NEET SS to be held in November 2021: Check out schedule, eligibility criteria, application procedure, fee here

Published On 2021-09-01 07:38 GMT   |   Update On 2021-09-01 07:41 GMT
NEET SS to be held in November 2021: Check out schedule, eligibility criteria, application procedure, fee here
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New Delhi: Ending the wait for thousands of DM, MCh and DNB SS aspirants across the country, the National Board of Examinations (NBE) has announced the conduct of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for admission to Super Speciality courses, NEET SS 2021.

The entrance test NEET SS will be conducted on 13th and 14th November 2021 at various examination centres across the country. The different groups shall be examined on 13th and 14th November 2021.

All the concerned candidates can view the eligibility criteria, examination fee, application procedure, admit card, important dates, results and counselling details for the NEET SS 2021 mentioned below.

Application form for NEET SS 2021 can be submitted only online at from 14th September (3 PM onwards) to 4th October 2021 (till 11:55 PM).

Important dates



Online Application Submission

14th September (3 PM Onwards) to 4th October 2021 (Till 11:55PM)

Edit Window for All Applicants

8th October to 11th October 2021

Final Edit Window to rectify Deficient Images:

  1. Photograph

2. Signatures

3. Thumb Impression

22nd October to 24th October 2021

Issue of Admit Card

5th November 2021

Examination Date

13th and 14th November 2021

Cut Off Date for qualifying MD/MS/ DNB Broad Specialty qualification towards determination of eligibility for appearing in NEET-SS 2021

30th November 2021

Declaration of Result

By 30th November 2021

Commencement of academic session term

1st January 2022

Last date up to which students can be admitted/joined

28th February 2022

What is the NEET SS 2021 Eligibility Criteria?

The applicant must meet/fulfil the following criteria:
1. Candidates who are in possession of recognized post graduate medical Degree/Provisional Pass Certificate (MD/MS/DNB) or an equivalent recognized qualification or likely to be in possession of the same by 30th November 2021 in accordance with eligible feeder specialty qualifications for super specialty courses as mentioned in Annexure B of this Information Bulletin can apply for NEET-SS 2021.
2. Candidates found to be ineligible at any stage of NEET-SS 2021 will not be permitted to appear in the examination. In an unlikely event of any ineligible candidate appearing and/or being successful in NEET SS 2021, the result/ candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled and/or is deemed to be cancelled as and when the ineligibility is detected.
3. The cutoff date for qualifying MD/MS/DNB Broad Specialty/ eligible feeder qualification towards determination of eligibility for appearing in NEET-SS 2021 shall be 30th November 2021.
4. Requests for appearing in NEET-SS 2021 from candidates who are qualifying and/or getting the results of their MD/MS/DNB qualifications/eligible feeder qualifications after 30th November 2021 shall be summarily rejected.
5. Registration with NMC/State Medical Council is mandatory and its documentary proof should be furnished at the test Centre on the examination day.
6. In terms of the Gazette Notification No CG-DL-E-04032021-225647 Part II- Section 3 - Sub section (ii) dated 04.03.2021 of MHA for OCI, the foreign nationals shall not be eligible.

7. Candidates already pursuing or have joined a Doctoral Course (DM/MCh/DrNB) through NEET-SS are not eligible for admission to DrNB Superspecialty courses through NEET-SS 2021 for the entire duration prescribed for the course already joined by them earlier. This shall be irrespective of their resignation or discontinuation from the said course due to any reason.

8. Eligibility of candidates issued admit card for the examination shall be purely provisional. Appearing in NEET-SS 2021 does not confer any automatic rights upon the candidate for admission to DM/MCh/DrNB Super Specialty courses.

Examination Fee to be paid by NEET SS 2021 aspirants:

1. Examination Fee:

Examination Fee per Group*

Rs. 4250

*Excluding charges as may be applicable by various payment gateways. GST has been EXEMPTED as per Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India circular no 151/07/2021-GST dated 17.06.2021
2. Candidate shall be required to pay the examination fee as mentioned above for each group in which he/she chooses to appear. For eg. A candidate with MD Paediatrics qualification who chooses to appear in question papers for both Medical and Paediatric Groups shall be required to pay Rs. 4250 + 4250 = 8500/- towards examination fee. Please refer chapter - 4 for details of scheme of examination
3. Applications forms once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Fee shall neither be carried forward to a future date nor refunded under any circumstances. Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Any claim for refund, adjustment or carrying forward of Application fee will not be entertained.
4. How to pay: The prescribed exam fee should be remitted through payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India or other modes as may be made available and have been provided on the web page. Fee can not be deposited through any mode other than the payment gateway available while submitting online application form submission.
5. Examination fees in respect of candidates who are absent or have been declared ineligible due to any reason will be forfeited. Candidates are advised to read the information bulletin for NEESS 2021 carefully and satisfy the terms and conditions for fulfilment of eligibility criteria before proceeding for payment of fees

