DCI issues advisory for dental colleges on uploading details of BDS, MDS, PG Diploma admissions

Published On 2024-10-13 10:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-13 10:31 GMT

New Delhi: Through a recent notice, the Dental Council of India (DCI) has released an advisory for dental colleges regarding admissions to BDS /MDS/ PG Diploma Courses.

In the advisory to the Principal/Head of all the Dental Colleges, the Executive Committee of the DCI referred to its observation and stated that in its meeting held on 21.09.2024 has observed that there have been instances, where colleges prematurely upload the details of the students on the DCI portal without completing the actual admission process at their college OR when such student is actually admitted in some other dental colleges, which not only leads to distress the students but also creates confusion for the DCI and for the colleges where the students are genuinely enrolled.

The Executive Committee has also observed that in case of cancellation/discontinuation of course by a student, the college is not informing to the Council timely to delete his/her name from the DCI portal, the council said.

Accordingly,  in order to combat with the problems being faced by the concerned students, colleges and the DCI, it has been decided as under:-

All the dental colleges in the country be directed to upload the details of only the bonafide student on DCI portal after verifying the eligibility and selection criteria prescribed in DCI regulations including


(i) valid allotment letter issued by the concerned counseling authority

(ii) valid fee receipt issued by the concerned college and

(iii) consent of admission by the student on judicial stamp paper, failing which the DCI shall take necessary action against the college as per norms.

It further mentioned, " all the dental colleges be also directed to intimate this Council within 15 days about cancellation/discontinuation/discharge of any student from the college, failing which, appropriate action shall be taken under the provision of Dentists Act and Regulations made there under"

The above decision of the Executive Committee is communicated for information and strictly compliance.

To view the official Notice, Click here :  https://medicaldialogues.in/pdf_upload/n101024055033516-256387.pdf


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