MP: 2 senior resident doctors take photo inside OT of GG Hospital, sent on leave

Published On 2023-09-13 08:30 GMT   |   Update On 2023-09-13 08:31 GMT

Jamnagar: Two senior resident doctors of a GG Hospital attached to MP Shah Government Medical College in Gujarat's Jamnagar have been asked to go on leave pending inquiry after their photograph inside an operation theatre with a patient lying in the background went viral.

In the picture, two senior resident doctors can be seen posing while the background shows a patient, whose face is not seen, lying on the operating table, officials said.

The concerned patient had undergone neurosurgery for the removal of a clot in her brain in the operation theatre at GG Hospital attached to MP Shah Government Medical College.

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“With the photograph going viral, the two doctors were sent on a week-long leave pending inquiry by a committee formed for the purpose,” said Dr Nandini Desai, dean of college attached to the hospital where the incident occurred.


The report will be prepared in one day and the inquiry will be based on the aspects of ethics and whether the clause of confidentiality was violated.

The two doctors in question are former students of MP Shah Medical College who are serving as senior residents. They were in the operation theatre to assist a neurosurgeon performing the operation, Dr Desai said.

Senior residents are doctors who after completing their post-graduation, work as trainers at the institute for a year, Dr Desai said, adding that the photograph came to the notice of authorities on Tuesday.

While there is no separate neurosurgery department at the hospital, private specialist doctors offer their service under the “Chief Minister Services of Experts at Treatment Unit (CM-SETU)” under the public-private partnership (PPP) model, the dean added.

Superintendent of GG Hospital, Dr Deepak Tiwari, said while two doctors posed for the photograph, some unidentified persons circulated the same on social media.

“They got their photograph with the patient in the background clicked out of excitement of working hard and saving the patient. Prima facie, this warrants an inquiry on the issue of ethics. The patient cannot be identified in the photograph,” he said.

Article Source : with inputs

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