'One Duty Room is Insufficient': Allahabad HC directs SRN Hospital to submit Affidavit for Separate Female Doctors' Duty Rooms

Published On 2024-09-24 06:46 GMT   |   Update On 2024-09-24 06:46 GMT

Prayagraj: While hearing a suo-moto public interest litigation regarding infrastructure at Swaroop Rani Nehru (SRN) Hospital, the Allahabad High Court raised serious concerns over the absence of dedicated duty rooms for female doctors in several key departments. 

Referring to the issue of the nonavailability of duty room for female doctors, the division bench of Justice Manoj Kumar Gupta and Justice Manish Kumar Nigam instructed the Superintendent-in-Chief, Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital, Prayagraj to file an affidavit regarding a plan for the construction of separate duty rooms for female doctors in departments where they are not available.

"We notice that although there are several wards in some departments, there is only one duty room, which may not be sufficient to cater to the requirements. We would require an additional affidavit from the Superintendent in-Chief, Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital, Prayagraj in respect of the above aspect and also regarding the plan for construction of separate duty rooms for female doctors in departments where not available," observed the court. 


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During the proceedings, the Court was informed that there are 30 duty rooms available for doctors across different departments. However, it was admitted by the hospital administration that some critical departments, such as Pulmonary, E.N.T., and Surgery (Emergency), still do not have separate restrooms for female doctors.

Further, the hospital's Superintendent-in-Chief revealed in his affidavit that restrooms in some departments, such as Surgery, have been repaired and are now functional and each restroom has an attached washroom.

Taking note of the facts presented by the superintendent-in-chief, the Court noted that one duty room per department is insufficient given the large number of wards in several departments. As, a result, It has directed the hospital administration to submit a further affidavit with a detailed plan to ensure that adequate facilities are provided to female doctors.

Additionally, the state government, represented by the Principal Secretary of Medical Education, assured the court that efforts were being made to address the stray dog problem within the hospital premises. 40 new security guards, including nine armed personnel, have been deployed to improve security.

The case is scheduled for further hearing on 21st October 2024. 

To view the official court order click on the link below: 


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