MP DME Announces Special Stray Vacancy Round Schedule For NEET MDS Counselling -2024

Published On 2024-10-15 09:22 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-15 09:30 GMT

Madhya Pradesh: The Director of Medical Education (DME MP) has released the time schedule for the NEET MDS 2024 Special Stray Vacancy Round After lowered qualifying marks as per the Govt of India.

The process begins with fresh registrations for new eligible candidates from 17th to 20th October 2024. Candidates who have already registered for counseling do not need to register again. On 21st October 2024, the remaining vacancies and the revised merit list of registered and eligible candidates will be published.

Following this, eligible candidates will be invited to participate in the choice-filling process on 21st and 22nd October 2024, with real-time merit lists for each subject displayed on the DME portal. These merit lists will show applicants up to 10 times the number of available vacancies in each subject. Candidates will be required to mark their online attendance at their respective institutes between 23rd and 24th October 2024. The final admissions, based on attendance and merit, will take place on 25th October 2024.


Detailed schedule – Activity Date No. of Days
1 Fresh registration for new eligible candidates who are not registered for counselling (Candidates who are already registered are not required to register again) 17.10.2024 to 20.10.2024 4 Days
2 Publication of remaining vacancies. 21.10.2024 1 Day
3 Publication of revised merit list of registered candidates and eligible candidate list. 21.10.2024
4 Invitation of online application (choice- filling) by eligible candidate on portal against vacancies. College and Subject wise merit list of applicants (Real time Merit on DME portal) 10 times the number of vacancies in the subject shall be available on portal. 21.10.2024 to 22.10.2024 (till 11:59 PM) 2 Days
5 Online Attendance at institute by the candidates 23.10.2024 to 24.10.2024 (from 10:00 AM to 6.00 AM) 2 Days
6 Admission (selected candidates as per attendance cum merit) 25.10.2024 (from 10:00 AM to 6.00 AM) 1 Day

The Director of Medical Education takes care of the NEET MDS counseling process. The Department of Medical Education plays a pivotal role in developing medical and para-medical personnel to cater to the state's health needs. The directorate facilitates comprehensive medical and dental education via various medical, dental, and paramedical colleges in the state.

To view the official Notice, Click here :


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