post /e­mail/ in person. Candidates are liable to produce all the original documents at the time of admission at the concerned allotted institution.

After the candidate has made final confirmation, an Acknowledgement Slip will be generated and displayed, which may be printed. This will contain the Acknowledgement Reference Number and Date. The Candidate must note down the Acknowledgement Reference Number and Date for future queries.

If the final confirmation is not done, the application will be deemed to be incomplete and thus will not be considered.


1. Scanned copy of the relevant page of the SSLC or equivalent Certificate to prove date of birth.

2. Scanned copy of Certificate in proof of nativity (refer clause 6).

3. Scanned copy of the mark list(s) of Qualifying Examination.

4. Scanned copy of Income certificate in the prescribed format, if applicable.

5. Scanned copy of Community Certificate obtained from the Tahsildar in the case of SC/ST candidates.

6. Scanned copy of Non­Creamy Layer Certificate in the prescribed format from the concerned Village Officer for community reservation claims in the case of SEBC/OEC candidates.

7. Scanned copy of Inter­Caste marriage Certificate,(if applicable) from Tahsildar.


(i) Defective applications will not be considered under any circumstances.

(ii) Certificates without the signature of the issuing authority or that are incomplete will be treated as defective and such Certificates will not be considered for granting any claim.

(iii) Any Documents/Certificates furnished after the last date of submission of the application will not be entertained under any circumstances.( Refer to the ruling of the Honorable High Court of Kerala in 1995(2) KLT 629, 1999(2) KLJ 836 and 1999(3) KLT 773).

(iv) To claim any fee concession/scholarship: Candidates belonging to the 'Keralite' category as defined in Clause 6.1 (i), who are not eligible for communal reservation benefit and who wish to be considered for any fee concession/scholarship/any other benefit based on the family income, that may be announced by the Government/College/Admitting authority at any time after the submission of application, should submit the income certificate from the concerned authorities separately, at the time of submission of the application itself, to avail of such concessions. Income Certificates produced after submission of Application will not be considered for granting any such concession.


a. Fee for B.Sc Nursing(Ay) & B.Pharm (Ayurveda) course at MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu for the admission to 2020 batch will be as follows.



Govt. Merit/ Seats

Tuition Fee

B.Sc.Nursing (Ayurveda)

Rs. 50000 /­

Special Fees

Rs. 25,000/­ (First year)

Rs. 20,000/ (Remaining years)

Tuition Fee


Rs. 60000 /­

Special Fees

Rs. 30,000/­ (First year)

Rs. 25,000/ (Remaining years)

To view the official notice click on the following link:


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