Admit Card & Test Day Procedures for NEET SS 2021

1. Admit Card: Admit cards shall be made live on National Board of Examination website www. on 5th November 2021. Admit cards will not be issued to candidates found ineligible.
2. Candidates will be informed through SMS/Email alerts and website notice regarding availability of the admit card on National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences website. Admit card will not be sent to the candidates by Post/Email.
3. Candidates are required to download their admit card from the NBEMS website and affix firmly their latest passport size photograph in the space provided on the admit card. The photograph must meet following specifications:
• Size of photograph : Minimum 35x45 mm (and not larger than the box printed on admit card for pasting the photograph) with at least 75% area on the photograph should be occupied with the face & head of the candidate.
• It should be a Colour photograph with white background
• The photograph needs to display full front view of the face with a neutral expression. No Caps, Stethoscope, Goggles, Ornaments to be worn.
• The photograph should not have reflection or shadow on the face with red eyes.
• The photograph needs to be printed on a high quality paper with at least 600 dpi Resolutions.
• The photograph must not have kinks, scratches and stains.
4. TEST DAY PROCEDURES: National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences shall be conducting the Social Distanced - Computer Based Test (SD-CBT) in safe and secure environment, maintaining social distancing norms wherever needed. National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences reserves its rights to review the test day processes of conduct of CBT in wake of changing scenario of COVID-19 pandemic.
5. Staggered Entry of Candidates as per Time Slots given in the Admit Cards: Candidates are required to report at the 'Reporting Counter' of test venue at as per time indicated in their admit cards. To avoid crowding at the test venue entry, there will be staggered time slots for candidates to report. Candidates will be required to report at the exam venue as per the time slot informed via SMS on their registered mobile number one day prior to exam date. The reporting counter will close 30 minutes prior to the test start time. This will allow time for security checks, identity verification and checking in for examination.
6. Candidates reporting late or beyond the prescribed time shall not be allowed to appear in the exam under any circumstances. NBEMS shall not be responsible for any delayed arrival of the candidate in reaching the centre due to any reason.
7. Test Centre Location: Exact address and location of the test centres shall be indicated in the admit card. Candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the test centre locations at least one day prior to the examination day and ensure that they report for the exam as per scheduled time only.
8. Please note that only the candidates who have been issued admit card will be allowed entry inside the examination centre premises subject to fulfilment of documentary requirements.
9. Friends or relatives accompanying the candidates will not be allowed entry in the examination centre premises under any circumstances and will not be allowed to contact the candidate while the examination process is ongoing.
10. It will be mandatory for all candidates to adhere to COVID Appropriate Behaviour at all times at the test centre.
11. Protective Gear Safety Kits: All candidates will be provided with a protective gear safety kit comprising of a face shield, a face mask and 5 hand sanitizer sachets. It will be mandatory for all candidates to wear the face shield at all times and during entry & exit where crowding is anticipated. Face shield will be required to be taken off during registration process and whenever face ID is verified during the exam.
12. Barcode/QR Code Reader at Entry Points: The candidate will flash the admit card and ID proof for verification to the exam functionary standing across the table with barcode/QR code reader. Candidate shall be informed about the assigned lab number. At no time will the exam functionary touch any document of the candidate.
13. Isolation Labs: All candidates will be checked at the entry point for fever with the thermo guns. In case, any candidate is observed to be having above normal temperature or displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 infection, he/she will be allowed to take the examination in a separate isolation lab.
14. Identity checks will be made upon arrival at the test centre to ensure that there are no unauthorized candidates appearing for the exam.
15. Candidates MUST bring to the test centre the following documents:
a.Printed copy of Barcoded/QR Coded Admit card with his/her photograph pasted on it.
b.Photocopy of Permanent SMC/MCI/NMC registration, to be retained by the test centre &
