WBMCC Releases Tentative Schedule for Special Stray Vacancy Round NEET MDS Counselling, details

Published On 2024-10-16 05:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-16 05:30 GMT

West Bengal- The West Bengal Main Computerised Counselling (WBMCC) has released the tentative schedule of the National Eligibility and Entrance Test - MDS  (NEET MDS) 2024 for state quota and private management quota in West Bengal.

As per the tentative revised schedule, the online registration for NEET MDS Special Vacancy Round Counseling ha sbegun from today - October 16, 2024, at 11 am and will continue till October 17, 2024, at 4 pm.

Below is the detailed schedule-

Special Stray Vacancy Online Registration by candidates qualified through NEET MDS 2024 11 AM of 16.10.2024 till 4 pm of 17.10.2024, (as per server time)
Online Fee payment 11 AM of 16.10.2024 till 12 Midnight of 17.10.2024 (as per server time)
After successful Registration and Fee payment, Verification of Candidates in the already designated College and time slot by the software (for In-service candidates verification will be done at Swasthya Bhaban) 17.10.2024 & 18.10.2024 (11amto 4 pm as per server time)
Publication of List of Successfully verified candidates & Publication of Seat Matrix for Special Stray Vacancy Round 19.10.2024 after 2 pm
Online Choice Filling and Choice Locking by the successfully verified candidates 4 pm of 19.10.2024 till 4 pm of 20.10.2024 (as per server time)
Publication of Result After 4 pm of 23.10.2024
The Reporting and Admission of allotted candidates to the allotted Institute with requisite original document, college requisite fee and bond (Once successfully re-verified they can get admitted in the alloted seat). 24.10.2024 From 11 am to 4 pm (as per server time)

The candidates already allotted or admitted till Stray Vacancy Round of either All India Counseling or WB State Counseling are not allowed to register and is debarred from taking part in this Special Stray Vacancy Round of Counseling process. Only freshly registered and non allotted till Stray Vacancy of All India and WB State Counseling process is allowed to do registration in this Special Stray Vacancy Round of WB NEETMDS Counseling process, the notice said.

To view the official Notice, Click here :  https://medicaldialogues.in/pdf_upload/show-3-257010.pdf


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