NIMS doctor duped of Rs 2.58 lakh by cyber fraudster

Published On 2023-08-18 05:58 GMT   |   Update On 2023-08-18 05:58 GMT

Hyderabad: A Hyderabad-based doctor was duped of Rs 2.58 lakh in a case of online fraud on an e-classifieds portal while trying to sell an electric chair. 

The 38-year-old doctor working at the Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) posted an electric chair for sale through an e-classifieds portal. A person called Jitendra Sharma expressed interest in buying the product and introduced himself as a furniture shop owner from Kukatpally.   

Also Read:Vadodara-based Unani doctor booked for duping patient of Rs 3.5 lakh

The doctor made a deal with Sharma and decided to sell the chair for Rs 28,000. A cyber-crime police official said, "The fraudster sent a QR code to the victim asking him to scan it to receive the amount. The doctor scanned it, but money was debited from his account." 

When the doctor called Sharma to inform him about the money that he lost, the latter made him scan another QR code promising to return the money. However, the doctor lost more money after scanning the QR code, reports the Times of India.  


The doctor refused to scan further QR codes following which Sharma stopped contacting him. The cyber crime police officials have registered a cheating case against the accused. 

Medical Dialogues team had earlier reported another incident of cyber fraud in which a 28-year-old doctor from Maharashtra's Thane city allegedly lost more than Rs 1.9 lakh to cyber fraudsters while buying cosmetics on an online application. The complainant placed an order for cosmetics on an application on July 22 and received a call and message about an offer. The woman allegedly lost Rs 1.92 lakh in six transactions through various e-wallets after the caller told her that she is eligible to receive a gift on her purchase if she makes online transactions. 

Also Read:Thane doctor loses more than Rs 1.9 lakh to cyber fraudsters after buying cosmetics online

Article Source : with inputs

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