c.Any one of the below mentioned Govt issued photo IDs** (must be original and valid/non-expired):
✤ PAN Card
✤ Driving License
✤ Voter ID
✤ Passport
✤ Aadhaar Card (with Photograph)
16. In case, any candidate reports to the test center with e-Aadhaar Card with Aadhaar number printed on it as proof of identity, the eAadhaar Card should be a good quality colour print out with clearly visible photograph. The photograph should not have kinks, scratches and stains, and should definitely match with the candidate presenting the e-Aadhaar Card. Decision of NBEMS in this regard shall be final".
** The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card. If name has changed due to marriage etc, candidate must show the relevant document to substantiate claim for change in name (Marriage Certificate/Divorcee Decree/ Legal Name Change Document/ Gazette notification for name change).
17. Candidates without valid ID proof shall not be allowed to enter the examination premises.
18. Unfair means case shall be registered against the candidates producing false/forged documents/ID Proofs.
19. SECURITY AT THE TEST CENTRE: Candidates will not be allowed to take the following items beyond security check point under any circumstances:
• Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), notes, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, etc..
• Any electronic device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, wrist watch/Health Band, Calculator, Electronic Pen/ Scanner etc.
• All ornaments like bracelets, Ring, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/ Necklace, Pendants, Necklace with pendants, Badge, Brooch etc.
•Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap, Water Bottle etc.
• Any eatable item opened or packed, soft drinks, water bottle etc.
• Any other item which could be used for unfair means, for hiding communication devices like wireless/Bluetooth device, spy camera etc.
20. Candidates will be permitted to carry certain items brought by them to the examination lab:
• Face Mask
• Exam related documents (Admit card, ID Card etc)
Please read the admit card carefully for items permitted to carry inside the examination centres.
21.No arrangement will be made at the centres for keeping any articles/items belonging to the candidates. In case any candidate is found in possession of any of the barred items inside the centre beyond the security check point, it will be considered as use of unfair means and action will be taken against the candidate in accordance with the relevant provisions. To avoid any hardship candidates are advised not to bring prohibited items along with them at the test Centre.
22. Frisking (HHMD) will be done.
23. Finger Biometrics of candidates shall be captured at the time of registration for the test at test venue in SD-CBT. In addition, Photograph of the candidates shall also be captured on the exam day at the centre. Face ID shall be verified at the time of registration for the test and at each bio-break, against the photograph uploaded in the application. Therefore, it is essential to upload a recent photograph in the application as per image upload guidelines prescribed. Candidates are requested to cooperate with this essential activity to avoid any cases of impersonation. This is a security feature which will ensure that only genuine candidate appear for the exam. Any candidate not adhering to the aforementioned security measures will not be allowed to take the test. Manual Attendance with signature shall also be done.
24. After verification of ID and capture of Face ID, candidates will be escorted to the designated computer terminal at the test centre ensuring social distancing and a Invigilator will assist the candidate for check-in process of the test.
25. Candidates are required to keep their admit card and photo identification with them at all times during the conduct of examination.
26. Candidates are required to listen to the invigilator's instructions to begin the exam. Each workstation will be blocked from three sides – front, left and right. Candidates are advised not to look around at other candidates as there will be surveillance cameras also that will record video.
27. Any suspicious or disruptive behaviour on part of the candidate may lead to cancellation of candidature. For any issues during the exam, candidate may raise his or her hand to notify Invigilator.
28. Staggered exit of candidates from test centres: Upon completion of the examination, candidates will be directed to leave the test venue in a staggered manner which will be communicated by the respective centre in-charges in order to avoid crowding at the test venue exit. The exit process is likely to be completed over a period of 1 to 1:30 hrs. Hence all candidates are urged to exercise patience.
29. In case of any technical disruption during the test, rest assured that a registered candidate will get complete allocated examination time.


