Dr YSR University of Health Sciences Opens Window For One-Time Web Options For MBBS Admissions Under Competent Authority Quota

Published On 2023-08-10 04:30 GMT   |   Update On 2023-08-10 04:30 GMT

Andhra Pradesh: Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences has opened the window for exercising one-time web options for web-based counseling for admission into the MBBS Course under Competent Authority Quota Seats for the academic year 2023-24. The provisional final merit position after verification of uploaded certificates and after examination of the grievances has also been released.

The web options can be exercised up to 09.00 PM on 12.08.2023 at https://ugcq.ysruhs.com.

Steps for submitting web option –

1. Click on the “WEB OPTIONS FOR MBBS CQ Candidates” button provided on the left side of the URL loading page. The candidates will be redirected to the “WEB OPTIONS” page.

2. Upon clicking the WEB OPTIONS button, the candidates will be directed to the “INSTRUCTIONS” Page. Read the Instructions carefully, Scroll Down & tick the “CHECKBOX”, then click on the “PROCEED TO WEB OPTIONS” button.

3. Enter Application ID (Ex: UG23CQXXXXX) & NEET All India Rank and click “VERIFY”. Click on the link to find “NEET All India Rank.”

4. Enter the OTP received on the mobile number or email and click “LOGIN”. In case the candidates have not received OTP for 3 minutes, please click on “RESEND OTP”.

5. The candidates will see a list of colleges below their basic details. A Male candidate has to opt for all 35 colleges. A Female candidate has to opt for all 35 colleges in their order of priority.

6. Click on the “SELECT” Button to add a college to the priority list, which is displayed on the Right side of the screen. Click on the “REMOVE” Button to remove a college from the priority list. The candidate can move a college either up or down their priority list by clicking on the “UP” or “DOWN” Buttons.

7. Select all colleges as per priority order.

8. After selecting all colleges, click on the “PREVIEW & SUBMIT” button present at the bottom of the page.

9. After clicking on the “PREVIEW & SUBMIT” button, the candidates will be directed to the Submission page, and there they can see & verify all your options before submission.

10. If you are satisfied with the order of your priority, click on the “SUBMIT WITH OTP” button placed at the bottom of the page. If you want to change your order, click on the “BACK” button.

11. After clicking on the “SUBMIT WITH OTP” button, the candidates will receive an OTP. Please enter OTP in the required field present at the bottom of the screen& click “VERIFY & SUBMIT.”

12. Only after clicking the “VERIFY& SUBMIT” button will options be submitted, otherwise, options will not be saved.

13. After the successful submission of OTP, the candidates can take printouts of their web options by clicking on the “PRINT” button present at the bottom of your screen.

14. If the candidates Re-Login, they can see their submitted order, time of submission, and number of times of their submissions below their basic details. If they want to change their priority, they can change the order and repeat the process of submission again until the closure of the schedule for web options.

The 1st Phase of web-based counselling for admission into MBBS course under Competent Authority Quota including Special Categories, i.e., PwBD, PMC, NCC, CAP, Sports & Games, Scouts & Guides, and Anglo Indian seats available in the following colleges –

1. Seats available (after contributing 15% of seats to All India Quota) in Government Medical and Government Dental Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh, affiliated to Dr. YSRUHS

2. General category seats available (50% of Intake after contributing 15% of seats to All India Quota) in the permitted Government Medical Colleges from 2023-24 onwards (G.O.Ms.No.107, HM & FW (C1) Dept., Dt.19.07.2023)

3. Category ‘A’ seats (50% of Intake) in Private Un-aided Non-Minority Medical and Dental Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh, affiliated to Dr. YSRUHS

4. Category ‘A’ seats (50% of Intake) in Private Un-aided Minority Medical and Dental Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh, affiliated to Dr. YSRUHS

5. 126 seats in the MBBS course in Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women (under SVIMS), Tirupati

Categorization of Candidates in relation to area -



Type of candidate in relation to local area / non-local

Type of eligible seats


AU (Andhra University) area

a) 15% UR seats available before 02.06.2014,   which includes SMC, Vijayawada

15% APUR seats available after 02.06.2014

85% of Local seats in the A.U. area

d) 42% Local seats of AU area in SMC, Vijayawada (Statewide)


OU (Osmania University) area

a) 15% UR seats available before 02.06.2014,   which includes SMC, Vijayawada

36% Local seats of OU area in SMC, Vijayawada


SVU (Sri Venkateswara University) area

  • 15% UR seats available before 02.06.2014,   which includes SMC, Vijayawada
  • 15% APUR seats available after 02.06.2014
  • 85% of Local seats in S.V.U. area
  • 22% Local seats of SVU area in SMC, Vijayawada (Statewide)