Description of failure

Standard actions taken


Disruption happens (e.g Power Failure) during the exam time after the candidates have logged in (either for one or more candidates)

No action necessary. The timer will stop when the failure occurs and will resume when the failure is rectified.

There will be no time loss in allocated examination time due disruption/failure.


Candidate machine is locked during the exam. (e.g Loss of connectivity with the Primary Server)

IT Manager in each exam room verifies and unlocks the candidates account and the timer starts from the same point where the candidate had left.

There will be no time loss in allocated examination time due to this locking.


Candidate complains of any specific issues in the machine (e.g screen flickering, mouse issue, system getting locked/hanged repeatedly etc)

On reporting of the issue , IT Manager/Invigilator verifies and locks the candidate machine. The candidate is shifted from their allotted seat to buffer seat in same or other lab during the examination.

There will be no time loss in allocated examination time due to this shifting

Instructions to Fill Online NEET-SS 2021 Application Form

1. New User Registration: All candidates desirous of applying for NEET-SS 2021 shall be required to create an online profile of themselves to generate a UserID and Password.
2. Applicant Login: This User ID and Password so created will allow the candidate to login as an applicant for NEET-SS 2021 and register an online application. The "Go To Application" link will allow the applicant to continue with the application submission immediately after user creation.
3. If the Login password is lost, it can be retrieved by clicking "Forgot Your Password".
4. Name of Candidate: Please mention your full name as in Post Graduate Medical Qualification Certificate. Name as entered by the candidate while creating his/her User ID shall be reflected in a non-editable format in his/her examination application form. No change in the name shall be permissible under any circumstances after submission of an application. The candidate shall be required to produce his/her Govt issued ID proof bearing same name at the test centre on the test day to seek entry. It is strongly advised not to submit an application with an error in the candidate's name as it shall not be allowed to be edited after application submission. If the user has entered his/her name wrongly while registering the user, please create another user with correct name.
5. Father's and Mother's Name: Please mention the full name of your Father and Mother carefully while registering the user.
6. Gender and Date of Birth: Indicate your gender and Day, Month & Year of your birth. Please enter the correct date of birth carefully while registering the user..
7. Nationality: Please enter country of your citizenship. An Indian Citizen should indicate, if he/she is an NRI. If you are an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), please choose OCI after selecting country of your citizenship.
8. Email ID: Email ID chosen by the applicant candidate shall be verified through a system generated OTP for user creation. Same email ID can not be used for registration of any other user concurrently. Please note that all email correspondence with the applicant candidate shall be done at this email ID only. Email chosen by the applicant candidate shall be the primary means to communicate with the candidate for examination purposes. Information related to examinations shall be sent at this email ID. Candidates shall also be able to communicate with National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences through this registered email only. Correspondence received from any other email ID of the candidate shall not be entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to choose the email ID carefully.
9. Mobile No: Please provide the desired mobile number for receiving Examinations related communications sent through SMS. Mobile number chosen by the applicant candidate shall NOT be the primary means to communicate with the candidate for examination purposes.
10. The UserID/Application ID and password so generated shall be sent to the registered email ID of the candidate for future records.
11. The index page of NEET-SS 2021 at National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences website provides a quick link, "Applicant Login". The online application form for NEET-SS 2021 can be accessed through this quick link after successful login
12. The candidate can login using his/her User ID and Password.
13. The application submission process can be completed either in a single sitting or in multiple sittings, as per the candidate's choice, during the application submission window. However, once an application is successfully completed & submitted, it shall be available for editing certain field only during the "edit window".
14. Candidates are advised not to complete their application registration process in a haste so as to avoid any errors in providing information.
15. The candidate shall be required to provide information as asked under various heads. It is strongly recommended to keep the required information handy before start filing the application. Some of the salient heads in the application form are as under:
16. Selection of Question Paper Groups: A candidate will be able to choose amongst the available choices of Question Paper Groups for which his/her broad specialty qualification is an eligible feeder. Accordingly, the candidates will be able to choose one or more than one group to appear in. The Examination fee shall be charged accordingly.
17. Upload of Prescribed Documents & Images (Photograph, Scanned Signatures and Thumb Impression): Please refer Image Upload Instructions available at NBEMS website https:// and at the end of this information bulletin for details of specifications for uploading photograph, signatures and thumb impression. Images which are not as per prescribed specification shall not be considered and may lead to rejection of the application.
18. The test city can be selected from available choices on first come first serve basis.
19. After selection of test city, the candidate shall be required to pay the prescribed examination fee online. The fee can not be paid through any mode other than the payment gateway available in online application form.
20. Candidates shall be prompted to preview the entire application before submission in order to make any corrections, if so required. They shall be required to submit the application after agreeing to the "declaration". This shall complete the entire process of application submission.
21. Acknowledgement of Application Submission: An acknowledgement email shall be sent to the registered email ID confirming submission of an application by the candidate.
22. Edit Window: Candidates who have successfully submitted their application during Application Submission window shall only be allowed to edit their applications during 8th October to 11th October 2021. No new application can be registered during edit window.
23. All editable fields in the application form shall be open for the candidate to make any corrections, if so required. Details of field which can not be edited are mentioned below.
24. Information entered in the application form can be changed during the "Edit Window". However, following fields in the application form shall remain non-editable:
• Name of the Candidate
• Email ID
• Nationality
• Test City
25. No editing in information provided shall be permissible in the application form, once edit window is over.
26. NBEMS disclaims any liability that may arise due to incorrect information provided by the candidate during online application form submission.
27. NBEMS does not edit /modify/alter any information entered by the candidates at the time of online submission of application form under any circumstances.
28. Subsequent to closure of edit window, deficiency related to images uploaded in the application form shall be communicated to concerned candidates. Deficiency related to images uploaded (photograph, Signatures, Thumb Impression) can be corrected during the final edit window i.e. 22nd October to 24th October 2021.
29. Candidates who fail to submit duly completed applications with requisite documents and/or fail to rectify the deficiencies in their applications by the last date prescribed for rectification shall be declared ineligible. Admit Card shall not be issued to candidates who are declared ineligible. In such cases, the entire fees will be forfeited.
Summary of Steps in Online Application Form Submission
30. The following sequence shall be observed while filing the online application form:
• Fill the user registration form to generate User ID/Application ID and Password.
• User ID and Password will be sent through SMS and Email.
. Complete the application form and upload your Photograph, Scanned signature, Thumb impression & Prescribed documents.
• Choose your Test City and pay Examination Fee
• Agree to the declaration and Submit Application
• Take a print out of the filled Application form with Transaction ID printed on it for records

Result & Counseling for NEET SS 2021

Candidates placed at the 50th percentile or above shall be declared as qualified in NEET-SS in their respective specialty.
The result for NEET-SS 2021 will be declared by 30th November 2021. The result shall be available at NBEMS website: https://
3. The score card shall be available for download to the candidates through applicant login using NBEMS ID and Password.
4. There will be NO re-evaluation or rechecking or re-totaling. Requests forre-evaluation/re-totaling shall not be entertained.
The validity of the result of NEET-SS 2021 shall be only for the current admission session i.e. 2021-22 admission session for DM/ M.Ch and DrNB Super Specialty courses and cannot be carried forward for the next session of admissions for DM/MCh and DrNB Super Specialty courses.
Kindly note that the registration of admissions for DM/M.Ch courses is governed by Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000 issued by Medical Council of India with prior approval of Central Government and the Judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
6. TIE BREAKER CRITERIA: In the event of candidates obtaining the same score for a particular super specialty group, the following tie-breaking criteria will be applied to determine inter-se merit in descending order of application till a unique inter-se merit is determined for all such candidates:
A. Candidate having greater number of correct responses in the question paper will be placed at a better merit position.
B. Candidate having lesser number of negative responses in the question paper will be placed at a better merit position.
C. Older candidate will be placed at a better merit position.
D. Candidate securing higher aggregate marks (in percentage) in all MBBS Professional Examinations will be placed at a better merit position
NBEMS shall declare Group wise merit list i.e. there will be a separate merit list for each Super Specialty Group. There shall not be any equating/scaling and normalization. The merit shall be generated strictly on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate and application of the prescribed tie breaking criteria.
Candidates securing 50th percentile or more in each super specialty group specific merit list shall be declared as qualified.
A.There shall be a common counseling for all Superspecialty seats (DM, MCh and DrNB Super specialty) of NEET-SS 2021 at National Level to be conducted by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of India. A notification regarding the common counseling is placed at Annexure-"D". NBEMS shall not entertain queries pertaining to counseling and allotment of seats.
B.Candidates who are declared qualified in the Question Paper of particular group(s) and registering for participation in the common counseling shall be allowed to exercise as many choices of superspecialty courses covered in said group(s) for which their broad specialty qualification is an eligible feeder. Superspecialty seats shall be allocated strictly in accordance with the Superspecialty group specific merit position. For Eg. A General Medicine candidate who is declared qualified in the question paper of Medical Group will be able to choose from all available seats in the superspecialty subjects covered in the Medical Group.
C.For Schedule/FAQs and scheme of counselling, please visit Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) website The Email ID for queries relating to counseling in Superspecialty is
D.Candidates are advised to retain the mobile number and email ID used for the registration of NEET-SS 2021 application till the completion of counseling process as the same email ID and mobile number shall be used by Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) for the purpose of counseling also.
Candidates may visit the website of the National Medical Commission for details of DM/MCh seats offered and National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences website for DrNB seats offered in various super specialty courses.
10. Reservation: As per judgment of the Constitution Bench of Supreme Court of India Writ Petition (C) No. 350 of 1998, there is no reservation of seats for super specialty DM/M.Ch. courses.
Candidates may visit website of the Medical Counseling Committee and National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences for DrNB seats available in various super specialty courses for 2021 admission session.

For any query, please contact NBEMS at 011-45593000 or write to NBEMS at its Communication Web Portal

To view the official notice, click on the following link:


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