NL (Non-Local)

a) 15% UR seats available before 02.06.2014,   which includes SMC, Vijayawada


APNL (Andhra Pradesh Non-Local)

b) 15% UR seats available before 02.06.2014,   which includes SMC, Vijayawada

  • 15% APUR seats available after 02.06.2014


OU/APNL (Osmania University Local and A.P. Non-Local)

  • 15% UR seats available before 02.06.2014,   which includes SMC, Vijayawada
  • 15% APUR seats available after 02.06.2014
  • 36% Local seats of OU area in SMC, Vijayawada (Statewide)

Details issued –

1. The candidates who got registered as Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Cardholders on or after 04.03.2021 are eligible for admission only against any Non-Resident Indian seat or any supernumerary seat; and shall not be eligible for admission against any seat reserved exclusively for Indian Citizens. (G.O.Ms.No.72, HM&FW(C1) Dept., dated 05.06.2023 & G.O.Ms.No.73, HM&FW(C1) Dept., dated 05.06.2023 of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh).

2. The eligible candidates present in the Provisional Final Merit list displayed on 09.08.2023 should exercise only one-time options for all medical colleges as per their order of priority.

3. A candidate has to exercise options for all medical colleges in order of priority.

4. Candidates are instructed to be careful while exercising options on the web. One Time Password will be sent to the registered mobile and mail at the time of entering and submitting web options.

5. The options, once exercised, are final. No request for a change of options or order of college priorities will be entertained after the closure of above said web options schedule.

6. Candidates must take the printout of the saved options.

7. No further notifications for exercising web options will be issued. All candidates have to exercise their one-time web options now only.

8. The same options will be considered for all phases of counseling, including mop-up counseling. The same options will also be considered for filling special category seats as and when the final prioritized lists from the authorities concerned are received.

Allotments under Special categories -

1. All candidates, including the candidates claiming special category reservations, have to exercise their one-time web options now only.

2. The seats reserved under special categories, i.e., CAP, PwBD, PMC, NCC, CAP, Sports & Games, Scouts & Guides, and Anglo Indian, will be filled as and when the prioritized merit lists are received from the authorities concerned. Therefore, the candidates claiming reservations under the special category reservation are informed to exercise their options for all colleges as per their order of college priorities NOW only.

3. The unallotted seats under special categories will be added to respective categories since the seats under special categories are Horizontal Reservations.

Only Muslim minority candidates will be considered for competent authority quota seats in Un-aided Private Minority Medical colleges. If Minority candidates are not available, then the seats will be converted to Non-Minority in the last phase of counseling and will be filled with eligible candidates.

Meritorious Reserved Candidate-MRC (as per G.O.Ms.No.151, HM & FW (C1) Dept, dt.04.12.2020)

Reporting at the allotted College -

1. Candidates will receive a message on their registered mobile after allotment of the seat if the seat is allotted. The candidates are instructed to visit the website: https://ugcq.ysruhs.com for the status of allotment after the closure of web options.

2. Candidates who have been allotted a seat shall report at the allotted college within the reporting schedule by downloading the allotment order on payment of the University fee of Rs.10,600/-.

3. Candidates shall check their final allotment, take a printout of the allotment letter from the web and report to the respective colleges on or before the date specified on the allotment letter with all original certificates and pay the tuition fee to complete the admission process, failing which the candidate will forfeit the admission.

4. Verification of original certificates will be conducted at the college of admission, and in case of any discrepancy, the provisional allotment will be canceled, and action will be initiated as per University regulations.

If not allotted any seat in Phase-I -

Candidates who have not been allotted any seat in the Phase-I of counseling will be considered for available vacancies in Phase II of counseling as per the one-time options already exercised.

If not reported at the allotted College -

The candidates who do not Report/join at the allotted college of Phase-I counseling will not be considered for subsequent phases of counseling. (G.O.151, dated.04.12.2020)

Retain in the allotted College -

1. Phase-I reported candidates could give consent to retain the existing seat as per the instructions to be notified by the University.

2. The candidates who have opted to retain in the allotted seat of Phase-I will not be considered for upgradation in the next phase of counseling (as per the one-time options already exercised), but will be retained in the existing seat and will be considered as a part of Phase-II and same rules will apply on them as applicable for Phase-II of counseling and cannot resign the seat.

3. “Once a candidate secures admission to a particular college / course based on his / her option in the 1st counseling, such candidate shall be allowed for sliding for admission into other college / course in the 2nd counseling. No more claims to admission into other colleges / course be entertained after 2nd counseling during that academic year”. (G.O.Ms.No.71, HM&FW(C1) Dept., dated 15.07.2019 & G.O.Ms.No.72, HM&FW(C1) Dept., dated 15.07.2019 of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.

Exit from the allotted seat in Phase-I -

1. Phase-I reported candidates could resign the seat of Phase-I before the date to be notified by the University. Such candidates will not be considered for further phases of counseling.

2. Candidates who have resigned from the Phase-I reported seat before the due date as per the schedule will be considered as not reported/not joined, and such vacated seats will be filled in Phase-II counseling as per the rules.

3. After the due date, all Phase-I reported candidates would be considered as a part of Phase-II, and the same rules will apply to them as applicable for Phase-II of counseling, and they cannot resign the seat.

Candidates who do not opt to retain in the allotted seat -

Phase-I reported candidates who do not opt to be retained in the allotted seat would be considered for Phase-II of counseling for upgradation/sliding as per the one-time options already exercised and will be considered as a part of Phase-II and the same rules will apply to them as applicable for Phase-II of counseling and cannot resign the seat.

Candidates eligible for Phase-II counseling -

“Once a candidate secures admission to a particular college based on his / her option in the 1st counseling, such candidate shall be allowed for sliding for admission into other college / course in the 2nd counseling. No more claims to admission into other colleges / course be entertained after 2nd counseling during that academic year”. (G.O.Ms.No.71, HM&FW(C1) Dept., dated 15.07.2019 & G.O.Ms.No.72, HM&FW(C1) Dept., dated 15.07.2019 of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

Phase-I reported candidates who have opted to retain in the Phase-I reported seat will be considered for Phase-II counseling only in the existing college but not for up-gradation, and the same rules will apply to them as applicable for Phase-II of counseling and cannot resign the seat.

Candidates who have exercised one-time options but did not get seat allotment in Phase-I of counseling are eligible for phase-II counseling.

Phase-I Reported candidates who have neither opted to retain the Phase-I allotted seat nor opted to exit from the Phase-I reported seat are eligible for phase-II counseling.

The 2nd phase of counseling will be conducted after the closure of reporting time of 1st phase of counseling for the available vacancies based on the ONETIME OPTIONS ALREADY EXERCISED BY THE CANDIDATES. No further notifications will be issued.

The Phase-I seat vacated because of the up-gradation (as per the ONE TIME OPTIONS ALREADY EXERCISED) during the course of Phase-II counseling will be added and allotted simultaneously to the next candidates as per the merit and rules. The candidates upgraded in Phase II of counseling should compulsorily report at the upgraded college.

If a candidate slides to another college during phase II of counseling, the original certificates will be sent to the college concerned after the closure of admissions by the previous college where the student has handed over the original certificate (within the state only). The candidate has to report at the reallotted college with the downloaded allotment order and custodian certificate issued by the previous college. Custodian certificates issued by colleges other than the State of Andhra Pradesh will not be accepted.

Phase II of counseling will be conducted for -

1. Unfilled seats in Phase – 1

2. Not reported / Not joined seats after Phase-I.

Discontinuation from the Course -

1. Reported Candidates who have not utilized the free exit facility as per the schedule (to be notified) cannot resign the seat during the course of admissions, i.e., from Phase-II counseling to closure of admissions.

2. As per G.O.Ms.No.72, HM&FW (C1) Dept., dt.15-07-2019, if any candidate wants to withdraw from the course after the closure of admissions in the middle of the course, such candidate has to submit his/her request through the Principal of the college concerned along with course discontinuation fee of Rs.3,00,000/- for MBBS plus GST as applicable to the University by way of demand draft.

University Fee –

The candidates will have to pay Rs.10600 as a one-time to be paid to Dr. YSR UHS for downloading allotment orders if the seat is allotted. The selected candidates have to pay the University fee through a payment Gateway by using an online payment method (Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking / UPI) for downloading the allotment order.

Tuition Fee –

Seat Type

Type of College

Fee per annum Rs


All Government Medical Colleges, including Competent Authority (General Category) in New Govt. Medical Colleges permitted from 2023-24



Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women, Tirupati, under (SVIMS)



Private un-aided Minority and Non-Minority Medical Colleges affiliated with Dr. YSR UHS


Candidates selected for Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women, Tirupati, have to visit the SVIMS website http://svimstpt.ap.nic.in for tuition fee and other fee details to be paid at College.

The list of colleges government and private medical colleges has also been released. The colleges are divided into AU Region, SVU Region, and State Wide Institution. The detailed list is enclosed in the notice below.

The provisional final merit position after verification of uploaded certificates and after examination of the grievances has also been released. A total of 13845 candidates are there on the list. The detailed list is enclosed in the notice below.

To view the notices, click on the links below –



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